This is amazing stuff. Di you sound as engrossed in this as my younger sister (also called Di funnily enough!) She reakons that simple analysis of dreams through a dictionary does'nt work, she too feels it is your inner self sending a message. If you don't mind I'll pass your thoughts on to her. Very very interesting. Has everyone noticed dreams have become far more prolific since doing MWO?
No announcement yet.
who wants to analyze my dreams
who wants to analyze my dreams
This is amazing stuff. Di you sound as engrossed in this as my younger sister (also called Di funnily enough!) She reakons that simple analysis of dreams through a dictionary does'nt work, she too feels it is your inner self sending a message. If you don't mind I'll pass your thoughts on to her. Very very interesting. Has everyone noticed dreams have become far more prolific since doing MWO?A BushBaby with Attitude
who wants to analyze my dreams
HI Elizabeth..I can recommend some awesome books if your sister is interested.
I do find that I dream much more prolifically when I'm undergoing changes or when I'm in transitional phases in my life. I journal them...once you start paying attention to them, you tend to exercise the 'access' muscle and are able to recall them much more. We are always dreaming..but most of us just don't turn the dial to the 'dream channel', so to speak. I also think it's important to remember that the dreams are not coming from something other than one's deeper self which transcends the personality and language, which is why images (symbols) are the language of our dreams.
who wants to analyze my dreams more thing that is important to note...symbol IS the language of our dreams so everything in your dreams really is symbolic of something and you are the best interpreter of it..there are some symbols that tend to be universal, but one has to use their own discernment...look for colors, time of day, feelings of the dream...also, the 'observer' of the dream is usually the is really very cool when the 'observer' becomes observes..I had a 'numinous' dream once where I shifted from two aspects of myself. I saw it as a sign that much work was being done that showed me that my ego is moving from serving only itself to serving my highest self..or my christ self, so to speak..occassionally we'll have one like that and it is a true gift that stays with you always.
who wants to analyze my dreams
Ok guys......
I had a dream this morning or last night. I think it was closer to morning as that is when I seem to dream the most. My hubby gets up at 4:00 am and goes out of the house so I think some part of me enjoys the silent room!A snorer!
The dream... I went and bought myself a red convertiable and brought it home and left it in the driveway. I didn't tell my hubby and had a real case of dread about telling him.
Oh...and my former pastor was on the phone whispering ....
I see all kinds of messages here but just thought I would see what yours are!
:h Nancy"Be still and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10
who wants to analyze my dreams
This is something I posted before down in "what we believe"...
I found this site on the meaning of things in our dreams. I thougth it was interesting. There are many more if you go to the site.Materials from Dream Language, by Jim and Michal Ann Goll, copyright 2006 used by permission of Destiny Image Publishers, 167 Walnut Bottom Road, Shippenshburg, PA 17257 ACID - Bitter, offense, carrying a grudge, hatred, sarcasm.
ALLIGATOR - Ancient, evil out of the past (through inherited or personal sin), danger, destruction, evil spirit.
ALTAR - A symbol for sacrifice and for incense.
ANCHOR - Representation of safety and hope.
ARM - Represents God's power and strength.
ARMOR - A symbol of warfare.
ASHES - Memories, repentance, ruin, destruction.
AUTOMOBILE - Life, person, ministry.
AUTUMN - End, completion, change, repentance.
AXE - Represents warfare and judgment.
BABY - New beginning, new idea, dependent, helpless, innocent, sin.
BALANCE(S) - Represents judgment.
BARN - Symbol for blessings.
BAT - Witchcraft, unstable, flighty, fear.
BEARD - Represents old age and wisdom.
BEAVER - Industrious, busy, diligent, clever, ingenious.
BED - Rest, salvation, meditation, intimacy, peace, covenant (marriage, natural or evil), self-made.
BICYCLE - Works, works of the flesh, legalism, self-righteousness, working out life's difficulties, messenger.
BIRD - Symbol of spirits, good or evil, see the parable of Jesus on the birds.
BLACK - Symbol of famine and death.
BLOOD - Symbol for sacrifice and for life (life is in the blood).
BLUE - Symbol of Heaven.
BOW - Usually represents judgment.
BREAD - Represents life. BRICK - Represents slavery and human effort."Be still and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10
who wants to analyze my dreams is my initial response to your dream...if it were my dream I would see the car as a symbol for how I'm proceeding through represents passion for me, or even strong emotions..could even be some anger..I would aks myself if my anger was propelling me or motivating me in any way (could be positive or negative)..I would ask myself how I felt about the car. Your husband, most likely being a symbol for your masculine side and very often, shows up (in waking and dreaming life) as the 'critic'..the voice within that says, "what the heck are you buying a red convertible for? irresponsibe...blah, blah
The priest also represents your 'animus' (masculine side) ...being a spiritual guide..looking after your higher self..he may be saying 'go for it'..this is good and you need your 'red' to get through life. The question seems to be, 'who are you going to listen to'? If our animus is not will exert itself negatively...and is often critical..overly can just say, 'thank you for sharing', but I would like to talk with my priest..and ask the priest what you should do.
....this is if it were my dream. :0)
who wants to analyze my dreams
oh, and Southernbelle..remember that the 'animus' isn't good or bad, but needs to be acknowledged and integrated into your 'self' in order for you to grow, for example, I need a good strong healthy animus to put my art out into the world..many of my dreams deal with the animus...I've found that I don't trust it always, and it has cost me. I'm learning to trust it, and as I do so, I don't hear the 'critic' as much.
who wants to analyze my dreams
Wow. Dreams. Two days and nights produced very weird dreams for me. Maybe they have been weird for a while but I am now remembering them. And OhMyGod - what the heck is going on in my brain? There was so much weird stuff last night, I don't even know where to begin. Only thing I can clearly see is that I got some stuff I must feel strongly about and it is manifesting itself in bizarre dreams!!!! Cause me and Teri Hatcher don't usually hang out together and discuss our pregnancies.....very strangeHawk
who wants to analyze my dreams
Hawk..LOL...I hAd a dream once where I was a business partner with Paula Abdule...we sat around a conference table and I took a call from a client...she was obviously a 'senior' partner in our relationship..she was 'coaching' to speak on the call...I thought of American Idol..and considered that she may represent the shadow side of me that has always wanted to dance..she had the confidence to do it, but I was was a very enlightening dream and I felt blessed to be able to interpret it with deeper meanings.
who wants to analyze my dreams
Oh My God Di - I must want to be a Desperate Housewife!!! Wait a minute.....I already am a desperate housewife.....
It was just so bizarre - and that was just one part of it. There were like 3 other equally weird scenarios going on simultaneously. And I repeat, no wine since Friday....
I'm glad you got something out of yours that is meaningful. I wish I could get something out of mine. At least something I might understand!Hawk
who wants to analyze my dreams
hey Belle...If it were my dream, i would really doubt that it had anything to do with my husband..he often shows up in my dreams, but I know it's about me...I think you may be holding yourself back from driving that little red corvette..metaphorically speaking, that is. We often project those kinds of things onto our mates. hmm??