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Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

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    Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

    Just looked at yesterdays thread - Inchey, well done on your 7 days !!!!!!!!!

    (Don't they bestow a moon in the NN ???)

    Awesome job - you rock girly xxx
    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


      Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

      thanks questy

      and guess who just sold a poster for $30? hells yeah. Love my online store right now.
      I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

      To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



        Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

        Just booked 'holiday' #2 this year
        A long weekend in Portugal with .................................................. ................... my mother & sister:egad:
        Will be ready to top myself at the end of that one :H:H
        DD has decided to come as she felt sorry for me and couldn't let me go on my own with them :goodjob:


          Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

          :hallo: Army

          Thought I'd pop in and see how things are going. I see nothings changed, 50 posts to read through and it's only 6:30 am. :wow:

          Just trying to figure out what JC meant by Army gives good thread. You probably know where my mind went. :H

          Have a great day all....PPQP


            Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

            *waves* (sneaky peeky whilst in Skiverville)

            Good thread ? Why, what were you referring to Mrs JC ?
            Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


              Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

              Quest for the key;1512704 wrote: Reccie - yep we got the dog back - cost us ?100 to readopt her from the dogs home. Stupid cow was in a house back to back with ours !!! Course, no dog warden on BH Monday, so as soon as Tuesday came she went to the pound !! I rang twice - no brown dogs handed in. Hubby rang - they had a black dog in - HELLO !!!!!!!!!! Are yiz colour blind ??????????? She's brown ya daft bunch !!!!!!!!!! Arghhhhhhh - but retrieved, and safe and sound peeing on the floor and back to normality
              That is really good news questy. I know a hundred quid is a complete pain in the bum, but if it means getting the family pet back I'd say it's well worth it.

              InChains;1512730 wrote: and guess who just sold a poster for $30? hells yeah. Love my online store right now.
              Well done inchy! Are we allowed to see your online store?

              satz123;1512761 wrote:
              Just booked 'holiday' #2 this year
              A long weekend in Portugal with .................................................. ................... my mother & sister:egad:
              Will be ready to top myself at the end of that one.
              DD has decided to come as she felt sorry for me and couldn't let me go on my own with them :goodjob:
              Oh blimey satz!!! :upset:

              porqoui;1512776 wrote:
              Just trying to figure out what JC meant by Army gives good thread. You probably know where my mind went. :H
              Hello PPQP If yer mind went in the gutter you got it right! :goodjob:


                Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                Hiyiz :hallo: Anyone home?

                Guess who got hours owed and outa work early? :yay:

                Time to catch some :rays: before getting ready for wee night out tonight :banana: Happy Days

                Well Reccieman is your garden now weed-free?


                  Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                  Just headin that way meself Molls This weather is great- so happy to get outa work- was nearly doin cartwheels!! Perfect for a bbq!

                  BTW my books have arrived from amazon so gonna get stuck inta that one ye recommended!

                  See ya later xxx


                    Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                    Afternoon army and a lovely sunny day it is here. Went to my 1pm lunchtime meeting and after it got a takeaway coffee and my rte guide and went to the seafront in Dun Laoghaire. Sat on a bench and chilled with my capuchinio and tv mag. All the cafes were quite busy and a lot of people about enjoying the sun. Got 2 trays of bedding plants so i'll do those tomorrow and cut the grass out front. Hope the nice weathewr continues in to the bank holiday weekend. Enjoy your evning folks.:wavin::lilflower::leaf::flower: Oh i had a lovely magnum ice cream before the meeting yummy.


                      Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                      mollyka;1512755 wrote: Yo waggie an GYCO - 22 days to retirement wow!!! I guess from ur tone that's a really good thing ?!!!!!
                      Inchy well done! Martin in my aftercare always asks 'wud u have done that when u were drinking?' When we ever say any good thing we've done - in fairness the answer is often 'yeah' - but I never have the heart to say it!!!!! So good job indeed gettin the spundooliks for the poster!!!!
                      in fairness, my stores been open or a couple of months, I made $205 i a week whilst drinking back in april (god knows how i sorted all the admin out for that) but i certainly would not have gone straight out, got the poster printed, packaged and ready to send tomorrow morning before i take my mum to the psychiatrist xD
                      I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                      To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                        Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                        :hallo: Army

                        Busy making my own b'day dinner :H

                        Had a lekker enough day, though. Thanks for your good wishes on the b'day thread too :l

                        On shagginphone - will have a proper read back later.
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                          Hi Inchy do u have a link to ur online stores? Wud luv to hav a look.


                            Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                            Hi Inchy do u have a link to ur online stores? Wud luv to hav a look.


                              Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                              Evening all

                              sweetpea29;1512800 wrote: Time to catch some :rays: before getting ready for wee night out tonight :banana: Happy Days

                              Well Reccieman is your garden now weed-free?
                              Weed free? You must be joking piddlepants! Having said that, the small front garden is a lot tidier than it was a couple of days ago. The back garden is much larger and I've not even started on it yet. Can't really bring myself to do more than an hour or two outside on any one day. As you will have gathered, I'm not hugely into gardening. TBH, I wish I could afford a gardener like tips can.

                              The weather over there seems to be much better than it is here. At this rate I'm gonna have to start dusting off those emigration plans again!

                              Enjoy your book.


                                Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                                Recluse;1512846 wrote: Evening all

                                Weed free? You must be joking piddlepants! Having said that, the small front garden is a lot tidier than it was a couple of days ago. The back garden is much larger and I've not even started on it yet. Can't really bring myself to do more than an hour or two outside on any one day. As you will have gathered, I'm not hugely into gardening. TBH, I wish I could afford a gardener like tips can.

                                The weather over there seems to be much better than it is here. At this rate I'm gonna have to start dusting off those emigration plans again!

                                Enjoy your book.
                                I would rather give up meat than my gardener. And that's saying a lot
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

