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Army Thread Monday, 10th June

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    Army Thread Monday, 10th June

    littlepinkcat;1517993 wrote: i was just like Joe untill I done this intervention and I managed to reduce mine quite significantly
    What hints you got Pinky ?- Mr S gets angry too - not a lot but a bit.
    Me I am quite placid - love sitting in traffic - day-dreaming - what's the feckin' RUSH with everyone ??
    but then never have to face rush hour or nowt !:egad:


      Army Thread Monday, 10th June

      mollyka;1517991 wrote: Haha - I was soooo organised when boozing - made sure everything was shipshape afore I picked up my first glass of wine -- don't bother me arse these days till things get beyond chaos!

      Ah yes. Was sooooooo tidy when drinking.
      Then again I remember all my life even of a Saturda night after coming home at all hours - I hung up EVERYTHING.
      Friends used to laugh at me.
      Yup a few drinks and I was the 'tidy queen'

      Now like you Molls - dirty fecker:H. When Mr S was away in Cheltemham this year I threw stuff around willy nilly :shocked: Unheard of !!!! - he's kinda taken over the tidiness thing - :H:H Thus the nagging :egad:


        Army Thread Monday, 10th June

        Where'd yiz all go ?????:upset:


          Army Thread Monday, 10th June

          I'm here... and pissed off! I'm in 1-800 hell... gah! If you could only get to talk to a human it would be nice...

          Just found out they charge me an extra 3% on my credit card on foreign transactions. Well that's nice. ( I guess I better go and get travellers cheques...


            Army Thread Monday, 10th June

            Well done on your angry driving grade pinkles. :goodjob:

            Think I must be your exact opposite mollers. Never did a stroke of cleaning or tidying while drinking, but on the days when I've been sober recently I've been running the poor old Dyson handheld into the ground - literally. I'm amazed at how much dust accumulated over the winter months and don't get me started talking about the cobwebs.


              Army Thread Monday, 10th June

              Hiya ReccyBear! :l Good going on the housework! I'm like you... sober = shit getting done!

              Mollers... Yer all back to front, do you know that?! :H

              Do you know you can't just go to the bank and get travellers cheques now... need to order them. And my phone plan doesn't have international so I'll be totally cut off (which is prolly a good thing). I'm so bloody "last minute" for stuff like this, it's not funny. (


                Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                As well as cleaning, I've been doing a lot of tidying and organising and chucking out the past few days. Getting rid of at least some stuff was necessary cos my house isn't very big and there simply wasn't enough space to store everything tidily. As I went through the various cupboards and drawers, I came across all sorts of stuff from the distant and not quite so distant past, some of which my mum passed over to me when she downsized to a smaller house after my father died. There were things like class photographs from when I was at school, school reports, samples of my school work, bits and pieces from my fathers life such as his college diploma, an athletics trophy he won, photos of much loved family pets and so on. It was quite difficult to decide how much to keep and what to get rid of and then I started wondering...what mementoes do other peeps keep from their pasts? Everything? Quite a lot? A little? Nothing?


                  Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                  mollyka;1518018 wrote: I do think I'm a bit arse over tit when it comes to what I did and didn't do when drinking - poor Martin in Aftercare is constantly asking me 'would you have done that when you were drinking?' and I'm always thinkin 'well yeah -- I would - and in all honesty - I did' -- a bit chaotically - there is a bit more order in my life - even down to waking and sleeping times, but there's nothin I shudda done that I didn't if you know what I mean - prolly makes me one of those horrible things a 'functional alcoholic'
                  Good man with the Dyson anyhows - for all his domesticity I doubt if Joe would know what that was:H:H
                  I think I know what you mean molly. I regarded myself as a functional alcoholic while I was working and it was probably the fact of having to go to work and earn a living that kept me functional (just about). Things gradually went downhill after I left my job.

                  Zenstyle;1518020 wrote:
                  Hiya ReccyBear! :l Good going on the housework! I'm like you... sober = shit getting done!

                  Mollers... Yer all back to front, do you know that?! :H

                  Do you know you can't just go to the bank and get travellers cheques now... need to order them. And my phone plan doesn't have international so I'll be totally cut off (which is prolly a good thing). I'm so bloody "last minute" for stuff like this, it's not funny. (
                  Most of the larger Post Offices over here will be able to change dollars into pounds for you on the spot, zenny, if that's any help?


                    Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                    mollyka;1518023 wrote: Have you a debit card - or a laser card? You can use them in ATM's anywhere - I used mine in Canada and there's no charges?
                    Can't you just buy a sim for your phone when you land - should get one for about 10 quid or even free - Jilly always gets hers free?
                    Oh...I have a spare Orange PAYG SIM card if that's any use to you zennifer?

                    What time is your flight tomorrow?


                      Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                      mollyka;1518023 wrote: Have you a debit card - or a laser card? You can use them in ATM's anywhere - I used mine in Canada and there's no charges?
                      Can't you just buy a sim for your phone when you land - should get one for about 10 quid or even free - Jilly always gets hers free?
                      I can use my debit card... 1% on all transactions plus $5.00 on the hole in the wall. ( I've been with this bloody bank for years and they never used to charge 3% on the credit card abroad. Feckers.

                      Now... I don't know about the SIM thing. I know that my phone plan is a cheapo (Metro PCS) and it's not like a regular plan (like Verizon or ATT) so I'm not sure if I can do that.

                      Ach, I'm not too bothered. I'll use my mum's phone. The peace & quiet will do me good and there's not very many buggers I want to talk to anyway!

                      If you get a text from a 771 number, it will be moi!


                        Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                        Recluse;1518025 wrote: As well as cleaning, I've been doing a lot of tidying and organising and chucking out the past few days. Getting rid of at least some stuff was necessary cos my house isn't very big and there simply wasn't enough space to store everything tidily. As I went through the various cupboards and drawers, I came across all sorts of stuff from the distant and not quite so distant past, some of which my mum passed over to me when she downsized to a smaller house after my father died. There were things like class photographs from when I was at school, school reports, samples of my school work, bits and pieces from my fathers life such as his college diploma, an athletics trophy he won, photos of much loved family pets and so on. It was quite difficult to decide how much to keep and what to get rid of and then I started wondering...what mementoes do other peeps keep from their pasts? Everything? Quite a lot? A little? Nothing?
                        I have very little Reccy. (Although I may come back from my trip with a few more!) All the years of working on the boats... I couldn't keep much stuff with the continuous travelling and stuff.

                        It must have taken you ages to go through that lot. I would have sat there lost in memories instead of tidying and chucking...


                          Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                          Recluse;1518029 wrote: I think I know what you mean molly. I regarded myself as a functional alcoholic while I was working and it was probably the fact of having to go to work and earn a living that kept me functional (just about). Things gradually went downhill after I left my job.

                          Most of the larger Post Offices over here will be able to change dollars into pounds for you on the spot, zenny, if that's any help?
                          The worst thing an addict can do is become jobless... the shit hits the fan without the structure. Of course, I have no bloody structure or I wouldn't be sitting here typing... I'd be packing!!! :H :new:

                          I have a new game plan... I'm going to take cash with me to exchange and I'm going to use my mother's card and transfer money to our joint bank account to pay if off. Bloody ridiculous. I could get money without charges from Barclays but.... of course..... no such thing on the island.


                            Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                            Recluse;1518031 wrote: Oh...I have a spare Orange PAYG SIM card if that's any use to you zennifer?

                            What time is your flight tomorrow?
                            I have no idea if its of use to me or not! All I know is I have a Metro PCS LG 4G phone and they said "no service outside of the USA". If I find out it will work, I'll PM you mum's addy.

                            I'm flying out of Miami at 6.20pm tomorrow and I'll get to the island around 3.00pm Wednesday. With no clothes, luggage or feck all except a handbag and a laptop at this rate! (The laptop and adapter is packed... lol)


                              Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                              Evening army. Weather heres just suddenly changed. Its gotten very windy and cool and rain is on the way for the next few days. Hope its not the end of summer in Ireland. Went to an AA meeting at 1pm. Well on your exam Pinky you're doing well. Ahh Zen i'm sure you will get sorted out for travel at some stage today. Hope all goes well on the flights and you have a lovely trip home. Hopefully You can pop in and out on mwo while you're there and take some pics. Well done on the tidying up Reccie my house is small and can't have clutter so clear out every so often is needed. Mostly photos from my past as I had a few moves tru the years so never could hold on to much stuff. Always find room for more till the next clear out. Usually clothes books bric a brack cds and old bill receipts etc. When I drink I let the house and garden go down and then when I get sober it takes ages to get back on track. Doing ok with it now but some cupboards still to clean and sort out and painting to be done. Oh windows still to be cleaned. A bit much for one but ahh sure I just get on with it best I can.


                                Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                                Hiya Foxy. Sounds like you, Reccy and I are similar in that regard... it all goes to hell in a handbasket when I drink. House? What house?

