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I am 51 years old and going back to college!

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    I am 51 years old and going back to college!

    Here's the scenario:

    In part because of drinking and in part because of the economy, I have sunk very, very low on the economic totem pole. In the 90s I was making $15 an hour. My high income was pretty close to 60K in the late 90s/early 2000s. Sunk to a low in employment for a couple of years, then got a good job for 17-21 bucks an hour. Quit that job (a story for another time, perhaps), had another 18 months of pretty much 0 income, and am now at the bottom of the food chain at a job where I make $11 an hour. I dislike this job so much, that I have even entered the company as "Hell" on my cell phone, LOL!

    No one will give me a good job. I have 25 years experience in my field (graphic design, the printing and corrugated industries, teaching/public speaking and affiliated fields), but I do not have a degree. Experience used to count for something?a lot, actually?but I have found that I have been routinely passed over by people with less experience, who hold a trendier portfolio and a piece of paper in their hand.

    Because I'm over 50, I'm really, really thinking of my Twilight Years?retirement, and the end of life, and I'm realizing that if I stay on the course I'm currently on, I will die with a broken spirit, depressed, living in a box somewhere. And so, at 51, I'm going back to school.

    I am struggling with this decision! I am scared! I have questions! Am I doing the right thing?
    • Should I stay in my same field? Pros: For an Associates, I can test out of some classes, and/or work ahead and finish them early. [C'mon, they have a basics of vector graphics class, and I have used Illustrator since it hit the market in 1988!] Cons: The local market is saturated with graphic designers. (There are jobs elsewhere, and as I don't have kids, just cats and a husband who works a factory job, I could move, however.) Would anyone hire a then 53 year old?
    • If I don't stay in the same field, what do I do? Some people say "get into whatever pays", and I guess with my background that would be software engineering, but GAK! I think I'd rather poke a sharp stick in my eye. Other people say, "follow your muse". In this case, I know I enjoy 'helping professions'. Nursing is out of the question, because I wouldn't be able to deal with wiping butts and getting puked on. I thought of Music Therapy (my original major back in the 80s), but looked on line and found that jobs were few and far between, and oftentimes the salary was under 40K. I do love teaching, but I am somewhat allergic to kids (although have mellowed with age). If I taught in higher-ed, I'd need a Bachelors to teach community college, and a Masters to teach at the University level. Now I'm 56 years old.Do I take multiple majors? I love writing, I love teaching, and I'm thinking of going for ESL (English as a second language) with Espa?ol as my second language. Just saw a piece on CBS news about how MANY Americans are retiring in Equador. USD is the currency. Cost of living is extremely low. There are major universities there...they need ESL teachers...or maybe another Spanish-speaking country...

    I could ramble more about my fears, indecisions, and questions. There are SO many people in my life who are NOT
    supporting my decision to go back to school, and I am direly hoping that I am making the right choice.

    What do you guys think?
    "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

    —William A. Ward

    I am 51 years old and going back to college!

    Hi Nichau! I think school is an excellent idea! Never stop learning! Teaching would be a good way to go - Art teaching, Art history, Graphics Design, etc. By the way, I don't think you necessarily need a degree to teach in a private school. Public schools, yes.

    You've been going about this the same way for a long time with no joy and no lasting success. It makes sense to me to change things up a bit, yes?

    Here is a website that will tell you the careers that will be in demand for the next few years: In the year 2016: The 30 fastest-growing jobs -
    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


      I am 51 years old and going back to college!


      I am 56 and after 15 years, I quit my job two years ago.

      I have been trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, too.

      In my case, since my last career does not have any options where I live, and I have to stay here for personal reasons, I am shooting for a certificate in an area of interest. I already have my BS.

      I think many employers look at education differently today than in the past. Especially in the technical field. Certifications are more important than general education.

      If software engineering would be like poking your eye out, I would avoid that. Just sayin'


      AF April 9, 2016


        I am 51 years old and going back to college!

        Hello Nichau,

        I can understand your frustration about not being able to find a good job due to not having a degree, and here are my two cents: I like your first idea of being able to breeze through an associates' program in graphic design, and A LOT of colleges use experience as credit hours toward your degree, whether it be an associate's or a bachelor's. At 52 and a female (I include this fact because I get PMs asking me if I'm male or female), I've had SEVERAL careers. I have a master's degree and it's gotten my foot in the door of places I wouldn't have been able to without it. From my experience, when you're competing with people who have bachelor's degrees, an associate's degree doesn't mean squat in many fields. BUT, I do have a suggestion for you where you wouldn't need a bachelor's degree, and would maybe satisfy your desire to be in a "helping" field. My neighbor is 56 and she doesn't have an associate's or bachelor's degree, but she is an interpreter for the deaf and works as an independent contractor and she loves it!!! She makes between $18-$38/hr., and her clients are mostly hospitals. Learning American Sign Language would be pretty easy and inexpensive to do, and believe me, there is a HUGE demand for it. Her deaf clients and their clients (the deaf individuals) are soooo grateful and appreciative of her work because she is kind, patient, and mature. You might be really good at it. Please feel to PM me. Keep us posted!

        PS. I've also worked in HR and as a headhunter, so I'm happy to help any way I can.


          I am 51 years old and going back to college!

          Hi Nichau

          I am 47 and am also going back to school to get my degree. I've been in my field for over 25 years and while the lack of degree hasn't hurt me, I do find that I probably could be making more money. Also, I think it would be a way to get my life moving in a positive direction and could give me something to focus on besides alcohol. I plan on meeting with an academic advisor to figure out a plan of action and will probably starl in the winter 2014 semester. We are in the middle of a major system implementation and go live is scheduled for this fall....lots of overtime so I don't want to be stressed over school and work at the same time.

          I say go for it! You don't need to make a career choice right now...just get the required courses out of the way then you can figure out what you want to least you will be moving in the right direction. Btw....I'm afraid as well but we can do this!

          Best of luck and please keep us posted!

          "The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens..don't give up"
          [COLOR=Magenta]Joyfully AF Since 1/22/14


            I am 51 years old and going back to college!

            Wow! Great comments and ideas, peeps! I feel like I have a warm hug inside the pit of my stomach.

            Siren said: "You've been going about this the same way for a long time with no joy and no lasting success. It makes sense to me to change things up a bit, yes?"

            Yes! I agree. Glad I finally figured that out!

            Cinders?great idea about the certificate. Actually, that's the first thing I'm going to do while I figure out what I'm going to do. The Graphic Design Certificate includes 14 classes plus one elective; 27 credits. Here's what they are: Typography, Graphic Design, Image Design, Vector Design, Print Production, Digital Photography, Advanced Graphic Design, Page Layout. I'm not sure what "Advanced Graphic Design" is, but I'm sure I've done whatever it teaches. Anyhoo, I will figure a way to either test out or work ahead on all of these classes, and am probably going to be taking 15+ credits, due to the simplicity. All these classes transfer to the regular graphic design program, too.

            Figuring I can get a 4.0 (or whatever the scale is now?I've seen 4.5 or something somewhere) in my schooling, that'd probably open up more grant opportunities for me, too. I'm also interested in assistant teaching and/or being a 'helper' in class. Would make it more interesting for me.

            Rusty: I have never even thought about ASL. I'm very visually oriented, like helping people, and am good with language. What a great idea! I'll probably be PM-ing you at some point...thank you for the offer/advice! P.S. I already know how to 'say' "music", "drunk", "clouds", "dancing", and "bullshit" in sign language. I'm already on my way, LOL!

            (And then there's my dream to engineer in a music studio...probably should get my own set up and working first by trial and error, though.)

            Thanks all for your thoughts...hope others chide in, too!

            "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

            —William A. Ward


              I am 51 years old and going back to college!

              moving on

              I know people who are very successful without a college degree. They just got in early and developed experience, people learned what they do. Can you go back to the people you used to work with for work? While a full-time job may not be possible, freelance could be. Getting a degree to me makes sense if you want to teach, otherwise I would follow Cindi's suggestion of getting certifications. As for music therapy,I heard this paid well. And with the graying of the population, I would think there would be demand for that. I think there is demand and budgets in nursing home for activities/entertainment. I wonder when you talk about low salary here that if again you are talking about full-time jobs, whereas this could work on a part-time basis.

              I think you are doing the right thing in terms of directing your attention to something positive and in a different direction.


                I am 51 years old and going back to college!


                Hey, I'm back for a bit. Cinders' idea is a great one. She's a savvy businesswoman....very successful. I am glued to her posts (she's a nice person, too!)

                I just had to jump in and add this before going out for a run. I have a young client (35) who owns his own printing/graphic design business in Sandy, UT. He doesn't have a college degree, and NONE of his 20 employees do, either.....just the schools of hard knocks for all of them. I also wanted to mention that going into teaching in fields that are not specialized (like deaf/blind) might not be the best move. Around here (Wisconsin, and also in Illinois) teaching jobs are really hard to find because so many schools are closing. My two cents: stick with what you know....and if you're AF, you'll have the confidence to seriously kick *ss! Who cares if you're 51? I'm told I don't look like I'm 52....and Lord knows, I don't act like it either. Hmmm.....maybe that's why I had a hard time holding onto a job when I was in my 20s and 30s.:H

                Keep posting and here's a huge (((((HUG))))) for you. I'm proud of your courage.:goodjob:


                  I am 51 years old and going back to college!

                  Nichau;1507732 wrote:

                  (And then there's my dream to engineer in a music studio...probably should get my own set up and working first by trial and error, though.)
                  Hi Nichau,

                  Do it, do it! Going back to study is a great idea, not essential, but a positive direction to be thinking in. I have my own home studio set-up. Recording gear is inexpensive these days, and I get excellent quality sound direct from my bedroom to you. Of course, if you wanted to start a more commercial operation and had to rent or buy a space, there would be cost there, but out the back in a refurbished garage.......why not?

                  I knew of a bloke who had been living on the streets homeless and alcoholic for 30 years. Various welfare agencies tried to help him but he wasn't interested. One day he decided to get sober. He cleaned himself up, got sober, and at the age of 65 got a law degree and went to work. How cool is that?

                  All the best on your journey.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    I am 51 years old and going back to college!

                    You can do whatever you put your mind to Nichau. I graduated yesterday and we had a 63 year old graduate. So noone is too old to go back to school.
                    I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                    Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                    Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                      I am 51 years old and going back to college!

                      DriftyAlison0;1507836 wrote: You can do whatever you put your mind to Nichau. I graduated yesterday and we had a 63 year old graduate. So noone is too old to go back to school.
                      Congratulations Alison! :goodjob:

                      What did you graduate in?

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        I am 51 years old and going back to college!

                        Humane Officer Training and 2 years ago I graduated from Vet Assisting.
                        I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                        Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                        Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                          I am 51 years old and going back to college!

                          DriftyAlison0;1507920 wrote: Humane Officer Training and 2 years ago I graduated from Vet Assisting.
                          That's very cool.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

