We all know it, and I'm not sure why I had to write this thread right now. I suffer from depression, prob always have but it's been worse in the last few years.
I used to drink to make it better, or so I thought. Vodka will help... and more vodka... and that got me into this crazy cycle of daily drinking and going to bed feeling like shite, waking with a hangover and doing it all over again the next day.
I was prescribed Citalopram the day I walked into the doctors and begged for help to get me out of this crazy mess. That was also the day I packed in medicating myself with vodka.
Over 2 years sober now and just wanted to try life without ADs. I felt ready to give it a go, so I tapered off them...
Much like alcohol, the first 2 weeks were horrid. Withdrawals from ADs is vile, I know not everyone has them, but I did, and so bad I just wanted to open the new pack and take them again....
After 2 weeks it started it get a bit easier. Not so bad physically, but emotionally I'm struggling at times. Not wanting to give in without a fight (because I am a hard faced cow) I'm really trying to adjust to this new life without..
I'm finding things OK during the week but its the weekend evenings when things seem to fall apart. I've got into a pattern of getting really down on Saturday evenings and just ending up in a mess. Having identified this I'm making a plan for each time I think I might have a meltdown. Tonight's is to watch a DVD. But i've felt it building all afternoon, the pressure inside my head like I just want to scream and scream...
I feel like all my old coping strategies have been taken away. ADs. Alcohol. Sleeping tablets. Codeine. Even ripping my nails to shreds.....I feel really vulnerable right now. And I can't even go play my cello cos I've sprained my bloody wrist doing something else I love, ice skating!
Not sure whether anyone else can relate to this. I've got a meds review this week where I will have to talk honestly and frankly to my GP about how things are going. I am so unsure, but the fight in me is not ready to give up yet.
Written with much love