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Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

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    Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

    D'ya know Mrs A I'm not sure.............

    might have to goggle it lol...........
    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


      Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

      Hear, hear

      Hear, hear*is an*expression*used as a short, repeated form of*hear him, hear him. It represents a listener's agreement with the point being made by a speaker. In recent usage it has often been re-analysed as*here, here, although this is incorrect.[1]It was originally an*imperative*for directing attention to speakers, and has since been used, according to the*Oxford English Dictionary, as "the regular form of cheering in the*House of Commons", with many purposes, depending on the*intonation*of its user.[2]*Its use in Parliament is linked to the fact that*applause*is normally (though not always) forbidden in the chambers of the House of Commons and*House of Lords.[3]The phrase*hear him, hear him!*was used in*Parliament*from late in the 17th century, and was reduced to*hear!*or*hear, hear!*by the late 18th century. The verb*hear*had earlier been used in the*King James Bible*as a command for others to listen.[2]Other phrases have been derived from*hear, hear, such as*a hear, hear*(a cheer),*to hear-hear*(to shout the expression), and*hear-hearer*(a person who does the same).[2]The overuse of the phrase by an eager member of the House of Commons led*Richard Brinsley Sheridan, in one speech, to deviate from his planned text and say "Where, oh where, shall we find a more foolish knave or a more knavish fool than this?". The lone Member of Parliament said "hear, hear."[4]
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

        With thanks to wikipedia, of course
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

          Hear hear it is then. Thanks Tips.

          Just been out for a pub lunch. Smoked pulled pork and beans. Delicious.

          Going to have a little sleep now:H


            Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

            mollyka;1509482 wrote: good god Tippers - that's above and beyond:H
            How's you our boy?? How are things with your mum these days?
            :wavin: Molls.

            Och, not too bad thanks.

            Mum is still waiting to get authorisation from the medical aid for the treatment of the skin cancer on her nose. Apparently its very expensive. Other than that, she' s doing really well, especially emotionally.

            Jeez... this post (short as it is) took about half an hour to type. Bloody stupid of me to take a call
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

              X-post. :hallo: mrsa
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                mollyka;1509499 wrote: Emotionally is the important one imo - the rest can all be managed - do you not have private health-care over there? Ours costs an awful lot - but I ain't letting it go until we're destitute - Hopefully she can get the nose sorted soon...
                She is on a private medical plan - a pretty comprehensive one. You nevertheless sometimes struggle to get them to approve treatments. In this case it is something like 30 daily chemo injections.
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                  Medical aid in Saffaland = private health care
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                    tiptronic_ct;1509503 wrote: Medical aid in Saffaland = private health care
                    We are so lucky here with the NHS. Something like your Mum's skin cancer would be sorted toot sweet.
                    Hope she is OK?
                    Only managed to close my eyes for a minute when the phone woke me up:upset:


                      Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                      Thank goodness for the NHS - I can opt into a prive medical plan with work (but the cost is astronomical) but I decided not to bother.

                      The government makes enough out of me via tax and national insurnace to subsidise me when I'm poorly ick - which thank the Lord isn't often...............touch wood.........
                      Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                        Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                        Hiya Questie

                        We have state hospitals and clinics here, but believe me... you're risking death. And besides, because I earn more than the maximum the state sets for free care, I'd have to pay for shitty medical care in any event. We rather pay up (a small fortune monthly) to be certain of proper care.

                        The NHS was looking into the use of Saffa private hospitals for certain procedures at some point. I wonder if anything came of it? The private facilities are really world class.
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                          Afternoon Mr T :-)

                          Mmmmm dunno about the NHS and Saffa hossys - Mind you, it would probably be cheaper to send someone abroad for treatment than what it would cost in the UK. Private treatment here costs a fortune !!

                          Scary really..........
                          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                            Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                            Afternoon army

                            I can feel a mega post coming on, so If you don't want to see the result, please look away now...

                            sweetpea29;1509360 wrote: Reccie- thankyou for your thoughts xx It does mean so much. As I was saying to Molly, Granny's passing has kinda uncovered an unhealed wound for me with regards to dealing with my own Mum's passing, which I haven't really dealt with over the years. I've been very emotional since and Im having to learn to cope with the emotions rather than 'drown' them if ya know what I mean?
                            I think I do know what you mean sweetie. I drank to numb strong emotions and feelings for years. The challenge of trying to change that instinctive behaviour still lies ahead for me, but well done you for having the guts to face up to your present circumstances without turning to the bottle.

                            anon;1509370 wrote: Hailstones and thunder here! Just been out to the shops and took the wrong front door key.
                            imagine my delight when I found a spare key at the bottom of my bag. The things that please us??
                            That was lucky!!!

                            JackieClaire;1509375 wrote: Sir Pee spent a comfortable night and managed to live up to his new name twice during the night.

                            Now then bit of a tale to tell. Took dog out for a bit of dogging yesterday and ermmmmmmmmm tripped over me own feet and her lead. Went flying. Put my hand out to save myself and managed to scrape my right leg and have buggered up my right wrist and elbow. Nowt broken but feel a complete tool...................again.

                            So between me and Sir Pee we've got 3 working legs and 3 working arms. So we'll manage.

                            Anyway anyone fancy walking me dawg?
                            I'm glad you decided to post about your fall on the thread Jackie. Sorry you hurt yourself. As a pet owner myself, I can definitely empathise with you over this one. And it's good to hear that Mr JC is doing well. I'd happily walk yer dawg.....shame we're over 250 miles apart.

                            InChains;1509379 wrote: Reccy: Always makes me smile when I hear how well you're doing, I'm glad you managed a little sleep, and your walks sound like they would be rather a peaceful affair at that time of the morning.

                            There's no better time of day to go for a walk in late spring, inchy. If you happen to live in a rural area, you can almost believe you're the only person in the whole wide world..

                            Thanks for the info you posted yesterday about Nytol, BTW. I bought some from the chemists a little earlier.

                            Firefox;1509382 wrote:
                            REccie i'm stil getting broken sleep tru the night and i've woke up this morningt with a headache tho my sinius are playing up too. I'm going to get Nytol from the chemist this morning.

                            Yep, I had noticed that you've also been struggling to get adequate sleep for a while, foxy. Sorry about the headache and sinuses. Let's hope the Nytol does the trick for both of us...we must compare notes in the morning!

                            mollyka;1509389 wrote:
                            She has a t-shirt that says 'shit, I've turned into my mother'

                            That made me laugh!

                            InChains;1509379 wrote:
                            ...other half is taking me to drop in, but has also informed me if I don't get my act together in a meaningful, long term fashion he is going to leave me. Really shocked and a little lost - only relationship that's been in my life longer than al... dunno how to feel really.

                            InChains;1509392 wrote:
                            Molly: I don't know how to feel about it - I am terrified of losing him, my first reaction was to panic and promise the earth. I'm not stupid, I know what I do hurts him but I never thought I could do something bad enough that he would leave. The stupid thing is a part of me still wants to somehow convince him he was wrong to threaten that, how dare he tell me what I can't do? I'm angry at myself for that.
                            I know nothing about relationships inchy, so I should prolly keep quiet, but it sounds to me as though he's asking you to decide which is most important to you - your relationship with him or your relationship with alcohol - and to then prioritise accordingly. That doesn't necessarily mean that you can't have both in your life, only that you need to get the balance right and it sounds as though that's maybe not quite happening at the moment?

                            mollyka;1509400 wrote: But just cos I can't do something doesn't mean you can't --- look at Reccie and his taper ---- I JUST COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT ---- I know that... but he can!!!!:l
                            Errm...I should start by saying I haven't completed the taper yet, molly! There's still a little way to go but, having said that, it is bang on schedule. If my taper has been successful so far, it's because the alternatives are even more unpalatable. If my taper fails, I'll either have to go for a detox or I will inevitably go back to drinking all day long. Jackie tells me you can't drive when you are detoxing, meaning I would have to go for a residential detox, something that frightens the life out of me. That fear is what has kept my taper on track so far. Inchy...maybe the fear of losing your bf will help or enable you to finally get to grips with your own drink problem? I hope so. When it comes to changing our drinking habiits, or making changes in our lives generally, often we are not prepared to make those changes until or unless they are forced upon us.

                            tiptronic_ct;1509496 wrote:
                            Mum is still waiting to get authorisation from the medical aid for the treatment of the skin cancer on her nose. Apparently its very expensive. Other than that, she' s doing really well, especially emotionally.
                            Good to hear your mum's doing well, tips. Best of luck with getting her skin cancer sorted as soon as possible.

                            Hiya to waggy, siren and questy :hallo:


                              Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                              Recluse;1509534 wrote: Afternoon army

                              I can feel a mega post coming on, so If you don't want to see the result, please look away now...

                              :wavin: Wreckstar
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                Army Thread Thursday 23rd May

                                tiptronic_ct;1509536 wrote: :H:H:H

                                :wavin: Wreckstar

