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Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

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    Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

    Guitarista;1513703 wrote: Cool,

    Today I came across an organic fruit/veg shop which also had a nutritionist and naturapath upstairs. Might visit the nutritionist one day just to make sure i'm putting the optimal fuel into my body. Iridology available too.
    Excellent G-man. Would you mind asking them about the nutritional value of the Labne Ball. Much appreciated.

    On the kayak this morning with friends. Still at lake leaving now. It is so hot even here. Around 110f in the valley today. Yuck! Ribs are still bothersome but hey, they'll heal. I hope.

    Froggy how were the guests?

    Any news on LillyYantra?
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

      thought you might enjoy these...


      The place...
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

        techie;1513908 wrote: Would you mind asking them about the nutritional value of the Labne Ball. Much appreciated.
        Gidday mates!

        The best of the best of good mornings to y'all from a fresh and windy seaside locale. A noice sleep in had here, so better git cracking and squeeze a run and a dip in before band practice. I've bought a handy little portable recorder which i'll try out today. It say's I should be able to sync it up to get audio on Bridge tracker too.

        Techie, wouldn't you know it, I bumped in to one of the sheila's from the health food store who just couldn't stop yapping about the qualities of Labne balls. She told me that originally, Labne balls came from a remote village in the hills of North west Germany circa 1250 A.D. It is said the recipe was created to entice young and not so young virile men down into the village to fraternise with the village virgins. She told me there is a special secret ingredient that only women know about that is designed to attract the male of the species. She told me that this practice is becoming more and more RAMPANT in the big cities and culture of today, and is unlikely to lose it's increasing popularity. It is at this point that she produced and offered me a Labne ball. Amazing.

        Have a pearler out there Team Roo,

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

          Good Morning Tackeroos

          Filling in time which should be used for impendingly due assignments watching morning TV re: Dragon's Blood face lift cream () and anything else I can come up with to put it off.
          Mr G you will already know this via Bridge Tracker of course. Do not recommend the audio function for your own protection, especially since the boy has Sunday morning grumpage.

          Have Froglette's visitors knocked her off? Stuck her in the cob oven and all?

          Also I am thinking that we should start a log of Techie's injuries. Just for fun (and to avoid assignments) We could start with the ribs and work backwards. Maybe start an online blog with a slideshow?
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

            Arvo Undies! and just for luck !! I've just loved this weekend. Morning doing yoga, markets for brekky and talking with some like minded folksies, now just resting after stripping basil from the garden to make pesto. The Lamp is hell bent on his latest project - pics to follow - which is good because a busy Lamp is a happy Lamp.

            hey found this clip of Mr G on You Tube - he sure gives Techie a run for his money...

  [/video]]Campbell's Chunky Fully Loaded Man - YouTube

            Where's everyone?


              Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

              [img]a href=[/img][/IMG]

              the first test ride of the slide.

              a satisfied customer,80% fin.
              AF since 10/26/2009

              It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                Can you come and do some stuff 'round my place Aspy?

                That place strikes me as extremely functional and low maintenance.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                  The boy needs "Go Fast Sox". It's important. Skin just slows ya down


                    Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                    tawnyfrog;1514086 wrote: Skin just slows ya down
                    Doesn't it though?
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                      OOps ... I forgot ... Banana Benders don't own sox.

                      OK ... Going to read back now to see what's been happening in the drawer ...


                        Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                        aspman;1513589 wrote:

                        our new tree house project...we have a big slide coming. the platform is 1.7m above the ground.
                        my boy climbs so high it is scarey.
                        That's a ripper of a tree house. Now if your little girl was able to wear a pair of shorts I bet she'd be able to outclimb her brother. Dresses inhibit so many activities.


                          Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                          techie;1513992 wrote: thought you might enjoy these...


                          Hmmm.... kayak with skirt yes. Open canoe no.


                            Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                            Is that a mango tree Aspy?


                              Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                              Rags;1514120 wrote: Is that a mango tree Aspy?
                              yup a mango tree, should be a great spot for a fruit salad in mango season... lol
                              AF since 10/26/2009

                              It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                                Undies - Bring out your Thermals ...

                                Love those pics Asp. The mango tree's a bonus too.

                                Just watching Australian story repeat of the Hazel Hawke story. Really interesting. And then onto Modern Family and will give MC a whirl. And then Paper Giants, can't wait for that one...just a nice night in with the fire on. And wearing socks...because we can...

