I know Ms A will probably relate to this.....
It's Mr S's and extended family attitude.
When I came back from UK was talking about the folks in the pub and out 'till 2am.
I got : " and would YOU not stay with them?" have a few drinks :egad:
Said in a kinda God she's boring - type of voice.
When we go to dinner : "what do you want ? SODA WATER?"
Said in a bored when will this phase pass - type voice.
It's ok day to day but becoming a struggle in social situations.
I refuse to come out & say I'm a problem drinker - not to other family members or friends - especially SIL:no:
I just won't do that to myself and have that tag for the rest of my days . Too proud to have whispers about me.
I know this is STUPID - but sometimes I think I need a spectacular event so that it's out in the open? Then the choice is taken away from me whether to drink ever again or not ! Would be easier.