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Army thread Monday 13th May

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    Army thread Monday 13th May

    InChains;1505193 wrote: referred to by all who know them as 'animals', no way we can touch them, cant even put their names in a statement, police are doing what they can but i've had to give up getting my work back sadly. was in shock a couple of days, still trying to avoid thinking too much about it or I think I would cry
    Crying would be totally understandable Inchy- bad enough losing the lappie but your work also is just awful.


      Army thread Monday 13th May

      cant prove it until they search them, can't search 'em without good reason, can't give their names or we're gonna have alot worse than a break in

      and not broken into zen, windows broken (found out later it was apparently because i'm a 'dirty goth'... lovely) and general vandalism.

      re the work, i got my new laptop, its better than the old one, but replacing a machine is only a fraction, lost all my photos, stories i've written, music, art... it's most of my life on there, really
      I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

      To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



        Army thread Monday 13th May

        Howyiz !
        Just reading through there.

        Janey - ALL human life is on this thread - that's for sure
        :l to one & all :l


          Army thread Monday 13th May

          My life is a dream compared to what some of ye are going through.
          Worst I've to contend with todate : a moany daughter & mother:H

          oh and a husband I've christened Victor Meldrew :thumbs:


            Army thread Monday 13th May

            Guy in work wants to rent a van JC and do free mammograms :H:H
            A public service says he !!


              Army thread Monday 13th May

              satz123;1505210 wrote: My life is a dream compared to what some of ye are going through.
              Worst I've to contend with todate : a moany daughter & mother:H

              oh and a husband I've christened Victor Meldrew :thumbs:

              Was thinkin same meself Satz, Ive a tendancy to feel down but have no genuine reason for it, just need a good kick in the rear end methinks.


                Army thread Monday 13th May

                mollyka;1505195 wrote: Course I'm not mad at you - just know how important it is to me not to keep shit in my head - that's all!!! And I'm thrilled you're alright!!
                Joe was talking bout me at Aftercare last week and saying how well I was managing the Joey thing - and part of it he says something about how proud he is of me being selfish bout my sobriety -- I thought he was talkin horseshite just to fill the moment - but the facilitators thought it was WONDERFUL:H:H - so must be gooooood!!!!!
                There is selfish, and then there is selfish... Mollymoo. A big part of the reason they tell us that being selfish is OK is that us addicts/alkies are used to giving people the shirts of our backs and expecting nowt in return. So when they're telling "us" to be selfish, really what they are saying is stop setting the bar so low and stand up for some decent treatment for yourselves... set the bar beyotches! :l

                I reckon Joe got as much out of rehab as you did my dear...


                  Army thread Monday 13th May

                  mollyka;1505216 wrote: :H benefit-in-kind:H

                  D'ya'know - until this latest bit of drama I was thinkin the same myself, was sometimes worried that when a hiccup did arise - would I cope with it without resorting - or wanting to resort to the oul 'quick fix' -- if nothing else I can honestly say a drink was the last thing on my mind in the last week - literally - and that's deffo a positive!!!
                  On that note - I'm taking myself and my womanflu to bed - goodnight lovies - and I'll talk tomorrow - Howth again so I'll have an early start!! And thanks again for those lovely posts earlier on on the thread - they really meant a lot to me!!!
                  Nighters Molls :l


                    Army thread Monday 13th May

                    night molly

                    hoe one day to get to the point you're at, fell off the wagon this week, hoping to quit again soon, couldn't cope with build up of pressure at home, reconsidering counselling/help to try and learn how to deal with the drama at home, if anybody can tell me how haha
                    I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                    To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                      Army thread Monday 13th May

                      satz123;1505214 wrote: Guy in work wants to rent a van JC and do free mammograms :H:H
                      A public service says he !!

                      Ah jaysus!

                      He'll have no helpers around these parts unless the lads decide it's time to do some community work... :new:


                        Army thread Monday 13th May

                        InChains;1505221 wrote: night molly

                        hoe one day to get to the point you're at, fell off the wagon this week, hoping to quit again soon, couldn't cope with build up of pressure at home, reconsidering counselling/help to try and learn how to deal with the drama at home, if anybody can tell me how haha
                        You'll find your way Inchy for sure :l

                        Im gonna head on to leaba now folks,

                        Night all xx


                          Army thread Monday 13th May

                          Nighty nighty MollyMoo. I've just taken me pain meds and am now floating quite nicely towards the makings of real beefburgers for dinner from organic beef and blue cheese stuffing. I will see youz on the morrow and seeing as I'm so happy on my pills I will sign orf by saying that I love you all very much. :h

                          Laterz... XXX


                            Army thread Monday 13th May

                            Night Sweety... XXX


                              Army thread Monday 13th May

                              and the there was one... again haha

                              night all
                              I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                              To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.


