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Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

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    Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

    Goooooooooooood morning, Army

    Hard to believe its hump day already.

    Some lovely light rain this morning. We've had very little so far - it usually starts towards the end of April, but seemingly not this year. Hopefully we'll get sufficient rain over the coming months so that dam levels will rise. Else we'll be in for even stricter water restrictions.

    A very happy homecoming day to Mr. JC. I'm sure Nurse Jacks will be up to the task, though.

    Have a lekker day, folksies!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

    Morning Tipps and all others in their pit,

    Up early and straight to work (well I will be once i've popped in and out of Skiverville) - from home.... gotta do some prep stuff, which is best done from home without distractions of the office.

    And troops, we need to get up and do a rain dance for our Tipps. We want their damn dam levels to rise, ok? And a one, two three .... DDAAAAANNNNNNCCCCCEEEEE!


      Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

      Morning army dull start and a bit chilly but the forecast is for a nice sunny afternoon. Got some light rain last night just asmall shower. Welcome home Mr Jc. Going in to the city today i have to photo id for my bus pass then AA meeting at 1pm and some food shopping in Lidl or Aldi. Then home to catch up my housework. Just hung some clothes out and it wheelie bin day so put them out last night and first one due to be emptied soon. Jeez what am i talking about bins for need to get out more:H. Have a wonderful wednesday folks.:bin::cupajoe::catroll:


        Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

        LMFAO!!! Just read yesterday's thread and I'm in stitches at "Satz in Swindon". Reckon there's a show in that one, at least a skit... heh heh... I'll do wardrobe...

        Well, now I've decided it's about MEE so I'm gonna plague yiz with me sorrows! Having narrowly escaped the dreaded blood transfusion (can you IMAGINE! Fucking South Florida blood... where in the flying feck would that have been got from?!!) I think I'm on the road to recovery via supplements. Had some of them delivered by IV and the rest are getting shoved down my neck in alarming doses, even for me.

        I've been really down... totally depressed and sick and, well, been greeting like a big bleedin wain actually... but now I'm deciding fuck it and I'm fighting the depression as best I can and I reckon I'll be back on top in the next day or so. I have to. No room for feeling sorry for myself, I got to get my shite together.

        I haven't been eating and it's now become a problem. I eat like a horse normally and have plenty to live off God only knows but now it's kinda bad and I'm going dizzy and crap. And I have to wear fucking socks and genseys all the time. (Pullovers... sweaters... for the uninitiated...) cos I have no body heat.

        So! I've been doing bloody well CRAP! But I've decided "screw it" and I'm henceforth on the mend in my mind. And my feckin hemoglobin can get in line or I'll give it a good slap. And that... as they say... is that!

        Normally, being me, I would say "OK that's the end of my saga, please don't comment, on to the next person as soon as possible" but I'm not going to do that this time. If anyone wants to post back to me... I would like that. I've pushed the onus off myself a lot over the years... but, really, I'd be happy with a bit of attention now. Attention whore... tis moi! It must be having to wear the socks...


          Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

          Awww ZENNERS - take these :l:l:l:l
          It's the tiredness that has you down I'd imagine. I noticed recently if I get overtired I get little mini waves of depression - horrible.
          So please remember I will be willing you to get better and feel better all day here in SWINDON ........:h

          I am not a believer in drugs per se but is there summit you can take to get you over this hump - till the ol bollods are back to normal ?


            Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

            Newp... I refuse Miss Satz. I'll stick it out and do it my way, right down to the liver extract tabs... gack!

            I'm still heading over the pond, sick or not. I've been overcome with the urge to get meself home and soooo glad I'm flying out on the 11th.

            Wouldn't it make a good show though? Satz in Swindon? ;o) XXX

            What a sook I am. Can't believe I INVITED responses. I always hide away from all of that. Maybe it's me gray matter wots needing examined... not me lack of red thingies.

            Thanks for the huggeths my dear. What's for brekkie? Mebbe if I had a menu and I didn't have to make it, I'd get a bit of interest in food. Achully... blueberry pancakes and maple syrup... I think I could mebbe do that. Got that on there?


              Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

              Nope -
              Oh my dear Zenners - you are sick:l
              CARBS sweetie - are you MAD ???:H:H

              Jesus I ate my weight in feckin' Russian chocolate yesterday - one sweet guy is form Russia office.
              Was sooooo bored !!
              Told myself that it didn't taste sweet - so maybe there was no sugar in it - :egad:

              Mebbee I 'll send you a bar to cheer you up ??


                Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

                must away now - will check in on yer Zenners through the day :l
                Go have pancakes & enjoy :l

                :wavin: rest of the Army
                We have a footsoldier down - lets do our thing and cheer her up !

                Later gaters


                  Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

                  Jaysus... never even heard of Russian chocolate. I'm thinking it's not on the same lines as Belgian. But sure enough, send it on over... I'm bored to tears so experiencing Russian chocolate would make my day right now! You have the addy!

                  I watched a doco last night... cocao beans are really good for you... anti-oxidant. I bought some a while back and they tasted like crap but I might give it a whirl again.

                  Did I mention... I am bored?!!!

                  Did you buy anything at the outlet mall?


                    Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

                    Have a good day Satzeroonie... Give Swindon a moon from me (but try not let the boss see yer...)


                      Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

                      Heigh ho, its off to the doctors I go

                      Things at orchestra kicked off last night, another piece of stress I could do without. Why do groups such as this which are meant to be for our pleasure have so much.politics going on behind the scene?

                      Be well zen. And Swindon must be grey today because its not much better 40 miles west...
                      I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                      They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                        Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

                        Thank you honey... XXX Sent you a PM while you were typing your post lol

                        Yer right... it's situational depression and it's normal. And, yeah, I'm really glad I said something on the thread instead of bottling it up. Feels good to get it out there, really... )

                        OK... going to go and settle down and try and sleep. And I'm going to try and get some grub down tomorrow. Going to go out to dinner, that should help... always too embarrassed to leave the grub on the plate... shock horror!

                        Thoughts also with Sir P... I hope he gets home to the lovely Nurse Jacks double quick time today. She'll need to budge up and give him some sofa though... that could be problematic. ;o)


                          Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

                          Good morning Tipperooo, Runners, Foxyloxy, Zennifer, Satzuma, Pings, Mollymoo.

                          Firstly apologies for buggering off last night. My SIL arrived with my lift to the horsepital and then home to a houseful of sprogs + a GF.

                          Zens, so pleased you opened up. I know how hard it is for you. So a bit of proudness going on this side of the pond from moi.

                          Like Mr JC's new name. Sir P. He's certainly been P-ing a lot since he learnt to stand up again.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

                            Morning from Mr Grumpy. Another shit night's sleep. The past couple of days I've been really tempted to knock myself out with a bottle of whisky, but have managed to resist so far. My taper goes into week 4 today, so I'll prolly be even more crabby over the coming days.

                            Zenners...I'm sorry you're struggling with depression and whatnot. Have a few of these :l:l:l. The not eating is not good if you're really must get something down you. With a bit of luck you'll be getting some rest by now, which may help a little.

                            Hope everything goes smoothly with getting Mr JC home, Jackie. Will they be laying an ambulance on for him or is he sufficiently mobile to go by car?

                            Good luck at the docs, pings. Hope s/he can sort you out.


                              Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May

                              Morning Mr Grumpbear.
                              Yep the no sleeping thing has driven many back to the bottle. Keep your determination going.
                              I know you've got an appointment today. Do they do acupuncture? Most of our clients swear by it for relaxation and sleep.

                              SIL is bringing him home. She's got a whopper of a car. Son and heir is going to carry his stuff. He's quite mobile.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

