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Inspiration needed please

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    Inspiration needed please

    hard to hear...but you know how it goes, the person has to want it with all their heart, or it won't work anyway.

    hang in there marshy.



      Inspiration needed please

      Hiya Marshy!

      I think you have it pretty much sussed about what to say to her... sounds right on the money to me.

      She'll be really pleased to hear from the outside world. I went to rehab... you kinda get "locked away" from everything and everyone... so it will be a very welcome surprise for her to get your letter. :l

      There is kinda a pecking order in addictions, I found. (I was one of a handful of alkies in amongst druggies) so don't be surprised/disappointed if she thinks alcoholism isn't as dreadful as drug abuse. (I don't mean that badly... just don't want you to be let down.)

      The fact that she went in voluntarily speaks volumes. Heroin is a bitch to come off of and she knew that going in... so I reckon your girl is ready.

      As for what to say... yep, defo tell her about yourself I reckon. It's always good to know we are not alone. Maybe say something about looking to the future and how bright her life can be without drugs... all the possibilities... maybe say how your life has changed so much for the better to give her something to hold on to.

      Good luck to her... X

      p.s. Maybe send her a little pressie with the letter? Like a bracelet or something. Someone sent me a watch and I wore that every day to keep the person in mind.


        Inspiration needed please

        Marshy;1516687 wrote: And so it turns out. Just got a text from my brother saying she's walked out of the detox centre and won't be going through with any treatment programme. Things don't look good.
        Aww no...

        So sorry to hear that Marshy. I had just wrote a post about your letter, before reading the rest of the thread.

        Where is she staying, do you know? Could someone convince her to try a different rehab maybe?


          Inspiration needed please

          Oh Marshy......
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Inspiration needed please

            Sorry Marshy. Do you know if she got the letter before leaving? I'm wondering if she is aware of your supportive position. Which BTW, may be the only thing you can do/be at this point.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Inspiration needed please

              So sorry Marshy!
              Hopefully she has some way to contact you, if she chooses to do so.
              It is hard to sit back & watch someone self-destruct but some things we just cannot fix. You'll be ready & willing to give her a hand when she wants one I'm sure
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Inspiration needed please

                Thanks everyone.
                Bettygirl - indeed I do know how it goes and she won't stop until she wants to. I've talked to my brother and he knows that's true too.
                Zenstyle - she's been in detox once before, when she OD'd about three years ago. That was a diferent detox centre so she knows there are different places she could try if she wanted to. My brother is finding her somewhere to live but he and his wife are getting to the end of their tether as they've been dealing with the fallout from this for a long time.
                Greenie, no she wouldn't have got my letter by the time she left. And my brother destroyed her phone (with her agreement) so she couldn't easily contact the people she's been hanging round with so I can't call her either. My brother is keeping me posted about any developments but he's very angry with her at the moment because he was hoping she would give treatment a go.
                Thanks Lav & Mama
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

