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Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

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    Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

    It's the first day of Winter but hey ... only three months til the first day of Spring!

    Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

    I like your undefeatable attitude as always tawny. Happy June Underoos :h


      Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

      Good morning good morning good morning,

      Thank you so much for kicking us orf Frog. Folks who follow me on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, FB, and illegally installed cctv feeds will know I go commando, so thermals are foreign to me, but they sure make sense.

      Hello Ficks! Great to see you love. Still eating pasta? Now Pasta Queen, are you including yer protein to balance those carbs? I hope all's good there with you and yours, and you are okay.

      Orf to see a bloke about an album this morning.

      Rain all night here, but it ain't raining in my heart. Day 20, and I reckon this is it.

      Have a pearler Team Roo.


      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

        Morning Froglette, Mr G, Ficks and all Ovaries and Undies! nice to see you Ficks. Geez, tis a bit nippy...umm but the thermometer says 18 degrees, can honestly say it wasnt that warm when I got up early to do my jobs...

        The Lamp is at work this morning so I've snuck back into bed for a cuppa and to warm my feet on the cats...

        Not much to do today except the Lamp has plans to extend the vegie garden into the wilderness below, should be fun? or at least entail a Bunnings trip...and off to the iridologist for me...

        Lets make June a good one...


          Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

          Morning Happs,

          Please give my regards to Iris or Irvin the iridologist. Hope all goes well for you.

          Fickle. Not so fast young lady. We want a full report. How are you and what's been happening in your life?

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

            I shall say hello to Iris/Irvin for you G. I've never done this before but its a freebie at the organic shop, so it will be interesting to see what they pick up. I've got to get some coconut oil for pulling purposes anyway


              Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

              good work on day 20 mate, keep it going.
              having spent formative years in the UK, i love it when people carry on how cold it is here in Brisbane.
              it gets chilly in the morning for a month or so but not real, bone chilling,i need a doctor because it so F!@#ing cold, cold... bring on spring i say, the season of luurve.

              no !!! were harmed in the making of this post.
              AF since 10/26/2009

              It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                Guitarista;1513447 wrote: Folks who follow me on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, FB, and illegally installed cctv feeds will know I go commando, so thermals are foreign to me, but they sure make sense.
                This makes it sound like there are pics or video on the inter web. Just saying.
                Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                  Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                  aspman;1513463 wrote:

                  no !!! were harmed in the making of this post.
                  Morning Asp...Too early in the month for !! and you sound EXACTLY like the Lamp when it comes to the cold - well the supposed cold. Although he used to wear thongs when we went to the snow...the rubber kind, not the up your bum kind...


                    Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                    Siren136;1513464 wrote: This makes it sound like there are pics or video on the inter web. Just saying.
                    There are...:H:H...he just needs to take off the mask...


                      Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                      Morning Ficks, Happs, Mr.G, Aspy & Siren!!!!!,

                      Loads and loads of good rain overnight and I swear everything's turned green again.

                      Day visitors coming today - great fangs but hopeless cooks who suggested they bring up a Safeway cooked chook and potato salad. Cooked chook, my ARSE said I. Bring 2 doz oysters, 2kg of Mussels and 1kg of Green Prawn Tails, all of which I hope to turn into something spesh.

                      Have a top day


                        Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                        I love how you boss your guests around...

                        Remember green = mowing so that will make you happy. And speaking of mowing, is Bridge still mowing her yard?


                          Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                          Good morning Happs and G'ster,

                          You are sounding just as wonderful as always! Have just had a lovely time sipping tea in bed and catching up on all the wonderful tunes in the lounge

                          Low carb is my ideal, but we always fall back on the pasta when we are broke, which is frequently.. you can make so many wonderful variations for so few pennies! Unfortunately I've passed on my love of comfort food to my ficklettes and they always cheer when i bring out a lovely carbonara, bolognese or three cheese mac... We all vow to lower the serving sizes so there is more room for the large salad on the side... with the lower temperatures we will have to switch to steamed veg to retain the comfort factor. I have found i can quite happily leave out the pasta all together if i have enough steamed veg with just the pasta sauce on top. But then there is still the protein issue. Expensive stuff.

                          Am off into the day... tis looking like rain here so netball may be cancelled, which is a relief as i am on canteen duty. I plan to empty trailer, currently full of branches I trimmed away from powerlines recently, then take eldest ficklette shopping for some posh office sort of frock, shoes and fancy stockings for an interview next week. She is sick to death of waitressing which i fully appreciate - been there done that too.

                          I hope to make this month a good one with your support. I've got a little app that counts the number of steps i walk each day and i've been slowly increasing all year. I'm aiming for 10,000 steps per day at the mo. It's easy to rush and drive to work, rush and drive home then cook etc.. forgetting to fit in the walking. I aim for bigger things than that of course, but figure i have to commit to the steps first. Am also considering whether to go back to uni. Not sure if that would be an added pressure or an outlet for my creative side. Still arguing with myself on that one.

                          More reportage later... have a great day all.. must fly :wings:


                            Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                            oops, Xposting - Morning Aspy, Siren, TF!


                              Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...


                              my first attempt at photo bucket, hope this works.
                              AF since 10/26/2009

                              It will be five years sober 10/26/2014

