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Army Thread Monday, 10th June

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    Army Thread Monday, 10th June

    yeah festival going lpc, done 3 sonispheres, 4 downloads (after this one) and day ticketed reading last year. Worst weather was last year at download (it made the news, gales/flooding etc, some people actually went home after their tents blew away/collapsed/flooded), best was probably first ever sonisphere back in 09 - warm weather all weekend, only shower came when heaven and hell walked on stage and that just worked so well with the show that nobody minded it xD

    ironically though last year was my favorite at download - lineup was mad and most of the bands made a point of thanking us for sticking around despite the knee high mud and cold. we all came back ill xD
    I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

    To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



      Army Thread Monday, 10th June

      Howyiz Troopers
      JC I'm your friend:h
      Another old person here to keep you company :thumbs:
      You got me thinking - I think being married so long - Mr S is my closest friend I suppose.
      Have some people I talk a lot to but in the end come back here to Mr S .
      Jazus I'm getting maudlin. :egad: :H


        Army Thread Monday, 10th June

        Morning army

        JackieClaire;1517908 wrote: Back to festivals. I know my cousin went to Leeds one year and the toilets overflowed. Eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww.
        Bet he was popular, Jackie!!

        littlepinkcat;1517911 wrote: im off for a bit, feel like crap with this cold gonna have a wee nanna nap
        Hope you're feeling better soon pinkles.

        JackieClaire;1517896 wrote:
        I haven't got any friends.
        Me neither :upset: I'll be yours if you'll be mine. :l

        InChains;1517891 wrote:
        morning all - yes the weather is due to turn, so spare a thought for me and the wife, camping wednesday afternoon to monday morning and spending the better part of that time outside No work today, hospital and then in search of another guinea pig to keep the one i have company whilst i'm away xD
        The forecast doesn't look too bad might be lucky. Best of luck with trying to find another guinea pig.

        Hiya satzy


          Army Thread Monday, 10th June

          Recluse;1517922 wrote: Morning army

          Hiya satzy
          I'll be your friend too Reckstar :l
          When I think about it - I don't have close friends that I see regularly.
          But if I meet them after a few years we take up where we left off.
          Then we go our seperate ways 'till the next time

          I do think we outgrow most people we meet and were 'friends' with through life - we meet along the way but as lives move in different directions so do they - and that's ok !

          Everyone on here is now officially MY FRIEND :h
          And because we have the same thing in common and always will - perhaps this is for life ?

          Scary eh Reccie ?? :egad:


            Army Thread Monday, 10th June

            satz123;1517929 wrote: I do think we outgrow most people we meet and were 'friends' with through life - we meet along the way but as lives move in different directions so do they - and that's ok !

            Everyone on here is now officially MY FRIEND :h
            And because we have the same thing in common and always will - perhaps this is for life?
            Perhaps it is satzy. I hope so. :l


              Army Thread Monday, 10th June

              Hello fiends oops I mean friends.

              Poetry In Motion - People Come Into Your Life For A Reason

              or my coffee and walnut cake.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                Jingos... it's very friendly around here today! Room for one more? Can I be y'alls friend too?!

                I don't have many friends locally either. There's a couple I see a lot of and one I used to until I moved further north. The rest are only acquaintances, and there's not many of them either! One of the ones I "see a lot of" came to stay for the night yesterday and, man, did he get hammered. He went out and bought some grog and yer one indoors and I were like two deer in the headlights watching...

                Went shopping for some warm clothes on Saturday... first went round the thrift stores with Cheryl and then went to the mall on me todd. I feckin HATE going to the mall. They had a bouncy castle thingy for the kids right in the middle of it... screams and screeches echoing all over the place... it was HORRIBLE. Couldn't wait to escape. Then went out for a nice steak dinner on Saturday night with Cheryl and her ex whose son just died last week. He was only 54 and it sure gives you pause for thought (her ex is much older than Cheryl). I used to think 54 was old... shit... how one's perspective changes! :H

                And I haven't packed ONE thing yet.

                And, finally, how iz yiz all doin? XXX


                  Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                  Hi Army,

                  Can I be one of your friends, too?

                  Zenners, when are you leaving for Scotland and how long are you going to be gone?

                  Re the friend who came and got hammered, um, well, you might want to ask "friends" in the future to drink away from your company? Just sayin'

                  Three more days and get my 90 day chip. Amazing. First time since I was pregnant since I have gone that long. Eeek!!

                  Love to all,
                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                    Hiya Cindi! :l

                    I'm leaving tomorrow for 2 weeks. Not as much as a pair of knickers packed yet!

                    That is BRILLIANT on the 90 days... feckin fantastic news Cindi.

                    Re me hammered pal... he doesn't normally. Him and his wife are going through a very rough patch just now and he caved. (He has a drinking problem too and was on the wagon.) Him and the BF were hanging out together yesterday morning and I didn't even know he'd gone to the bottle shop till after the fact. I should imagine it's going to be a very rough day at work for him today... yuck.


                      Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                      mollyka;1517966 wrote: Hello friends :-) Just back from mega bike ride up de wickla mountains - in the words of our amurrican cousins - AWESOME!!!!!
                      Was in Wickla last week at beach - went to Laragh on way home - yummy meal in Wicklow Heather
                      Was in your old stomping ground yesterday for the day. HOWTH !
                      Cemetery Sunday - but we went early. My Dad is buried there. T'is loverly.
                      Had stop in the Summit - love that place. Sun trap :h

                      Zenstyle;1517971 wrote: Jingos... it's very friendly around here today! Room for one more? Can I be y'alls friend too?!

                      XXXGOES WITHOUT SAYING ZENNERS !!!! :h
                      Cinders;1517974 wrote:
                      Hi Army,

                      Can I be one of your friends, too?

                      Love to all,
                      Cindi -
                      OF COURSE:l

                      Zenstyle;1517976 wrote:
                      Hiya Cindi!

                      I'm leaving tomorrow for 2 weeks. Not as much as a pair of knickers packed yet!
                      Knickerless Zenners :wow:- You'd be more organised if you were on the grog :H


                        Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                        satz123;1517982 wrote:
                        Knickerless Zenners :wow:- You'd be more organised if you were on the grog :H

                        I don't think so Satz! If you'd seen what I arrived at the rehab with... it was pathetic! Yer wan indoors got a call and had to bring me the shit I really needed, as the shit that was in my bag was of no use whatsoever! :H :new:


                          Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                          Afternoon guys, hope u r all good, this cold is doing me head in, on a more positive note i just recieved my grade for a report I wrote on reducing angry driving behaviour and I recieved 72% which is a first, so very pleased here
                          I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                          Audrey Hepburn


                            Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                            mollyka;1517991 wrote: Haha - I was soooo organised when boozing - made sure everything was shipshape afore I picked up my first glass of wine -- don't bother me arse these days till things get beyond chaos!

                            Went through Laragh - just had coffee in some random pretty spot - I do love Wicklow tho ---- as for the SUMMIT!!! Feckin hell - my first boyfriend (crush as opposed to lurve) lived just up the wee hill there on the way to the carpark - myself and my mate used to stalk him - sit outside the Summit for hours sharing a glass of orange (all funds would allow) in the hopes of a glimpse - think she fancied him too!!! Many years later ended up in the same class as him in College and we became great mates!!

                            One young one arrived at Aiseiri with a suitcase full of micro mini's and vvveeeerrry low cut tops --- they were all packed up and sent home with her mother - we all lived in tracksuits!!

                            That's brilliant Pinky - mind you - could have saved you the bother of writing a report in the first place - just take Joe off the road an it'd reduce by half:H
                            i was just like Joe untill I done this intervention and I managed to reduce mine quite significantly
                            I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                            Audrey Hepburn


                              Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                              welcome to the gang Cindi xx
                              I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                              Audrey Hepburn


                                Army Thread Monday, 10th June

                                littlepinkcat;1517989 wrote: Afternoon guys, hope u r all good, this cold is doing me head in, on a more positive note i just recieved my grade for a report I wrote on reducing angry driving behaviour and I recieved 72% which is a first, so very pleased here
                                :l YOU ARE BRILLIANT PINKYPOO !!!!!! :goodjob:

