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question about units

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    question about units

    I watched rain in my heart the other night and was confused when the doctor was talking about units you should be able to safely consume. Does anyone know how many units are in a normal sized bottle of wine?
    Also, part of the reason I've always had such a hard time admitting I have a problem, is that even though I can drink a bottle or even 2 on occasion, I've always done it over several hours and very seldom am I what would normally be legally drunk. How does that figure into the total number of units you consume, if at all. I'm not trying to be a smart ass, I really want to know.

    question about units

    Old Grey,

    :welcome: to MWO.

    Here is a link to wikipedia's definition of units of alcohol. I know, I know, wikipedia is not a trusted source but in this case, I think it is fairly accurate.

    Unit of alcohol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    After consuming 1 or 2 bottles over several hours, have you had your BAC taken? You might be surprised at what you find.

    I can't say whether you have a problem or not but if you think you might, you may want to look around and see if there is anything on MWO that can help you.

    AF April 9, 2016


      question about units

      Oh I know I have a problem, otherwise I wouldn't be on this site. But like so many others, it's trying to determine the extent of the problem and how to deal with it.


        question about units

        Old Grey;1515342 wrote: I watched rain in my heart the other night and was confused when the doctor was talking about units you should be able to safely consume. Does anyone know how many units are in a normal sized bottle of wine?
        Also, part of the reason I've always had such a hard time admitting I have a problem, is that even though I can drink a bottle or even 2 on occasion, I've always done it over several hours and very seldom am I what would normally be legally drunk. How does that figure into the total number of units you consume, if at all. I'm not trying to be a smart ass, I really want to know.
        Hiya OG and welcome to MWO. In answer to your first question, the number of units in a bottle will obviously vary with the strength of the wine, but you should be able to get a reasonably accurate figure from the following site by making the appropriate selections:

        Unit and Calorie Calculator

        Typically the liver can process about one unit per hour (it will vary from person to person amongst other things), so if you consume a 10 unit bottle of wine over 6 hours, you can expect to have approximately 10 - 6 = 4 units in your system by the time you've finished the bottle. Hope that helps a little.


          question about units

          thanks everyone. that's a big help!

