And KUYA-if you are referring to ME driving drunk-more power to ya!
I certainly did. How about if I post about how great my bf is at licking me?? But maybe I could throw in that well...if I'm drunk not so great.
Being an alcoholic is considered as PERSONAL, so much so that people will drink themselves to death rather than lose face and seek help...........but we come here and spill our guts with every detail .....because it seems to help.
Maybe Sweetie felt the details made it clear how caring and giving SHE had been, making his bad behaviour after so confusing.
I don't care what personal stuff you disclose sexually, some do, but as I often say there is no right, there is no wrong, but there are consequences.
I am sure Sweetie is well aware now of the consequences of sexual disclosure in this place. She may be younger and raised in a more sexually open environment, who knows.
I don't see it as STUPID BS but definitely NOT worth falling out over Ann