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Army Thread Sunday May 19th

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    Army Thread Sunday May 19th

    I don't have to go do housewifey stuff but I'd better go eat something.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Sunday May 19th

      Back from Windermere, just had a lovely bath and 3000 calories of food.

      Lovely to meet up with RC what a star runner:goodjob:

      Will read back properly in a bit!

      Did hear about Peapants gran. Hope you are OK? You were a lovely grandaughter


        Army Thread Sunday May 19th

        Back from Windymare too - shower and plates of food ... ehm, but not at same time.

        And twas very lovely indeed to see oor whizzy again and mr a too... Aye JC, whizzy is an inspiration absolutely. A star. AND she won a prize again. Was VERY proud

        Great stuff in today's thread. Would love to get stuck in with responses, but am a bit banjaxed. Although the happiness/contentment thing is an interesting one as I have heard contentment - which is a state of peacefulness/happiness - as being a state that lacks drive. "to be content" is to not want to change, or have the desire to change something. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Indeed I'd prefer to be content, than to feel I needed to be doing more and stressing about it (which is my current modus operandi :H:H).

        Re tapering... hmmm... I think I might be in a similar boat as KT and the Doc Satz inasmuch as how much and how often I drank... I never considered tapering once I joined MWO. Just stopped. Other than a couple of nights restless sleep, I was lucky as I there wasn't really much of a withdrawal. I do feel that stopping (or tapering to stop) is fundamentally quite simple a mind set, that, by and large, requires the support of others - mwo; family; friends; docs; aa; etc etc. Once the individual's mindset is ready, the support is there, and a simple and realisable plan is in place, then success is way more likely. Just my halfpenny's thought...

        And as we all know, have read and said, each person's "problem" with AL can be, and very often is, fundamentally different from anothers. The volume of drink is not the problem actually, but the psychological hold drink has upon the individual. Molls, you asked KT the same question you asked me in DoubleInn - how much of it is habit and how much of it is something more (paraphrasing liberally there!)... I think this is a REALLY good question - certainly for me. Inchy - maybe worth you considering that question also?? As Molls says, only you will know or recognise if your reaction to AL has a genetic basis. I don't think it does for me... which is why I think the habit question is a good one. (NOT that I'm suddenly about to give up 5 months of being AF cos I thought i simply had a bad habit!!!!! Noooooooo!!!! :no

        Sweetpea :l sorry to hear about your nana, BIG ((((((hugs)))))) your way.


          Army Thread Sunday May 19th

          I am still here dearest Molly


            Army Thread Sunday May 19th

            Arsey we have just been on northwest news!!


              Army Thread Sunday May 19th

              mollyka;1507838 wrote: aaahhhh - so glad!!!! Bet you feel wonderful - does mrMrsa go to all your races?
              No and sometimes I wish he would stay at home:H


                Army Thread Sunday May 19th

                Evening all

                Somebody showed me a silly game on Facebook about a week ago and its taken over my waking hours, really need to get a grip.

                Sorry to read about your nan Sweetpea;

                Well done runners and glad Mr JC is on the mend. Need to throw myself into bed, back to the grind tomorrow for a week then a short holiday, can't wait.
                AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                  Army Thread Sunday May 19th

                  Not read back but from last couple of posts guess I've picked a bad time to say :wavin:

                  Hey ho, nighty all x
                  You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                    Army Thread Sunday May 19th

                    Hi guys,

                    Jacks... I'm glad Mr JC is hanging in there with great aplomb! :h Bet he's itching to get home... )

                    I tried to read back but I got so feckin exhausted I had to give up! It seems like there's a lot going on on the thread at the moment... and I just feel pitifully inadequate... can not compete I'm afraid, as my energy is pretty much zapped till the codeine shite is outta ma system.

                    So I'm off to watch more of the 2013 inductions to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. Now that's more my speed!!! :H

                    Be well! See you tomozz or the next day...


                      Army Thread Sunday May 19th

                      Hello Zenny
                      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                        Army Thread Sunday May 19th

                        Hi all! Have only read the last couple of posts and wanted to comment on tapering. I did it when I quit and I did it because I was drinking hard liquor everynight to pass out. I was afraid of withdrawals. I did a 7 day taper with lesser amounts each night til the seventh night I had one goodbye drink, goodbye forever to my old "friend". I know it doesn't work for many but I knew I was done with drinking at this point, I just didn't want to do a medical detox (which is what my counselor said I needed because of how much I had been drinking). Looking back it was the best for me but as I said I was done in my mind no doubt at all. I however would not recommend it unless someone knew themselves well enough to know that it was not a game to continue drinking. It was controlled and on a very short time frame.
                        AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                        Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.

