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Army Thread 24th May

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    Army Thread 24th May

    Goooooooooood morning, folksies

    For those who love reggae:[/video]]Israel Vibration Thank God It´s Friday - YouTube

    Sooooooooooo... wassup for the weekend? Hopefully a rustige weekend - the cubs are starting their mid-year exams next week, so no sporting activities. Dunno what I'm going to keep myself busy with - I've run out of jars to bottle and preserve things in. We'll see what ideas come to mind.

    Have a lekker
    day, all!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread 24th May

    Morning Tipps and all to come not long awake and first coffee.:cupajoe: Its gotten cold here again since yesterday and windy looks like we've gone back to almost winter weather cheeses i hope we get some kind of a summer i had to put the heating on for a while and its the end of May? No plans for the weekend so far got the gardening to do and AA meetings and church to attend.:wings: Going to Lidl later to get the rest of the weekly shop pick up a my monthly script from Chemist and go to an AA meeting at 1pm. Another coffee needed. Have a fab friday.


      Army Thread 24th May


      Yo Tips and Foxy. Early start here... think I might give weekend a miss this time around Tipps as got soooo much work to do... but will take an extra day of week after next. That's the plan.

      Right off to cook up some saucisson That'll get you all outta yer pits :H


        Army Thread 24th May

        Oh Foxy - cold here too... tempted to give up on Ssummer 2013 and look forward to 2014.

        Or move to Saffaland :H


          Army Thread 24th May

          Morning RC yep think i've givin up on summer here too. Luv Jamaican reggee tipps thanks for the song. As i'm not in work friday doesn't mean the same its just another day but weekends off are importent for workers or time off during the week. 5 days is enough for anyone to work. Would like to get in to partime work when at some stage but not much doing here with the recession. I'm geting by now which is the main thing.


            Army Thread 24th May

            Morning army

            No sign of summer here either. Just finished my first coffee and about to get another, then have a read back on last night's thread.

            Don't forget the Nytol when you go to the chemist's, foxy. :goodjob:


              Army Thread 24th May

              Morning Reccie so it did work for you? I'm going to get it today tho last nite was a bit better i wasn't wake as long but up since 6.20 but still in bed so far.


                Army Thread 24th May

                morning all, officially making today af I have decided - a sensible person would buy sleep-aid in preparation, I however am going to be n idiot and not do this xD definitely feeling the comments on summer, though to be honest I only care that it doesn't rain for one weekend in june which is in THREE WEEKS. I could say I'm not excited but that would be a lie xD

                likewise foxy my weekend is meaningless, but it's because I actually work both friday and saturday :'(
                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                  Army Thread 24th May

                  right guys, must dash, coffee and work calling my name, back this evening

                  enjoy your day everybody
                  I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                  To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                    Army Thread 24th May

                    MORNIN' ALL !
                    Tipster, Foxy, Molls, Inchydonney -
                    Have to go to the workhouse AGAIN today.
                    FFS - serious pain in my arse.
                    Just going in for a few hours and then home. Didn't get in 'till 12.30 last night as the plane was delayed.:upset:

                    Will have to read back all yesterday's thread to get up to speed on what is happening.

                    Later my Gaters !!!


                      Army Thread 24th May

                      Hi folks and a very good morning to ye all

                      Satzy :wavin: great to see ya, hope noseyhole didn't do yer head-in too much

                      Goin shopping with a pal from work- he needs new shoes! Will be leaving the credit card at home just in case -yep that's the plan! No shoe shoppin for this girl (

                      Hope ye all have a great day )


                        Army Thread 24th May

                        Ok...that's coffee no 2 downed.

                        Re the Nytol...I wouldn't like to judge it on the basis of a single night, but I did get 7.5 hours sleep last night, which is roughly what I need. I had to get up a few times to go to the loo (it's one of the side effects of switching from whisky to beer ) but then I was able to get back to sleep again without too much difficulty. I took double the recommended dose (i.e. 2 x 50mg diphenhydramine hydrochloride if you read this zenners).

                        Sounds like your arm is in pretty bad shape Jackie...sorry to hear that. :l I'm sure Jenny will do a good job of looking after you both.

                        Got to sympathise with Joey's friend. It's hard enough being a teenager without being brought up by a pair of very dysfunctional parents (speaking from experience here :upset.

                        Morning inchy, satzy and sweetie


                          Army Thread 24th May

                          Good morning Satz,Inchy,Molly,TipsFoxy and RC

                          Wow Satz how long was the plane delayed?

                          Off for a few appointments this morning back later


                            Army Thread 24th May

                            xpost Hiya Reccie and Sweetie!


                              Army Thread 24th May

                              Morning mrs a, molly too!

