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Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

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    Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

    Gooooooooooooood morning, Army

    Another hell run into the office - shit (literally) thrown onto the roadway, tyres burnt... At least the police managed to keep one lane open so that the traffic could trickle through. I have a very uneasy feeling about South Africa in the months to come. Strikes and unrealistic demands from mineworkers have already seen the value of the currency drop to its lowest levels since 2009 Anyhoo... it's not in my power to effect any change.

    Another busy day ahead, so it's a case of knuckling down and getting on with it, I guess.

    Have a lekker Thursday, everyone!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

    Morning Tipperoooooooo :hallo: and everybody else snoozlebugging in sleepyville...

    I gotta morning in a secondary school which i aint particularly looking forward to, which is a little bit odd considering i've considered teaching in one I'm sure it'll be fine...

    Right, i've got the coffee brewing for those stirring awake. Tea on the go too. Please place your brekkie orders on the door with the post-it notes provided. Specialty today is pankcakes (drop scones) with thick bacon and gorgeous Canadian maple syrup.


      Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

      PS - Inchy, I had the privilege of seeing Tom Waits play on his last international tour in 2008 when he popped into Edinburgh.

      Awesome doesn't even come close to what that was like.


        Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

        Morning tips arsey and all to come

        Your journey and the general situation in SA both sound pretty grim tips. There's prolly little you can do about either, but make sure you do whatever you can to stay safe.

        Good luck with secondary school this morning arsey. Sounds like a good opportunity to find out what it would be like?

        Inchy...I was really pleased to read last night that you're going to visit a drop in place next week. I look forward to hearing how you get on with that.

        Whizzy - it was great to read about your beating the 55 year olds - made me smile!

        Pinky - are your exams over now? Reportage please!

        Jackie - I'm very pleased for you that Mr JC is back home again.

        Pingu - I hope you'll be back posting on the army thread again today.

        Sweetie - I know these are tough times for you, but I hope that in time your sadness will ease. :l

        Questie - good to see you in the barracks again last night.


          Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

          mollyka;1509328 wrote: Xpost Recster ------ MORNING!!!!!! How did your night's sleep go?
          Morning molly!

          I managed to get a few hours kip, thanks. Not as many hours as I would have liked - I was up at 4:30am and went up the lane for my usual walk - but that's ok, I always knew that getting off the drink would involve a certain amount of sleep deprivation and I was/am prepared for that.

          How was your night? Is it today that Jilly comes home?

          Edit: Oh...and I second what you say about putting any hurts behind us. :goodjob:


            Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

            Morning that tablet that i paid to get fixed just broke again..on ph now.

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

              mario;1509334 wrote: Morning that tablet that i paid to get fixed just broke again..on ph now.
              Morning marioman

              That's a pain in the bum re the tablet. :upset:


                Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                Hi All again, will have to invest in a new toned down slim hand and fingers or just get a new laptop this phone is just way to small and its taken me 4ever to post,its eveeveN very hard to read other posts as me eyesight is not the best :-) hope ye are all well.

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                  Good morning to everyone

                  MrT - sounds horrible what is going on there, hope you and your family stay safe xx

                  Well our Arsey- You'll be well fit for them in the secondary school I reckon. Ta v much for brekkie, after I've had me quota of coffee i'll maybe try some of that syn-free bread n butter ye had on the go last night!! Here's a hug for ya :l

                  Reccie- thankyou for your thoughts xx It does mean so much. As I was saying to Molly, Granny's passing has kinda uncovered an unhealed wound for me with regards to dealing with my own Mum's passing, which I haven't really dealt with over the years. I've been very emotional since and Im having to learn to cope with the emotions rather than 'drown' them if ya know what I mean?
                  Im really happy to see you doing so well on the taper

                  Hey Molly :l What can I say other than you speak real sense. Bottom line yes we need to remember the priority is that we are here for recovery first and foremost. I feel very lucky to have you and your wisdom here to guide me so to speak. Thanks for the book ref will check it out on amazon. Its so exciting for ya that Jilly will be home in a few days

                  Hiya Marioman - Crap about yer tablet, ye have my empathy with regard to the slimeline fingers or lack of!! Tis a bloody nightmare trying to use the phone.

                  MrsA- have said it before but you really are inspiring, great job on winning another prize

                  Jackie- hope MrJC had a good night back home and that ye both are doing ok?

                  Hiya Inchy, Pings, Questy, Zens, Satzy and everyone


                    Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                    Good morning everyone.

                    Hailstones and thunder here! Just been out to the shops and took the wrong front door key.
                    imagine my delight when I found a spare key at the bottom of my bag The things that please us??


                      Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                      Just read back.
                      Sweetie when someone very close dies it seems that the emotional flood gates open. :l


                        Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                        Good morning Tipperoo, Runners, Mollymoo,Reccybear,Marioooo, Sweetypea,Our Whizzy,

                        Sir Pee spent a comfortable night and managed to live up to his new name twice during the night.

                        Now then bit of a tale to tell. Took dog out for a bit of dogging yesterday and ermmmmmmmmm tripped over me own feet and her lead. Went flying. Put my hand out to save myself and managed to scrape my right leg and have buggered up my right wrist and elbow. Nowt broken but feel a complete tool...................again.

                        So between me and Sir Pee we've got 3 working legs and 3 working arms. So we'll manage.

                        Anyway anyone fancy walking me dawg?
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                          And another big fat :l for Sweety.
                          I had to have counselling 4 years after my Ma died.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                            JackieClaire;1509375 wrote: Good morning Tipperoo, Runners, Mollymoo,Reccybear,Marioooo, Sweetypea,Our Whizzy,

                            Sir Pee spent a comfortable night and managed to live up to his new name twice during the night.

                            Now then bit of a tale to tell. Took dog out for a bit of dogging yesterday and ermmmmmmmmm tripped over me own feet and her lead. Went flying. Put my hand out to save myself and managed to scrape my right leg and have buggered up my right wrist and elbow. Nowt broken but feel a complete tool...................again.

                            So between me and Sir Pee we've got 3 working legs and 3 working arms. So we'll manage.

                            Anyway anyone fancy walking me dawg?
                            Have you had an X-ray? Poor you:l hope Pee is doing ok


                              Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                              Not yet............hangs head in shame. Just feel very bruised and strained.
                              If it gets any worse I will. Promise.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

