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Binging past Three days

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    Binging past Three days

    I have been pretty badly behaved the past three days. Slept only three hours last night and feeling like crap.... I really want to be af today! How high is too high for blood pressure do ya think?

    Binging past Three days

    Hi Resrch-
    Sorry to hear you're having such a hard time. How much have you been drinking? Do you know what your blood pressure is at the moment? I hope you can get some rest today. Please let me know whats going on with you so I can try to help! :l
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Binging past Three days

      Hey K9...thanks. I am around 160/98 right now if I take it after sitting a few minutes. Heart rate is about 88-92. I drank about 8 glasses of wine yesterday and two rum/cokes from 1130am to 530 pm. I am boredom drinking...the worst kind of drinking ever... Thanks for listening. I really want to be AF today but sometimes I think I freak about the blood pressure and it just sets me up to drink again.


        Binging past Three days

        Drinking is not going to bring your blood pressure down, if anything, it will make it worse. And yes, that is very high. Do you feel dizzy or faint? It's the bottom number that is really high, the 98. Can you get to a doctor? I'm sure they would want to monitor that.
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Binging past Three days

          I am not dizzy or faint. I have been this high before and no issues but it makes me a bit anxious. I took some Natural Calm which is a magnesium supp...and drinking chamomile tea.
          I think my bp will come down in 2-3 days as it usually does.


            Binging past Three days

            You would think I would learn!


              Binging past Three days

              I could have sworn I replied to you! LOL

              Do you have a plan to be AF today?
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Binging past Three days

                Well...not beyond not drinking alone...I just am not going to open a bottle of anything unless it is milk or lemondade! I suspect the anxiety will creep up but I deserve it afterall! Thanks for all you advise. You inspire me.


                  Binging past Three days

                  One more thing...I once went to a heart well check at a grocery and the doctor found that my blood pressure there was 155/98. She said she would not tell me to go to the hospital but that I would need to be watched at my annual visits. It runs in my I should probably see about going on meds or increasing diet/exercise. I also should quit the boozin.


                    Binging past Three days

                    I agree, quitting the AL will probably help a lot!

                    Do you have alcohol in the house? It would be wise to pour it out...remove tempation!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Binging past Three days

                      We do... I can't pour out hubbies stuff... I just need to buck up and stick to my resolve. I won't drink alone...Contrary to what George Thorogood sings....Won't won't won'!! That's where I get into trouble. I can drink socially and I am not like this... it is this boredom or I am gonna reward myself drinking for all the housework I got done type of drinking. Not good for even the most judicious of drinkers... I so appreciate your taking the time to buoy me up today!

