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Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May
Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May
Hi Tips and everyone else!
Loads of stuff going on for the Army. Just hoping we can all stay strong for each other.:new:
I love the way that often when someone is really struggling here another person will come along with great advice/support and understanding.
Stay strong Army:l
Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May
JackieClaire;1508834 wrote: I know you've got an appointment today. Do they do acupuncture? Most of our clients swear by it for relaxation and sleep.
As it happens, my counsellor mentioned today that if by any chance I do manage to get off the drink, they'll transfer me to another service where acupuncture is available.
EnglishWriter77;1508867 wrote: Long time no see army. Hope you are all keeping well?
Nice to see some familiar faces!
Unfortunately I hit rock bottom last month - lost my gf, daughter, job, home - slept rough for two weeks and am now in a shelter.
Seems a bit overwhelming so thought I'd come see some old pals!
It's really good to see you, EW, but not under these circumstances. I'm very sorry about the situation you find yourself in. I hope the folks in the shelter can help you to get your life back on track and obviously if you're able to log on here we'll offer whatever support we can.
pingu1997;1508872 wrote: My wrist is bloody broken
Thank you to to git of a gp who laughed a me on Monday and sent me packing with.codeine...you can tell its not broken was his parting comment
I have to go to the fracture clinic tomorrow or Fri where they.will decide what to do
Oh and I got 10mg citalopram my choice whether.I take them again....
That's a shame pings, but at least they now know what the problem is and that should enable them to offer what they consider to be the most appropriate treatment. Re the ADs, I have to say that I agree with molly. IMHO you sound as though you need them. There will be better opportunities in the future to try reducing or stopping the citalopram, but now doesn't seem to be such a great time to try.
mollyka;1508895 wrote: Oh my poor pet!! Look --- crabby grumpy sleepless is horrible - but it's not life threatening - and again, like I said to Zen earlier - there's a REASON for all three.
mollyka;1508959 wrote: ...nobody moans and vents more about their issues on here than I do...
mollyka;1508959 wrote: ...it's give and take I s'pose -- I like to TRY and balance the 'give' and the 'take' as best I can.
mollyka;1508959 wrote: Now I'm off out for a picnic with Joe and the wee family --- lovely grub prepared and really looking forward to it ---- hope mrJacks is home safely soon and I'll talk to you all laters x
:hallo: siren, mrs bear, whizzy, and tips.
Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May
Hi from the bowels of the Swindon Office.
Hoped to see you here Ms A :H:H
Feel sick from all the Russian chocolate :yuk:
Just heard it's only me & Noseyhole on the way home :upset:- FFS - if I don't drink on this flight tomorrow -I doubt I WILL EVER NEED A DRINK AGAIN
Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May
anon;1508989 wrote: Great post Reccie.:goodjob:
How are you feeling now? Not sleeping is so awful. Do you feel tired when you are trying to sleep or is your mind whirring?
How're you today? Are you fully recovered from your sterling efforts at the weekend or does your body still need more time?
Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May
satz123;1508993 wrote: Hi from the bowels of the Swindon Office.
Hoped to see you here Ms A :H:H
Feel sick from all the Russian chocolate :yuk:
Just heard it's only me & Noseyhole on the way home :upset:- FFS - if I don't drink on this flight tomorrow -I doubt I WILL EVER NEED A DRINK AGAINBet you'll be glad to get home. Have you managed to go shopping yet?
Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May
tiptronic_ct;1509006 wrote: Backinabit. Going to heat up the leftover lamb curry from last night and bake a few fresh rotis. The cold weather makes spicy comfort food irresistible.Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.
Army Thread Wednesday 22nd May
mollyka;1509008 wrote: oh janeymac Recs that's not what I meant!!!! What I meant was - when I was not sleeping I felt like my life was OVER (never a master/mistress of understatement me:H) - no but really I used to be so feckin miserable - but my doc. said to me 'it's not gonna kill you not sleeping' - and it sort of put it in perspective for me - and he also told me that eventually, provided I didn't compensate for lack of sleep by sleeping during the day - that eventually my body would demand sleep - and indeed it did!
Don't worry!!! I know exactly what you meant. I was just taking your observation (which was a perfectly fair and reasonable one) and adding my own thoughts to it.
mollyka;1509009 wrote: Had a really lovely picnic - went to Mornington, down by the Boyne and made a lovely picnic - wee Jamie was in his element slopping coke and doughnuts and chicken into himself -- pretty much all at the same time - he was like a pig in shit!! Laura is a smashing cook and makes him all the right food so we all reckoned what's seldom is wonderful!! Had a really lovely time ---- oh and Simon's mortgage came through so I reckon he'll have his house next week maybe - great excitement!! I'm sure Jilly will have it all re-decorated before she goes home ---- well not the actual work, just telling everyone else what to do:HHow old is the young man now? Great news about the mortgage too...simon must be really pleased about that!