:hallo: Army. Finally back from the shops. Mrs. T and the youngest cub thankfully helped to get everything stowed away. Poor Mrs. T was having a nanna nap while I was away but had a call from someone who had found Jasmine at a nearby student residence. Had to go and fetch her and give her a bath - she smelled somewhat urmmmmmm... unsavoury. Turns out the eldest cub left the front gate open when his mate left this morning after their all-night X-box marathon. Little feckers

Wreccie: I hope you enjoy the rooibos tea! A colleague of mine has a little farm in the Cedarberg, where rooibos is endemic. He also grows buchu - an indigenous herb with medicinal properties that is also drunk as a tea.
Enjoy the lazy afternoon Molls. Green with envy, I am.
I suspect mum would develop a crush on Sir Pee, Reccie... He sounds like the ultimate gentleman.
Have you thought about something like a Garmin for your trip (and subsequent ones)? Speaking of which:are you familiar with geo-caching? I reckon you'd love that .