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Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

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    Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

    I have watched it 4 times now and I just can't wrap my head around it. Was she a closet alcoholic? Her blood alcohol was .19 and she had high levels of marajuana in her system. So many questions. I don't know why I am so drawn to this documentary. I was a functional alcoholic, no one outside of my sister and roommate knew and even they didn't know the true extent. This could have been me but then I think no way I was way more responsible. But yet again, once alcohol was in my system I was a different person.

    Such a sad tragedy.
    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.

    Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

    Yes, I saw it. VERY tragic. It is easy for me to go to a place of judgment but know that "There but for the grace of God go I."


      Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

      I agree Lucky. I think that is way it has captivated me so much. She seemed to have it all but there was a lot that her friends and family did not know (or weren't willing to share or believe). I look back at the stupid and dangerous things I have done while drunk and it still makes me cringe to this day.
      AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

      Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


        Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

        I saw it a few times a few years ago and was drawn to it too. I also was a closet alcoholic.... No one knew the extent, although they knew I had issues. I have driven in my van with my kids under the influence, very regretfully. Never to the extent as Dianne, but I shudder to think that it could truly have been me. It's a good lesson for all of us mom closet drinkers.


          Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

          I also know that it is very possible for a person to be a functional alcoholic and keep the secret from most everyone around you. Not saying she was or wasn't, but I know from my own life how this can happen. No one I have told at work or friends believe me when I tell them I am a recovering alcoholic. They just don't get how I could manage a high stress job and everything else in my life if that were true. It is truly scary now that I think back. I hid it very well.

          Again I am just drawn into her life thru this film I think because it shows how a seemingly normal loving mom may have kept such a hidden life. At the end of it there are still no concrete answers, only medical facts which caused the accident (the .19 BAC and high concentrate of THC).
          AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

          Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


            Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

            I was watching this on my iPad last night at the gym...I got an hour into it and WOW...I can't wait to see the rest, even though I KNOW what happens. I honestly can say if I think she was an alcoholic or not...?? If she was, she did a darn good job of hiding it!!
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

              I remember hearing about this when it happened and I saw the movie a year or so ago. I think either her husband was in denial or she was very good at hiding it. I think I've heard recently that the other parents (that lost all their children) were expecting again or had just recently had a baby.


                Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

                Tell me more about this movie...Is this a true story ? Can I get it on netflixs ?


                  Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

                  It's not on Netflix but you can watch it for free here:

                  There's Something Wrong With Aunt Diane on Vimeo

                  Yes, it's based on real life events. It happened in New York in 2009.
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

                    K-9-Love, many thanks for the link ! I look forward to watching it. Duck, my grandmother use to use that saying...But for the grace of God, there go I. Thanks for reminding me of this important concept. :h


                      Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

                      After having finished watching this movie, I have concluded (in my expert opinion...LOL :H) that she was indeed guilty. The family is grasping at straws trying to find some other explanation for her behavior. They want to think she had a stroke, but the doctor said "A stroke wouldn't cause her blood levels to register alcohol and marijuana". Plus, the family admitted that she drank "sometimes" and smoked marijuana "occasionally". Case closed, she's guilty. Wow, no wonder I've never been picked to sit on a jury, I am very judgemental. LOL
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

                        I agree with you K9. There is no other explanation for the accident. She clearly drank TONS of alcohol and smoked weed right before the accident happened. She still had 6 grams of alcohol in her stomach undigested. Nothing the family thinks is even possible to explain away the BAC and THC. What I think they probably don't understand or want to admit is that she was an alcoholic. No normal person drinks like that, huge quantities and while driving 5 kids in the car. Her and her husband worked opposite shifts, maybe he never even knew the extent of her drinking. She seemed to have it all together, great job, great kids, very active in the school and with her family. My guess is she was very good at hiding the extent of her drinking or she was in the early stages of alcoholism. She had not reached a point where it was affecting her daily life, at least not to an extent that others noticed. I can say for sure her sister in law would have never allowed her 3 beautiful daughters to go on that camping trip if she knew she was an alcoholic.

                        The brother and sister in law did have another child, a little girl now 17 months old. That is a blessing at least.
                        AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                        Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                          Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

                          That accident happened a couple of miles from where I live. I drive by the site of the crash almost daily and ALWAYS think about it when I do. It shook me to the core.... and still does.
                          I just won't anymore


                            Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

                            Just watched some, enthralling but need to sleep. It's a mystery but surely the autopsy report doesn't lie. It seems she was drinking from the bottle as she went along and blacked out. If she was unwell surely she would have gone into the rest station and called for help? Whatever happened it is truly tragic. I have driven under the influence and in my darkest days I have driven very very drunk ;0) so yes I also say there but for the grace of god...
                            AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                            Day by day


                              Has anyone seen There's something wrong with Aunt Diane

                              I remember hearing about this accident at the time, but not about the toxicology results. I think it is just the family being in denial, there's no way around the lab results. I also think it's very plausible that she had a drinking problem unknown to everyone. Maybe she drank at the end of the night after the kids were in bed and her husband was at work. There were signs of her needing that release (her personality, her trouble sleeping). I think she may have been in pain that day and tried to relieve it (tooth, migraine?), but then overdid it. It's a such a sad story and I hope the families of all involved have made peace with it.
                              AF since 6JUN2012

