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Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

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    Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

    bird;1518398 wrote:
    ....a stray cat has come through the cat door and peed, ate all the cat food...I'm gonna get out my bb gun!!
    if you get a cat in your house follow my mates technique.
    1. catch it and cable tie a laminated sign to its collar. "he says if he catches me again he will kill me, please keep me indoors"
    2. the second time you catch said cat in your house, give it a bath in a mixture of canola oil and beetroot juice, the let it out of your house with a gentle boot in the bum.

    cats being cats it will head straight home brushing against the curtains and furniture putting beet juice all over the joint.

    only good for non-strays.

    let the good time roll. keep your cats indoors at night people
    AF since 10/26/2009

    It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


      Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

      Morning Bird, Aspy, Techie, and Roto rooters everywhere (yep I still love that term),

      Beetroot juice is good stuff. I should eat and drink more of the stuff. Might turn crimson but.

      Vale Jill. I can only imagine how her husband feels.

      But life does go on folks, doesn't it.

      I'm unclear at the moment whether hang gliding is a stoopider idea than skydiving. Any thoughts Techie? lol.

      Solar power is da bomb. It's freakin free youse wombats! Ok, a little start up cost, but not too outrageous if you can rustle up some finance. Look, you can even build yourself. I'm lovin yer alternative orf the grid living idea's. Ya can have it all I tells ya! Am I all talk? Yes!

      Have a pearler out there y'all.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

        Morning Techie, Aspy, G and all to come, G - great stuff on the 30. And the next 30 will just fly. Miserable wet and cold morning down here - pity because Wednesday's I take Nige to playgroup for the day and I had lots of good outdoor stuff planned but hey - there's bound to be some fantastically exciting house-bound jobbies to take care of. Have a ripper


          Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

          Morning all, a chilly 4 Degrees here currently, Having me first cuppa, at 6.10am . Work today boo hiss. Hating this stint, atm, ironically when i thought it would be the panacea to my problems. Instead ,has caused more stress. None too easy to please, moi .

          Solar Power would be great,g bloke. I would install it if i had any dosh

          Bird , what type of gorgeous feathered are in your avatar they remind me of my darling Lent who died 3 Years ago on 26/6/10.

          To you all, have a great day.
          Tawns ,you can have ALL the brussel sprouts. Generous of me, i know.


            Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

            Good morning all.

            This is my offering for today:

            Dust if you Must
            By Rose Milligan.

            Dust if you must, but wouldn?t it be better
            To paint a picture or write a letter,
            Bake a cake or plant a seed,
            Ponder the difference between want and need?

            Dust if you must, but there's not much time,
            With rivers to swim and mountains to climb,
            Music to hear, and books to read,
            Friends to cherish and life to lead.

            Dust if you must, but the world?s out there,
            With the sun in your eyes, the wind in your hair,
            A flutter of snow, a shower of rain.
            This day will not come round again.

            Dust if you must, but bear in mind,
            Old age will come and it?s not kind.
            And when you go - and go you must -
            You, yourself, will make more dust.

            So get out there and do something meaningful for yourselves today.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

              Noice one.
              AF since 10/26/2009

              It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                bird;1518398 wrote: hi all
                a stray cat has come through the cat door and peed, ate all the cat food...I'm gonna get out my bb gun!!
                My friend's cat (which is now strictly kept indoors) came home one day with a note which had been extremely well secured with lots and lots of sticky tape wound round the cat's body. They had to cut the tape off along with some fur. The note said.
                Nice cat. Keep it in your own backyard.

                As I said to my mate, they could have kicked it or fed it aspirin or any one of a number of nasty things. This is the same cat that gets in their fridge.


                  Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                  Guitarista;1518541 wrote:

                  Beetroot juice is good stuff. I should eat and drink more of the stuff. Might turn crimson but.

                  I'm unclear at the moment whether hang gliding is a stoopider idea than skydiving. Any thoughts Techie? lol.

                  Have a pearler out there y'all.
                  Your pee certainly will..

                  I remember last year I peed red. Thought oh shit i've got bladder cancer.Ii was freaking out then Mr Rags reminded me I'd eaten a heap of beetroot.

                  Hang glider I reckon is far safer than skydiving. It is essentially gliding. I did a tandem once ages ago. Paragliding also I reckon is safer. Done that too

                  Skydiving is hoping to hell the chute doesn't roman candle when it is deployed.


                    Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                    You'd be proud of me.
                    Have just finished XL ing a training schedule for myself .... weight/resistance, aerobic, balance and stability, practical training and mental training and visualisation. Phew.
                    Part of my motivation to geyt oiff my bum and do it are the words of Chris Evert:
                    "My weapons were concentration, competitive spirit, confidence, fitness and poise under pressure. I won because I could compete better."


                      Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                      Guitarista;1518541 wrote:
                      Solar power is da bomb. It's freakin free youse wombats! .
                      We had solar installed when we moved here. Hot water plus a 2KvA system.
                      Cost us about $12,000, forget what the govt. rebate was but I think about $4,000. We get a whopping 68 cents a Killowatt at the moment , though that will drop back to 20 - 28 cents next year when the contract ends.
                      One of our summer leccy bills was $32.00 credit!
                      The problem for lots of people will be finding the money for the start up. We were lucky as we had some money from the salwe of our house.
                      We estimate it will be paid for in about 6 years. I think if you get just hot water it pays for itself in a coupleof years.

                      To-day however, it is raining .... so I am busy cycling so I can type this post to you...


                        Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                        Can't talk about Jill - just can''s too upsetting.

                        Chop fat huh.....interesting.

                        Love that cat Ragsy. I'd be nice to a cat like that but can't vouch for Princess Lilly.

                        So, this is how my day started.....

                        Loud music ringtone.....
                        Go to answer my mobile.
                        No missed call registered....oh well. Bit weird....
                        Loud music ringtone.....
                        Rush to answer mobile - again.
                        Phone 'stops' - no missed call registered.....oh well. Really weird. Must be a phone somewhere close by I can here.....Wow, loud phone. Must be a workman or something.....mmmm weird.
                        Big truck outside but can't be for our place.
                        Oh well, continue with morning ritual. Lady Dharma keeps looking and wondering what's going on.
                        I have no idea darls - as you were......nothing to see here.
                        Bang, bang, bang on front door.....OH FUSK......that music was the new door bell I forgot we installed over the weekend....
                        Big truck was for our place - new gas bottles for new fake wood fire......cranky delivery man peering at me.
                        It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                        Mother Theresa


                          Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                          Oh Nicey, you're such a silly duffer.

                          Cool cat, Raggsy!

                          I have sprouts. The world is bright again. Still pussing down but.


                            Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                            Rags - I intend to hit the gym on my way home this afternoon. Reckon it will happen???

                            Hugs to e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e....and a salute to Mr G.
                            It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                            Mother Theresa


                              Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                              Sprouts ....

                              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                              Mother Theresa


                                Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                                Tawny - you'll get sprout gas - mark my words!
                                It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                                Mother Theresa

