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Where do I go from here?

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    Where do I go from here?

    Hi, I feel like crap, I was supposed to go to a wedding this weekend and couldn't face it. And it wasn't an alcohol related problem, To explain, my fiancee has a female friend, her husband is in gaol for growing pot, as is her son. He had invited her to the wedding and didn't tell me, I have nothing against her personally, but feel hurt that he didn't tell me, so I didnt go to the wedding, which I know makes me look like a jealous bitch, maybe I am, but the hurt still feels the same. I have been honest with him in regards to the drinking, and I'm doing my best, I haven't held back with telling him, and confiding in him, even when I knew he'd be angry, but he didn't confide in me, Now I'm a mess, help me please.
    :thanks: :h

    Where do I go from here?

    Hi jasmin, if it was me, i would talk to him and get it all out in the open. Your concerns, your upset, your anger, everything. Let him know how you feel Its worth it, isn't it?


      Where do I go from here?

      Hi Jasmin....
      Your boyfriend's a dick...who goes inviting other women to functions... not to mention inviting them and not telling you:durn:
      Doesnt he know it would be difficult enough for you to be on the wagon at a wedding ...let alone faced with a third party tagging along... and a needy girley third party at that! :yuk:
      I would be furious!!!!! and he'ld be lucky to make out of the house alive if he were with me.
      Your the one that needs his support. Her son and her husband in gaol ....sounds a real charmer..
      I'm angry for you hun (as you might be able to tell)
      You keep being strong, sounds to me like he's testing you out.
      I'm here for you sister :goodluck:
      Victoria xxooxx


        Where do I go from here?

        I have to agree...I'd be pissed to. Tell him how you feel, that was shitty.


          Where do I go from here?

          Jas, I don't understand why he felt the need to invite her. Your his girlfriend and I would assume most know this and would expect him to bring you. If she were wanted at this wedding I would assume she would have recieved her own invataion. She sound to me as if she doesn't have any repect for your relationship. Keep your eye on her.
          Just my way of thinking


            Where do I go from here?

            He's your fiancee!!!! Could be fate ringing the warning bells! You have every right to ask for a full explanation. If he thinks he can get away with this now Lord knows what he might try to get away with later. You 2 need to discuss and resolve this situation now and he should understand the ground rules in future!
            A BushBaby with Attitude


              Where do I go from here?

              Exactly-fiance. No other woman ought to be in the picture. And by not telling you sounds fishy.....Makes you sound smart not jealous or bitchy.
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Where do I go from here?

                Hi Jasmin,

                Why did he invite her would be my first question to him, then why was it not discussed with you before the invitation given? As a couple she should have been invited by you both if she was welcome which she clearly wasn't by you.

                No you do not sound jealous or bitchy to me, you sound hurt to the core. Does this woman know that you didn't know he had invited her? Perhaps she is not aware of that and thinks you were in agreement? Sounds like he is playing games, power ones, if you let this go you will be setting the tone for the future.

                Just talking to you Woman to Woman/ Drinker to Drinker. Take care.

                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                  Where do I go from here?

                  Thanx everyone for your support. I'm feeling a bit better today, and yes I've tried to explain to him how hurt I feel, but he's just tried to turn it around on me. He's a deceiful coward, and yes, accepting this, after all the hell he's already given me, would be plain stupid, so I'm going through the hurt, and just glad that I didn't move to live with him, and glad now I know the truth. He's a loser.
                  :thanks: :h


                    Where do I go from here?

                    Good on ya lass. Hang in there. You deserve the best. Look forward to seeing more of your posts. Have a great week.:l
                    A BushBaby with Attitude


                      Where do I go from here?

                      Hi again Jasmin, have a wee look at Seahorse's post 'why do I feel so alone'. Keep it in mind...

                      Take extra special care of YOU, you are lovely.

                      Lorna xx
                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

