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Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

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    Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

    mollyka;1518338 wrote: Morning Tabs! Great you are happy in your job -- I'm feeling less happy by the minute facing into the grindstone.....
    Zens is off to see her Mom - it was a sorta treat for her 50th -- so yeah, she'll be over in wee Scotland by tomorrow!!!
    No job is ever perfect and at times can have us driven to distraction but I suppose its a case of seeing the good points and keeping positive. If it really is a job we cant stand then plan a get out strategy, hmmm now where have I heard that before :hitme:
    That trip home sounds lovely, thanks for the update.

    Hello Mrs A & JC :welcome:
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

      I can totally see where that guy is coming from Molly, its probably me these days. Ambition? been there done that and worn the t-shirt. So now a days I am in a job which is within my capabilities, there is no chance of moving up the ladder and I will probably see out my days there on the same low rate of pay assuming the company is still around. But seriously its fine, more than fine, its contentment to be out of the rat race of the past ten years.
      Never thought I would get here but people change dont they?
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

        Trouble is Molls I've got the attention span of a kitten in a wool shop at times and I forget what I was supposed to having a big think about.

        Any way jumping in with an initial reaction is usually the best. Over thinking is our worst enemy.

        With Mr JC going to a pawsh school he was expected to do a pawsh career. The Law.Believe it or not the Army (as an officer of course) was the next. TBH it's only in the last 13/14 years in this new firm he's in he's truly happy.

        I know my kids both work in the dreaded alcohol trade but there's a blooming sight more than just serving a pint to it. Their management training will take them onto other things. TBH I can't see Jenz training cocktail training when she's 60, but she's now got the HR skills for later life.

        Oops think I'm babbling.

        EDIT: Orff to babble at work.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

          Morning all - just a quick fly by this morning. Yesterday morning I found out that my biggest client filed for bankruptsy on Friday - locked the door and fled to Australia. Many of my friends out of work. And who knows what that means to me. I am a little stressed and am updating the resume just in case. Trying to stay positive, no urge to drink at all which is great. Having this happen cost my company alot of money, and in tough economic times in publishing, this does not bode well. We'll see. I am keeping all those people who lost their jobs in my prayers. I remember what that was like when I was layed off years ago. Talk later

          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


            Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

            Morning again army I fell back asleep must be be making up for lost zzzzzz. Rain has stopped and its starting to brighten up a bit. Waggy sorry to hear about all those people losing their jobs its happening all over and still quite bad here. I hope your job is safe and it doesn't affect you too much. Guess all you can do is stay positive and its great that you have no urge to drink. That would be something that might have sent me to the vino but it doesn't solve anything and the problem is still there. Its to8ugh I know being in a job you don't like I've been there in the past but take the good with the bad do your best avoid the bullys if you can be assertive and keep your options open.:h


              Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

              Hello Troops!!

              For those in the dumps, Ten Hut!! Left, left, left, right left. Forward March. :-)

              Here's how you do it:


              That will make the day better. :-)

              I, too, am at the stage in life where I want a job rather than a career. Been there done that on the career. Made it to the top in my field. About killed myself with stress. No more.

              My motto used to be: "Failure is not an option." Today it is, "If it is harmful for me and my family, failure is the only option."

              Waves to all my army friends and hope those in the dumps feel better. This too shall pass, as they say.

              Zenners. I am sorry I could only chat for a bit yesterday. My two grandsons were helping me shovel gravel in the hot sun in order to get the pump set up and working on the swimming pool. Time was of the essence so that hubby could get it working last night. We did not want an algae bloom to get started.

              But, I, too, want to wish you Bon Voyage, safe travels, happy times with family and good walks down memory lane in your home land.

              I am so proud of you, Zenners. I hope you know that. :l:l

              Take care, friends. I love to read your threads and your silly banter. You all make me smile.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

                Good afternoon army

                Just dropping in to wish the knickerless one a safe journey.


                  Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

                  Good afternoon.
                  How is it going Reccie?
                  Waving furiously to the rest of you.

                  Feeling really fed up here for no apparent/particular reason.


                    Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

                    mollyka;1518414 wrote: Hiya Recster! Ah poor mrsA - what has u gloomy?
                    Just havin my lunch in my car - staff in dis library are odd to put it mildly so just enjoyin my own company ;-)
                    Feeling a bit trapped at the moment. Too many people wanting too much from me. I do know the answer so just have to say NO.

                    Why are those odd people so odd?


                      Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

                      anon;1518411 wrote: Good afternoon.
                      How is it going Reccie?
                      Waving furiously to the rest of you.

                      Feeling really fed up here for no apparent/particular reason.
                      Hi whizzy All is well here. Sorry 'bout the fed upness.

                      anon;1518422 wrote: Feeling a bit trapped at the moment. Too many people wanting too much from me. I do know the answer so just have to say NO.

                      Why are those odd people so odd?
                      Yep, sometimes we all have to say no. It's not always easy though.

                      mollyka;1518414 wrote:
                      Hiya Recster! Ah poor mrsA - what has u gloomy?
                      Just havin my lunch in my car - staff in dis library are odd to put it mildly so just enjoyin my own company ;-)
                      Hi molls Which library are you at (I'm learning Irish geography by looking up all the places mentioned here on Google maps! ) and what's odd about the staff?


                        Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

                        I hate those stick insects that sneer at you when you talk about treat food etc.-- Equally shocked by people stuffing their gobs non stop--Very judgemental in my old age:H

                        Reccie I do the google earth stuff too!


                          Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

                          mollyka;1518435 wrote: Baldoyle reccie - quite near howth - barking!!!!!
                          Found it molly - between Malahide and Howth :goodjob:

                          anon;1518437 wrote:
                          I hate those stick insects that sneer at you when you talk about treat food etc.-- Equally shocked by people stuffing their gobs non stop--Very judgemental in my old age:H

                          Reccie I do the google earth stuff too!
                          Whizzy....I know you do a lot of hill walking and the like. I need to buy a waterproof jacket for Wales next week....are you by any chance in a position to recommend a make or point me in the right general direction? Need one with a hood, breathable fabric and not too heavy so's it can be easily folded away into a rucksack. Decent quality without costing silly money. Don't waste time on it...just wondered if you might be able to offer a little advice off the top of your head?


                            Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

                            Top end lightweight breathable waterproofs Arceteryx sp.(pricey) Paramo Pricey but cheaper They are the best.
                            All the rest are probably great and work well

                            Gaynors sports mail order are pretty good!
                            Where are you off to in Wales?


                              Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

                              mollyka;1518414 wrote: Hiya Recster! Ah poor mrsA - what has u gloomy?
                              Just havin my lunch in my car - staff in dis library are odd to put it mildly so just enjoyin my own company ;-)
                              LOVE my own company Molls - they are all feckin' divas in here ( the men)
                              Had a stand-up row with nosey hole today - he is SO full of his own importance. YOU are not THAT important Grrrrrr - don't give a feck !
                              anon;1518422 wrote: Feeling a bit trapped at the moment. Too many people wanting too much from me. I do know the answer so just have to say NO.
                              :l Tell them all to shag off Ms A. They will hate you but will get used to it.
                              I think we used to over compensate when we drank ?
                              I've had to do it with family now - and get quare looks :H.

                              mollyka;1518435 wrote:
                              Ya know - I think that's one of the reasons I like going to work - CANNOT count the number of times in a week I say 'I'd love to help but ill b working' - I feel I could easily become general dogsbody - I'm SHITE at saying no!
                              I've reviewed up from 'odd' to plain BARKING!!! Dunno where to start! Only 3! Of them today - none of them talk to eachother - one NEVER stops eating - and I mean NEVER. The other is anorexic and only eats quinoa - expresses disgust with sneery lips if u dared to eat anything - I could go on....... But I won't ;-)

                              Baldoyle reccie - quite near howth - barking!!!!!
                              Are they all wimmin Molls ?


                                Army Thread Tuesday 11th June

                                Thanks so much for book Reccie :l- I will take good care of it and send it home soon :thumbsup:

