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Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

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    Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

    Thought you'd object to that bit but hey ... let's enjoy. And I still think you should watch Babette's Feast. I think you'd throb it because it demonstrates how food can influence the psyche of a whole community. And it's French arty-farty with subtitles but my Ever.


      Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

      And what is wrong with french arty farty and subtitles pray tell? Much prefer that to most of the banal by the numbers stuff that is churned out of hollywood. Have seen some very good aussie films too so I have but more of that later for I must away to work now, be good.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

        OK - I have to ask
        Do you all really like brussels sprouts, or is talking about what I prefer to call "little green balls of death" just a sneaky way to get rid of newbies?

        There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
        You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

        I didn't come this far to only come this far.


          Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

          Glass Half Empty;1518709 wrote: OK - I have to ask
          Do you all really like brussels sprouts, or is talking about what I prefer to call "little green balls of death" just a sneaky way to get rid of newbies?

          Run GHE!
          They're trying to get veg into us!
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

            I'm not going to be a BS apologist. I throb them big time.

            So newbies and visitors alike ... please move along an ignore any reference to green balls of death. Tell us a story!


              Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

              Babette's Feast!
              One of my favs.

              Well I wagged today Undies.
              Also managed to dodge the truancy officer who 'they' no doubt dispatched to drag me back by the ear lobe.

              Just have to patch up a hole in the arse of my pink tracky daks Nicey, then they're all yours and you will be 'ttractive again.

              Pinching KTABS little cheeks....
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                One visitor here who also throbs Brussel Sprouts. It took my hubby years to learn to like the "green balls of death." Now he asks me to cook them. :-)

                They are good steamed with butter and salt. Grilled with garlic, butter and salt. An old time member here gave me a wonderful recipe, which I have lost )-: that sauteed them.

                Love those little green balls.

                Hi, Undies. Just after dinner time there for most? Up a bit early here and walking the dog scared out a possum from the yard. Dog almost pulled my arm off and is now pacing back and forth at the door wanting to get out.

                My son is trying to quit drinking. His withdrawals have been as bad as mine. :-(

                Day three for him today. I hope his shakes ease up a bit.

                I hope he sticks with it but I am hearing the, "I'll quit for a while and see if I can drink normally again." sigh. Doesn't seem to work for most, does it? I do have to let him learn on his own, though, don't I. Just like I had to.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                  tawnyfrog;1518716 wrote: I'm not going to be a BS apologist. I throb them big time.

                  So newbies and visitors alike ... please move along an ignore any reference to green balls of death. Tell us a story!
                  OK - if they're near to your heart I'll try to remain open minded

                  I don't have any stories sorry I'm one of the most boring people around.
                  There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                  You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                  I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                    Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                    tawnyfrog;1518716 wrote: I'm not going to be a BS apologist. I throb them big time.

                    So newbies and visitors alike ... please move along an ignore any reference to green balls of death. Tell us a story!
                    Have to admit to loving Brassicas of all kinds...including the GBOD's

                    Hi Glass, Ktabbers and Cindi and all...Ktab when I first made protein balls I stuffed it and ended up with another slice...

                    I'm xorsted and feel like wagging life for a bit...


                      Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                      Tawners, So much for moving on. :-) Sorry.

                      MHP, Some times it feels good to be exhausted, in that you worked hard towards a goal. Other times it means you worked hard all day on crap you didn't want to do.

                      Which is it for you, today?

                      btw, Took eldest grandson to Dept of Motor Vehicles yesterday. He passed his Learner's Permit test to drive with an adult for a year. Eeek. Talk about an uneasy, queasy feeling in the pit of the tummy. When did that little one grow up enough to drive? I feel we need to add signs to the cars to let other motorists know.

                      More importantly, when did I end up with my mom's neck and bat wings?

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                        Hope this works.
                        It was worse than just wagging Undies.
                        I snuck out when the rain stopped and enjoyed myself in the garden...

                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                          Cinders;1518718 wrote: One visitor here who also throbs Brussel Sprouts. It took my hubby years to learn to like the "green balls of death." Now he asks me to cook them. :-)

                          They are good steamed with butter and salt. Grilled with garlic, butter and salt. An old time member here gave me a wonderful recipe, which I have lost )-: that sauteed them.

                          Love those little green balls.
                          Hi Undies!

                          Cindi, I hope your son gets through the first week OK and then realizes that sober is better without too much trial and error :l

                          I had green balls with dinner last night. Love them! NoSugar posted a recipe in the recipe archive that looks good: My Fare Foodie.: Seared Scallops & Deconstructed Brussels Sprouts
                          Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                            Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                            Here's more...

                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                              Thank you Siren, I hope the same thing, too.

                              BBBJ, Lovely pictures. Turned out very well. I like the ornamental cabbages. Do you have hostas down under, too?

                              AF April 9, 2016


                                Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                                Cindi, I think its the latter- in the question to how my day has eldest locust has just got his L's...two years after the normal time - he got them coz his little brother is old enough in two weeks to get his L's. I think middle locust will be driving before the big one though. Different personalities.

                                Bridge, I heartily approve of wagging if it brings such gorgi pics to the Undies. Bewdiful.

                                Hi Siren! Brussel sprouts rock!!

