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Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

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    Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

    myhappyplace;1514610 wrote: I was going to install a bread and water diet type thing...

    This is the object of his desire


    Thankfully sold out at the moment so I have time.

    I'm doing all in my power to push to Vitamix - taken him to a demonstration, made him watch the infomercial on tv... might have to use some other means of persuasion...
    You could use it as a garden mulcher as well. :H


      Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

      Morning Happs. Only 4 days to go.


        Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

        Siren136;1514633 wrote: My mom died 9 years ago at age 56. Far too young. She had much to teach me.

        Time for some undie to school me on who is the Lamp?
        Siren, thats really sad about your mum :l

        The Lamp - the man formerly known as Mr Happyplace - was so name by Tawnyfrog. She requested a coolie hat to attend to her outside chores. Mr HP and I were on our way out to the local markets and I took a pic of him in the hat we found. He looked like a lamp in


          Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

          Rags;1514644 wrote: Morning Happs. Only 4 days to go.
          YAY!! yes i know...


            Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

            Heres the Lamp amidst his latest project...

            The effects in Photobucket have changed so I stuck a fez on him...


              Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

              myhappyplace;1514647 wrote: Heres the Lamp amidst his latest project...

              The effects in Photobucket have changed so I stuck a fez on him...
              That looks like a lot of work ahead for him.


                Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                myhappyplace;1514646 wrote: YAY!! yes i know...
                Then after seeing you, I get to help Missy move on 18th... gonna take up the new ute....... It's all happening at Raggsy's.


                  Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                  Here I am, here I am, here I am ...

                  A great read-back - lovely pics too. Thanks everybody.

                  Sorry to have been missing a tad - more than usual carting Nigel from hither to thither (wherever that may be).

                  Very sad about Mandawuy - what a wonderful, gentle man.

                  Visitors were great, bought seafood as instructed which I cooked and ate with much pleasure. We had a sextet of oysters, followed by garlic prawns on rice and then a huge bowl of Thai mussels, the juice mopped up with a still-warm loaf of crusty white. They also bought a box of 18 cans of Diet Coke which I told them to take home again because I've ever-so-virtuously been off the stuff since Nicey threw out the challenge. Can't remember when that was but it feels like I've been off the stuff for a very long time. Wish I could say I've been as disciplined with the fags ...

                  I'm about to kill and cook the second crop of 'Shrooms which, although not as weighty as the first have still been tremendous fun.

                  In other news, that recent downpour of rain has finally provided some much needed greenery for the girls. Noice.


                    Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                    Guitarista;1514522 wrote: Morning Ficks, Aspy, Techie, and all to come,

                    Have a great day Fickle!

                    Aspy, how do you feel these days off the turps? Have you noticed a difference in say from 2 years sober to 3 + years sober? Interested in your thoughts, thanks.

                    Last day of relative freedom, then back to the work coalface domani.

                    Have a pearler out there Team roo.
                    I feel good bottom line. I get the same peeves i used to, i don't consider AL as a solution like i used to. in the last few months i have not fell the desire to drink at social stuff, desires not the right word. I was out the other night at the pub for diner and when asked what i wanted i had a water, then a coke. didn't even cross my mind to grab a beer.
                    that is kinda new, i had been thinking it but not desiring it but this last few month its not entering into my mind. my temper is slowly getting better, i had hoped it was P.A.W.S Post-acute-withdrawal syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                    but maybe i am just a cranky old prick,lol.
                    The thing is i DON'T drink AL anymore, i just don't. it relieves huge pressure from my shoulders, i don't need to concentrate on all the little things an active drunk has to stress over, DUI & BAC for driving.
                    even simply finding a BYO restaurant of even better a licensed one.
                    how long till my next drink, where will i find a top up on a day out, will people notice if i slip down the pub at lunch... all in all i am still making improvements and enjoying my own head space.:thanks:
                    AF since 10/26/2009

                    It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                      Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                      It's good this life, eh Asp?


                        Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                        its real happs, good or bad its what i (we) make it, but we have the chance to see and do stuff sober.
                        AF since 10/26/2009

                        It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                          Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                          aspman;1514662 wrote: its real happs, good or bad its what i (we) make it, but we have the chance to see and do stuff sober.
                          I think you've expressed it properly right there.


                            Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                            I hear ya Aspy..... F.R.E.E.D.O.M!!!

                            Tis a good life Happs without AL.....just 'tis.
                            It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                            Mother Theresa


                              Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                              nicelife;1514664 wrote: I hear ya Aspy..... F.R.E.E.D.O.M!!!

                              Tis a good life Happs without AL.....just 'tis.
                              Where've you been? Hmm?? do you have a note?

                              and I forgot to say, good afternoon to TF.

                              Not in a working mode today btw..


                                Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                                Hey Happsy - and all,

                                No note Missy Happs - just cruising around being fabulous! Been quietly working away here at the command desk. BUT before that I was at home enjoying a rainy coldish weekend in my fancy smancy 'theatre room' at my new digs. Well, the front lounge room in reality.... Meself, Lady Dharma, Lord Oscar and Princess Lilly watched Animal Kingdom (w.o.w) and Intouchables (noice). I've finally managed to master the art of playing a dvd so I took full advantage and watched not one, but two!!! I just felt like being entertained and not so bothered with the world at large. It worked - we had a noice weekend - noice I tell you!!! Then when I returned said movies I accidentally returned one of FH's playstation games and had to retrieve stealthily so I didn't get myself into any trouble about that little mistake......

                                FH watched sports and stuff he had recorded in the other less than formal area of the house. Otherwise known as the back room. But, it too is a lovely room.... Suffice to say I being quite Queenly and important..... I ate chocolate and popcorn too!!!

                                So, good to see that Tawny can now feed the clan again since it has rained. I'm still off the diet coke too Tawny. I did have a couple of tumblers filled with soda water and lime.

                                Salute to Mr G!

                                Hugs to Bridgey.

                                Nice to see that the Lamp has shades for all occasions - meaning shades of colour - not the actual l.a.m.p shade....too funny!

                                I want a tree house please.

                                You know what I hate about some stuff. How people duck for cover or become teflon when the going gets tricky. Just sayin'.......

                                Anyway, the phone is ringing so I had best go and find out who wants what from me. Why else would they ring? The phone only ever rings when someone wants me.....oh, it stopped.....but I better go anyway.

                                Yes, sad news about Mandawuy.

                                Love you all - mean it.
                                It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                                Mother Theresa

