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One Step at a Time - June 2013

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    One Step at a Time - June 2013

    Russell Brand: My life without drugs | Culture | The Guardian
    I found this to be very inspirational. I stole it from another thread.
    I am going on vacation next week and am working on my mindset
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      One Step at a Time - June 2013

      Russell Brand: My life without drugs | Culture | The Guardian
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        One Step at a Time - June 2013

        Hi Everyone!

        Well...I just got a call from the Jail Supervisor, he wants me to come in for an interview for the Jailer position (remember when I was trying for that WAAAYY back when?) It's something I'd have to really think about, I think it's shift work, which might turn out to be a good thing. We'll see what happens. I never seem to know what's going to change from one day to the next. And more importantly, if I have to wear a uniform, where will I wear all my cute thrift store clothes? LOL :H
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          One Step at a Time - June 2013

          I'm so sorry that I haven't posted! I'm doing fine. I have been thinking about you all so much. I was sure that I posted on Monday but I don't see it there. I was not feeling well yesterday so went to bed early.
          Anyway - more later. Big hugs to you all.
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            One Step at a Time - June 2013

            I was just about to text you Nora. Hope you are feeling better
            ya'll make sure you read that link I posted.....very well written and dead on about addiction
            K9- we are get you in that jail yet, I swear...not behind bars, mind you
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              One Step at a Time - June 2013

              Mama - I think that's why I am determined to get there, so I can see the "other" side of the bars!

              Feel better Nora! :h
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                One Step at a Time - June 2013

                tee hee
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  One Step at a Time - June 2013

                  let's see....dinner tonight is coconut breaded talapia and was already made K9, I am just heating it up!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    One Step at a Time - June 2013

                    mama bear;1515800 wrote: cleaning is good for the soul Juja
                    hope your Dad doesn't sit there and bitch....
                    Next time my father's in the hospital I will buy you a round-trip ticket to VA, pick you up at Dulles, and you and I will clean my parents' house.

                    I walked into my father's house today, and almost had a meltdown-really. I didn't know where to start. When I asked sibling for help, they had other plans. I was so pissed. YS will begrudgingly help me put in a window ac tomorrow. WTF?

                    Oh, and, my father will bitch, especially since I had a plumber come in and install the new kitchen faucet he couldn't get it together enough to install. Crap, he's 88. He had taken out the old one, and there'd been no water in the kitchen since last week. I couldn't let him come home to that. But, I'll hear about it, believe me. Could get ugly. I paid someone money for something he could do himself! Well, happy Father's Day.

                    Cleaned my butt off, and I'm exhausted. I did not grow up in that environment, btw. When I was their slave, every bug speck had to be off a window, every corner had to be cleaned, and the vacuum cleaner had to be put away before he came home from work. As a teenager, he asked me why I didn't take as much pride in the rest of the house as I did in my room. Didn't I see the cobwebs in the corners of the stairwell?

                    One other thing: to my father, women, wives, and daughters are tools and objects, whatever they do is expected, and assumed. I could go on about this, but I won't. You really don't want to know.

                    I asked dh for help with the ac unit, he said he didn't want to be a handyman. He also paid a bill, that was in my name, late, and proceeded to make it my problem because there was a late fee. I needed to call. Baffle them with bullshit, right? He's the only one who uses that card. I now have it in my wallet.

                    If I inherit any money, I'm buying a small place of my own, and leaving. I'm am fucking worn out from being a woman.

                    This post turned into a rant, but I needed it. Thanks, if you read it.

                    Talk tomorrow, maybe.
                    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                      One Step at a Time - June 2013

                      Juja - I LOVE YOU!!!! I am so sorry for everything you are going thru. Just remember that you have us by your side. :l

                      I'm sorry that I'm not going to post much tonight. My cousin is in the hospital. Doesn't look good. He's only 47. Anyway - long story about secretive/dysfunctional side of the family. Not going to get into it now. I've tried to find out his contact info for a long time......and now it's such a limited time. :upset: Just talked to his partner and it was nice to connect.

                      Love & hugs to everyone. I'll be back tomorrow. We have my Uncle's memorial on Friday.
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        One Step at a Time - June 2013

                        Juja – feel free to rant as much as you like sweetie – it sounds like you have plenty to rant about. Looking after elderly parents is hard at the best of times, and it sounds as though your situation is a long way from the best.

                        Nora – not sure what to say, hon, except prayers for your cousin. It seems so unfair that your family has had so much grief in such a short time. All the best for the memorial service.

                        I went to the Dr this morning and she confirmed I have a virus (I think it was the razor blades in the throat that gave it away). The Zoloft SEs definitely seem be better today so I’m going to try and increase the dose tomorrow. She also said that my blood test results look like I may have a gallbladder problem so I have to have an ultrasound. Plus I have to have another Xray on my ankle tomorrow and I’m a year overdue for a pap smear and mammogram. Oh, and I have to have one of my molars extracted because it’s cracked too badly to be fixed and it has an abscess.

                        But at least I have my health!! :H
                        There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                        You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                        I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                          One Step at a Time - June 2013

                          come and get me Juja
                          your siblings can go jump, but try (if you can) to remember that he's an 88 yead old man and that is he alone and probably scared.....and know that you are doing the right thing and be proud of yourself. Do something nice for yourself. Buy a huge bouquet of sunflowers and out them on your table. And let your daddy bitch and just try to ignore him. My hubs mom can fuss with the best of them and make me crazy, but she has taught me everything I know about cooking and raising kids,etc. I am adopted, so my birth mother and adopted mom are a WHOLE nuther story:-)
                          Glass....I am Happy(?) that you have a virus and that you will contiue on the zoloft. Poor baby. You have so much going on
                          Nora - is this a long lost cousin? Do you have any contact? Are you close? I ask coz I don't think you can take much more pain right now and if you can perhaps you should keep your distance. I know that sounds me, but the heart can only take so much.
                          We are leaving on a North Carolina vacation Sunday and there will be alot of AL. I have been dwelling on my plan.
                          coffee, then shower
                          I have decided my new asst has the mindset of a 16 year old. She wears me out. She bee bops around and acts so juvenile. She works hard. I gotta give her that. Now if I could just get her to shut the F up!!!!
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            One Step at a Time - June 2013

                            Hi Friends!

                            Juja - I am so sorry about the situation with your dad. Being a woman is exhausting enough without all the added stress that seems to be expected of you! I'm sorry that your dad has (and has always had) that mindset about women...that must make it so difficult. Just do the best you can and whatever doesn't get done...oh well! I am proud of you for how strong you are being :l

                            Nora - I cannot believe that your family is going through another illness...I am SO SORRY! You have really been through it the last year. I hope you know I love you :h

                            GHE - Yes, at LEAST you have your health! :H Sometimes I feel as if I'm falling apart too, then I tell myself I am just being a wimp...which I am. I am amazed at the strength that all of you here have

                            Mama - Have fun on your vacay! Are you getting hit with the storm right now? The most "weather" we get is some fog rolling in at night...exciting, huh? So what is your plan for being around all that AL? I am really buckling down on the AB right now...dont know why but it seems to be that time of year where I struggle. Boopie girl will be going to her dad's on Sunday for at least 2 weeks, so of course DickHead reared up and I thought "Hey, I can drink!" Especially now that my nephew moved out and I am really, truly alone! But no....I need to use this time to focus on my health...spend hours (guilt free) at the gym and try AGAIN to quit the cigs. I CANNOT be a smoker and a Jehovah's's just not acceptable, which is understandable. Heck, I don't want to be a smoker either, but it's so stinkin' hard to give up EVERYTHING. I may talk to the "elders" and see if they can least if they know, I will feel more accountable (as long as it doesn't get back to my parents...funny how at 40 I still don't want Mom and Dad mad at me! LOL)

                            I am sending you all my guys and gals are the best! :h:h

                            Oh...I forgot to comment on your asst Mama...I know the EXACT type of person you are talking about...yes, very tiring...makes you just want to tell them to grow the F up!!!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              One Step at a Time - June 2013

                     made me smile
                              yes...we are getting soaked right comes and goes....Jacksonville has about 5 main bridges and there was a rumor that they were being closed. All my employees got all excited to leave early, but I called the news station and was told it was a rumor.....SO SOWWY silly people! Now get back to work!!
                              I don't know what my plan is. I can't tolerate AB the other meds. I may mod, I may not. I know I am a heretic for even saying that, but I am in a good place right now and am not fighting "Dickhead"...feel free to slap the crap out of me at any time....:-)
                              I cannot imagine going to the elders and talking about AL..but they have years of grace and wisdom and have probably seen it all
                              A Jacksonville Jaguar that coaches at Clay's new school has called hubs to meet for lunch.....WOW!!
                              next thing you know, I'll be hanging out with the Kardashians!!(yick)
                              I had a talk with my asst....K9 - you have to come up with a nickname)...I made her cry. I had to remind her that we are not friends and I am her boss. She calls me little nicknames (like Mama) and her familiarity irritates the crap out of me. I told her we were not friends. Maybe we will be one day, but for now we work together. It was probably the harshest I have ever been with anyone at work, but it needed to be said.
                              ok...rant over..back to work and salad...kisses to all MUUUUUAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                One Step at a Time - June 2013

                                I will try to come up with a nickname...I'll need more of a physical description though. "AnnoyingBitch" is too general! LOL

                                Seriously, I bet that was a hard conversation to have...but good for you! I can tell you run a tight ship there!

                                The more I think of getting a job at the jail, the more I want it. Bring on the criminals! :H
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

