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Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

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    Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

    RunningCourage;1512930 wrote:

    Aye, Satz - Reccie's doing brilliantly with his taper. Oi finks tapering must be really hard cos if I had one, I'd stil want the rest. Reckon we all know that one.
    Well thanks for the response to my question Arsey:l
    Are you feeling brighter at all ?
    Did you go to councellor ? was that today ?


      Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

      mollyka;1512928 wrote: Hahaha - I'm the same myself!! AND I'm still up - everyone has sort of disappeared - and I realised it wasn't just exhaustion, it was lack of 'space' --- I really do crave my own company for short sharp bursts --- have it now and I'm wide awake!! I'm guessing the two are out up to no good in the garage so it may be a very small bit of 'space'
      I totally understand the space thing molls, hence why I live alone.

      satz123;1512929 wrote:
      You're doing great with the taper Reccie eh ? - prolonging the start time like that is awesome :goodjob:
      I mean where you are now is nearly 'normal'
      Do you find it hard during the day ? or have you cracked that ?
      The days are easier than they were satzy, but I don't think I've yet found too many long term solutions to living without AL (hence the inordinate number of posts from me recently). I guess that's something they'll try to help me with once I'm transferred to the harm minimisation service (see earlier on today if you're wondering what I'm talking about!).


        Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

        Hello did the counselling go?


          Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

          Yeah went to counsellor today. Always feel better after a run - and esp' tonight cos i did a good time and then on the drive back, listening to grand tunes (some trad folky kinda stuff that I like a lot) and driving with the sun setting behind the mountains and it all glowing orange n stuff and y'know it was kinda like...yeah... this is worth just feeling 'good' right now and not thinking, just enjoying the drive and the scenery and the feel good NATURAL chemicals

          (and the sweat and the fact that I needed to watch the car in front cos it was driving WAY slow and I wouldn;t want to rear end it :H:H)

          Got some more stuff from the counsellor to read... Maybe I'll be better after this weekends over with - bit of stress day coming up Saturday. Think I think have both sunday AND monday off :wow:


            Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

            Hey Reccie - see reply to the Doc!


              Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

              RunningCourage;1512930 wrote: Evening peeps.

              Well, had a good evening. I ran a race and got a sub 40min for me 10km

              Only problem is it fecking knackered me and now I need to keep it up ... FFS, Could I no' have just gone a wee bit slower and then other races wouldn't seem as hard :H
              I just worked that out in my head arsey...that's a very impressive time! You may have made a rod for your own back there...but bloody well done anyway!!!


                Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                Hey hey!!!

                Gord, I'm zorsted. What have you all been up to? XXX


                  Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                  Reccy and Arsey... I could be wrong but I think this book would suit yiz. It's called Corduroy Mansions by Alexander McCall Smith. It's a seroies. And Tipps... he's the one that wrote the First Ladies Detective Agency or what it was called... you know, the one, think it was Mombasa?

                  Gosh, I'm tired. Went to the Doc and the Doc said sleeping is good. So I came home and cleaned the fuck out of the house!!! :H


                    Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                    Series... even


                      Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                      Sorry guys. I'm going to go and read back after I make dinner. I've been a bit absent... soz... xxx


                        Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                        Evenin' all :wavin:

                        Just quick pop-in to say hiyas and nighters and hope ye all are well?

                        Haven't read back much but Reccie- im with Arsey in that I couldn't do a taper at all, cos once the bottle is open its end off... it's brilliant how well you're doing

                        Arsey- good job on the race and the counsellor, yeah you defo should have sun and mon off- no question. Ye have Sunday drivers over there on a Thursday?!

                        :hiya: Zens and Satz - you really do take heed of yer doc Zens eh?! Satz - did ye get those lines finished?

                        Up early in the morning so really must away to the ol leaba,

                        Night all xx


                          Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                          Corduroy Mansions?

                          Is it a big house made of Corduroy? Is it on Denim row? Out Cotton county way? Near Nylon city?! On the Polyester peninsula?!:H

                          Will have a looky for sure - thanks for the recommendayshun zennifer.


                            Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                            Sleep well Piddlepeapants :hallo:


                              Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                              Zenstyle;1512942 wrote: Series... even
                              Poor Zenners !:l
                              I'm back too with the bleedin' aches & pains:upset:
                              Has to be the bodies still adjusting -can't be a coincidence
                              The Russian choc for you made it into a padded envelope and is on my desk in office. next step to post it


                                Army Thread Thor's day 30th May

                                satz123;1512953 wrote: :wavin:
                                Poor Zenners !:l
                                I'm back too with the bleedin' aches & pains:upset:

                                Aw, no :no: sorry to hear that Doc. Gotta plan for getting rid of 'em? :l

                                Has to be the bodies still adjusting -can't be a coincidence

                                Dear Body of Doc Satz,
                                Please adjust accordingly
                                Thank you
                                The Arse

                                The Russian choc for you made it into a padded envelope and is on my desk in office. next step to post it

                                Ummm..... EEEEEEEAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT *whistles* did I say something? *whistles some more*
                                Moi prescriptions.

