TSM is the Sinclair Method, you can find info by googling the name - basically you take Naltrexone which is a drug that blocks endorphins (and opiates) in the brain each time before you drink. Over time you start to lose the link between the high drinking alcohol gives you, your drive to drink and cravings reduce to the point where if you want to drink you can, if you don't you simply don't. There are pros and cons to it but it turned my life around (as you'll see from my signature), before this I did have some abstenance but the cravings drove me potty and back to the booze every time. Oh and it doesn't work for everyone, I was lucky enough to be a quick responder and noticed a difference almost immediately, it also takes patience and some action from the person themselves - like when you get to the point where the physical addiction has gone then you have to recognise and make the choice to break the habit(if that makes sense!).
Here's a link to some info, they've just licenced a similar drug Nalfemene for use in Europe and I think the UK. Sinclair Method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia