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Army Thread Sunday 9th June
Army Thread Sunday 9th June
Good morning Reccie :hallo: and everyone else lounging in their jammies in Snooozleville.
Here's a thing (not very interesting thing, but a thing all the same) ... I had 8 hours sleep last night. I NEVER have 8 hours sleep. 5 and a half somtimes, often 6 or 6 and a half, sometimes 7.... but NEVER 8.In fact the last few nights I've slept a wee bit more...
Must be old age settling into these bones here :H
OK here' s to day's Sunday brekkie:
Army Thread Sunday 9th June
Morning arsey
Dead envious of you getting 8 hours sleep! I turned in at 2am and was up at 5 :upset:
My main objective for today is to plan a short hiking trip for later this month. Nothing too ambitious and somewhere quiet and off the beaten track, hopefully.
Army Thread Sunday 9th June
Morning army just quick hi here getting for church. :goodjob: RC can't make the last time I had 8 hrs straight sleep being sober well drunk? possible:H. Thanks for brekkie looks yum. Nice one Reccie planning a trip when the funds are better i'll do the same for later in summer. Hi to Pinky and tabbers have a lovely sunday and all still in snoozville. Laters.:cupajoe::cupajoe::wavin:
Army Thread Sunday 9th June
Hewwo! Checking in from the the "borrowed" notebook. Man, this thing is weird... Hopefully it will see me through the Scotland visit. It has a touch screen... gah! I'm discombobulated.
Went shopping yesterday... got some cold weather gear at bargain prices thank gawd... I was really worried about keeping warm. Don't think any of it will survive a wash so best not spill nowt on it. Cheapo Garments R Us!
OK... my first official post from the ***notebook***............ roll of drums...
Army Thread Sunday 9th June
Good morning Reccybear, D'arsey, Pinkles, Satzuma, Tabbers, Tipperoooo, Foxyloxy, Zennifer
Made a fatal error this morning woke up at 5.30am full of beans thinking I'd gerrup but decided to go back to sleep. 4 hours later I'm lewking for those beans I had.
Zens, me darling, think the weather might surprise you. As long as you've got a nice cardi you'll be grand. Preferably a floor length Aran one with a hood.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009