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Army Thread Sunday May 19th

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    Army Thread Sunday May 19th

    Morning army

    I woke up early, so took the opportunity to go for a wander up the lane while no-one was about. A pleasant start to the day. Then a couple of coffees and a catch up of last night's thread. My plans for the day include some basic grocery shopping shortly, some more cleaning/tidying/organising and following the footy (it's the final day of the premiership season :upset.

    Wishing the very best of luck to whizzy and arsey in the Windermere looks as though conditions will be quite good.

    Great to hear that Mr JC is ok and able to wiggle his toes. As a compulsive toe wiggler myself, I know how important it is to be able to wiggle one's toes!

    Hope you're ok peapants, it must have been a big shock for you yesterday. :l

    Enjoy your Sunday folks.

    Army Thread Sunday May 19th

    Morning Reccie and all to come. Its dull and cool so far here. Going to church at 10 and then an afternoon AA meeting. Got somer cleaning/tidying to do as well that i didn't finish yesterday as i was too tired. Just chill and watch tv/read for the evening. So thats the plan for sunday so far. Enjoy the football Reccie i'm not a fan. First coffee of the day and then shower and get ready to head out. awprint::cat::cupajoe:


      Army Thread Sunday May 19th

      Morning foxy

      Just got back from the supermarket...minus shopping. When I got there, the car park was eerily quiet and then I remembered that they don't open till 10am on Sunday.


        Army Thread Sunday May 19th

        Hello to Reccie & FF and all the army folk. I want to apologise for disappearing without a word. Back trying to get a handle on things before they spiral completely off of the scale.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Army Thread Sunday May 19th

          KTAB;1507588 wrote: Hello to Reccie & FF and all the army folk. I want to apologise for disappearing without a word. Back trying to get a handle on things before they spiral completely off of the scale.
          Welcome back ktab...
          I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

          They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


            Army Thread Sunday May 19th

            Thank you Pingu.
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              Army Thread Sunday May 19th

              Good morning Wreccie, Pings, Foxy, Tabbers and all to come

              Best wishes to mrsa and Arsey!

              Now for a coffee or two.
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army Thread Sunday May 19th

                Welcome back tabbers. Wishing good luck to rc and whizzy at the marathon today. Hi Pingu and Tipps. Just goiing to have a boiled egg and toast for brekkie then in to the shower. Have a good sunday catch youse later:wavin:


                  Army Thread Sunday May 19th

                  That's better... Starting to feel more human.

                  Have to go fecking shopping again. This time for MIL She didn't get round to it yesterday.
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread Sunday May 19th

                    Good morning Reccybear, Foxyloxy, KTabbers, Pinguuuuuuu, Tippperooo.

                    Lovely to see you KT. Are you a man with a plan?

                    The patient spend a quiet night and decided to start texting me at 7am cos he was hungry and waiting for his brekkie. Seems apart from the wonkie leg every thing's back to normal. All he can think of is his stomach.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Sunday May 19th

                      JackieClaire;1507602 wrote: Good morning Reccybear, Foxyloxy, KTabbers, Pinguuuuuuu, Tippperooo.

                      Lovely to see you KT. Are you a man with a plan?

                      The patient spend a quiet night and decided to start texting me at 7am cos he was hungry and waiting for his brekkie. Seems apart from the wonkie leg every thing's back to normal. All he can think of is his stomach.
                      Ah BRILLIANT JC !:h yup- once they eat all is well imo

                      Tabbers welcome back -did you hear me calling you home yesterday ???:l


                        Army Thread Sunday May 19th

                        Morning Mollymoo and Satzuma,

                        Now I know I can ask yous anything at my time of need. Will one of you take the dog out for a walk and get the papers while yer there. It's pissing down.

                        Oh and Satz, remember I stayed at Temple Bar my first time in Dubbers and I really liked it.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Sunday May 19th

                          mollyka;1507604 wrote:

                          Oh well, that is BRILLLIANT!!! When they're being all compliant and quiet it's a worry --- lookin for brekkie ---- that's deffo recovery!!!!!

                          Just a word for Benjy if/when she comes along this morning - please don't get gloomy bout Swindon - it's only a 'place' ffs - don't matter if it's the most wonderful or the worst city on earth - it's what you make of the few days - you can go with positive attitude anywhere and you'll get enjoyment out of it. Cheer up honey and maybe take the few days as a bit of 'me' time - you know, no family to be pandered to etc. -- pack your bag and just 'decide' - 'I'm going to make this as good as I can' --- and you may surprise yourself:l
                          Thanks Molls - if yer know me - you know I will do exactly that. Just hate to be discommoded (think that's a word - my mother uses it all the time so it must be ?) 'specially in this early stages of the 'ol sober malarkey.

                          The news that there is a shopping outlet nearby - has cheered me no end. Taxi there will be on the cards - and feck Noseyhole et al :H they can stay in the bar !


                            Army Thread Sunday May 19th

                            Hello ladies, yeah I have a plan, taper down then just stop, simples.
                            JC regards to Mr JC, tell him I said hello.
                            Benji I must be septic eh/ heard your voice calling through the ether.
                            Molly dear I couldnt agree more about where happiness comes from.
                            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                              Army Thread Sunday May 19th

                              mollyka;1507606 wrote: Achully - as a continuum of previous post - when we were going to Tenerife in March we had to stay the first night in Los Cristianos cos we'd to get an early ferry the next day - and we were initially both a bit horrified cos we'd heard it was AWFUL -- but we just decided to make the best of it - we had a great day/night - and yeah - it was a bit of a shit-hole - full of tattoed men in socks and sandals etc. - but we really really enjoyed 'ourselves' --- happiness can come from 'inside' - don't matter where you are xxx
                              Ah FFS Molls - you'll be tree hugging next :H:H
                              No seriuosly thanks for caring - I know you are right of course. Was again vying for ATTENION :egad:
                              Socks and sandals are big for Summer/ Autumn collections - tell Joe quick !!:H

