Reggie thanks love, i hope you are well, i am just dismayed in humanity, so sad, so sad.
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Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...
Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...
coriander;1524155 wrote: Im sorry to interrupt the flow, but i just need to vent a bit, & i hope no-one minds.
I do have something to get off my small but still perky chest.
Today ws the 3rd annivrsary of my little heart birdy Lentl dying. MOst of you know this. AT work today, I told a friend/colleague of this.
Some important by-parts ;
- this lady is a good friend, i thought, sharing many work ethics
- she is approx 10 yrs older than me, but we really do communicate well
- she is a Christian - importance of this? Hmmmm
- she suffers PTSD from a work related incident which I know all about
-whenever we chat, it tends to be, but i never thought about this until today
I'm not sure if I had told her the importance of that creature in my life. SHe is childless like me. When I told her today of the anniversary, the convo went like this;
Me : today is the 3rd year since my birdy Lentl died
Friend: really/ I didn't think you'd remember something like that
Me : I'll never forget it
FRiend: I' not into birds, they leave me cold.
I'm a bit stunned.
WHen do people, if ever, really listen. IS it a unique gift, or a unusually high sensitivity on my behalf. I know people think it silly to have a child sub in a BIRD, but thats what HAPPENED, tht really HAPPENED, to me, a barren woman in her mid 40's with some imbalances in the brain.
Holy fuck.
I just needed to unload.
I will try not to look at my friend in an unkind light. SHeesh.
I guess some people just have absolutely no empathy for anyone else and can only see the world through their own blinkered view.
We all have the capacity and need for love and compassion, and how we bestow it is just as valid for that person as anyone else's is. For some that may be towards their children, or their partner, or their pets or even other beings that come and go in their life (eg for people or animals they care for as volunteers etc).
Some people (like you) are very sensitive and aware of the intelligence and character of individual animals but a lot of people aren't
What matters is that you have the memories and know the importance of a special being in your life, and if she doesn't have that empathy then she is the one that is lacking. You can't change people that just don't get it!
If you need to grieve with people who care and understand then we're your folk! :hThere's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues
I didn't come this far to only come this far.
Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...
Thank you so much glassy, that is lovely of you to write that, makes me firkin cry a bit harder....the above post was for reggie man....sorry to x post.
My curse & my gift is compassion. It is only here that i find it equalled.
Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...
You're entitled to grieve as much as anyone else sweetie. Disenfranchised grief is grief that isn't socially sanctioned so you often can't grieve publicly and in the way you need to, but it's just as valid as the regular sort.
It may be for a pet..or a secret relationship..or the loss of a job.
Hopefully this is a safe place where we can rant and rave as much as we need to.
:h :h :hThere's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues
I didn't come this far to only come this far.
Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...
As in, seriously, nowhere have i ever experienced the same depth of empathy as here.
Is it a common denominator? Dunno.
Glassy, reggie, thank you.
(On a lighter note, when i just typed in "thank you", my auto suggest came up with "wank you"....gawd.)
Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...
The funny thing is glassy, in my job i find that mostly i cannot express human emotion as it seems as if it is totally unexpected.
Eg ; i'm nervous about this procedure....response : really??? Why???
(Thought response ; cos it can DIE dickwad)
Eg : i feel sad for this dog.....response : oh,but you can deal with it
(Thought response ; is that because i don't feel what othrs feel?)
Eg : i'm not sure about this diagnosis.....response: blank look
(Thought response ; so i am suppoed to know EVERYTHING,right?)
THus I have learnt to be poker faced about all things,express total cofidence in all thigs even though they scare me, & be a complete fuckin rock for all walks of life who come in with a sick critter. I am a vet, counsellor, humanitarian, every frickin thing that i cannot be because
I NEED help myself.
Sorry glassy veent in full swing.
Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...
coriander;1524181 wrote: As in, seriously, nowhere have i ever experienced the same depth of empathy as here.
Is it a common denominator? Dunno.
Glassy, reggie, thank you.
(On a lighter note, when i just typed in "thank you", my auto suggest came up with "wank you"....gawd.)There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues
I didn't come this far to only come this far.
Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...
The funny thing is glassy, in my job i find that mostly i cannot express human emotion as it seems as if it is totally unexpected.
Eg ; i'm nervous about this procedure....response : really??? Why???
(Thought response ; cos it can DIE dickwad)
Eg : i feel sad for this dog.....response : oh,but you can deal with it
(Thought response ; is that because i don't feel what othrs feel?)
Eg : i'm not sure about this diagnosis.....response: blank look
(Thought response ; so i am suppoed to know EVERYTHING,right?)
THus I have learnt to be poker faced about all things,express total cofidence in all thigs even though they scare me, & be a complete fuckin rock for all walks of life who come in with a sick critter. I am a vet, counsellor, humanitarian, every frickin thing that i cannot be because
I NEED help myself.
Sorry glassy vent in full swing.
The practice i am working at is currently being sued for not diagnosing a dog with fatal lymphoma. I am not involved, but it brings on so much anxiety. What if i was the one who failed, what if i were being sued. I think i would most definitely top myself, no question.
But when i feel overwhelmed,can i stop myself from going ahead now....hard to say.
How to deal with these feelings is fairly taxing, to say the least.
Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...
hiya corrie, sorry for your birdy loss.
feelings are real and genuine the moment we feel them. It does not matter which source they come from they are self realized and valuable even if they seem in a bubble from and excluded from other people. It is extra nice to have caring empathetic people around who can sympathize or share with you.don't let someone who does not realize the importance of things in your life, let their ignorance bring them down. I FEEL sorry for someone who never gets that special connection with another creature, the selfless giving and companionship for the sake of companionship you get from an animal.
I had a bird as a teenager, a cockateel, we went everywhere together. when he died i was distraught, i burnt three of his tail feathers into ash( i got very little ask i was crying to much) and i took it to my tattoo shop wher i got my artist to mix it with some ink and i got a tattoo which for me represents my little bird. i keep hoping to sprout wings, but so far no luck.
keep your chin up.AF since 10/26/2009
It will be five years sober 10/26/2014
Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...
Reggie;1524171 wrote: Don't be corrie dismay and sad will just make you sad you have so much to be happy for ya young , smart and sexy and brill to boot just give ya self a break you are so needlessly hard on ya self ..please look at how you are so cool ya self dear love ya self lots:loo:h:h
Well said Reg. Take heed Cozza!
aspman;1524305 wrote: hiya corrie, sorry for your birdy loss.
feelings are real and genuine the moment we feel them. It does not matter which source they come from they are self realized and valuable even if they seem in a bubble from and excluded from other people. It is extra nice to have caring empathetic people around who can sympathize or share with you.don't let someone who does not realize the importance of things in your life, let their ignorance bring them down. I FEEL sorry for someone who never gets that special connection with another creature, the selfless giving and companionship for the sake of companionship you get from an animal.
I had a bird as a teenager, a cockateel, we went everywhere together. when he died i was distraught, i burnt three of his tail feathers into ash( i got very little ask i was crying to much) and i took it to my tattoo shop wher i got my artist to mix it with some ink and i got a tattoo which for me represents my little bird. i keep hoping to sprout wings, but so far no luck.
keep your chin up.
Vale Lentl. Hope today is a much better one for you Cori, and it will be.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...
Rock on classy like y'all.
Glassy's classy, that's for sure.
Wank you. 'ave a pearler out there. Ooroo!
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...
You know Cori doesn't even matter who or what we love, as long as we do love in my opinion. I wonder if your mate was just having a shocker of a day?
You are a lovely lady Glassy One. You make a lot of sense.
Well I wonder how Ruddy is going to fix Straya today? I do hope he has everything wrapped up by 5PM Canberra time, because tomorrow is a short day being POETS and all.
I would love to see some of your photos of the top end Reg. Those sunsets are just phenomenal.
Morning Mr G. and Aspy.If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19