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Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

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    Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

    Hi 3June, a note to encourage you to get rid of the alcohol in the house. I'm not strong enough yet to withstand the temptation so I have had to dump three bottles of wine (that were delivered to my hotel room) and give three bottles away that were gifts from friends.

    If you can resist the temptation, great. For me, I need to remove any potential threat to my goal of a joyful AF life.

    The sugar craving is disconcerting. I finally ordered L-Glutamine and will try that.
    Free at Last
    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

    Highly recommend this video

    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


      Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

      free at last;1520847 wrote:
      The sugar craving is disconcerting. I finally ordered L-Glutamine and will try that.
      L-Glutamine also is available in most US health-food stores in the body-builder section (if you want the straight powder- not capsules). I thought it worked well for getting off sugar and was somewhat useful for AL. Good luck!


        Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

        L-Glutamine was helpful in breaking that sugar connection for me as well.
        I couldn't take it too long because it caused some undesirable side effects but glad I gave it a try
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

          Lavande;1520864 wrote: L-Glutamine was helpful in breaking that sugar connection for me as well.
          I couldn't take it too long because it caused some undesirable side effects but glad I gave it a try
          I've only noticed that it makes me feel full. What did you notice, Lav?


            Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

            Kradle123;1520251 wrote: Hi June and Welcome!
            The gals I have known in 3D did put on weight the first year (they have moved away from AL faster than I have) I definately noticed this because I too have eating disorders- anorexia....and like counting other peoples drinks, I compare myself to other woman..I know...bad habit! :upset:

            I think that's pretty common, the comparing I mean. I have always had to watch my weight but I want to get the alcohol thing out of the way first.

            But then that all seemed to stop and The weight dropped off. I have no idea why and I don't ask. It just seems to be..a natural progression of some sort...

            Ooooh I hope that works for me too!

            I think you hit on it when mentioning CONTROL... I believe this more than anything else is the key. Having the AL in the house gives me a sense of basic control and, sorry to admit this but a safety net. I know my coping mechanisms suck and I am till trying to take tools out of the tool box and use them well.

            I did it! Got rid of it all, gave it away. I thought it would bother me but it's fine. I don't want it.

            The weight is the same thing for me. Control...and sometimes just the Who cares moment.
            When I started on my journey I too ate everything sight and even stuff i never knew was there :H. But my focus then became exercise along with the constant hunger and eating. I can eat eat eat but I also walk, run go to the gym....for me i am trying to control one part so i can eventually balance it by controlling another...that's my middle ground I'm trying to get to.
            Does that make sense?

            Um I'm lost but hey if it works for you that's the main thing!

            Anyway, I'm babbling here. The bottom line is you are in no way alone. I'm right alongside you struggling too. But staying put here, reading and NEVER GIVING UP are the best tools I can use when everything else just look ...we'll..impossible.

            Stay close:

            Yep that's what I'm doing! If I'm alone at home this is where I go, it keeps me safe! Thank you!

            I have been reading a little about your troubles. Teenagers can be so hateful. But they do grow up. Stay strong!
            Newbies Nest
            My accountability thread


              Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

              free at last;1520847 wrote: Hi 3June, a note to encourage you to get rid of the alcohol in the house. I'm not strong enough yet to withstand the temptation so I have had to dump three bottles of wine (that were delivered to my hotel room) and give three bottles away that were gifts from friends.

              If you can resist the temptation, great. For me, I need to remove any potential threat to my goal of a joyful AF life.

              The sugar craving is disconcerting. I finally ordered L-Glutamine and will try that.
              Thanks free at last I did it, the kitchen is empty of AL. My son hid his away and I won't go into his room so I'm safe. I really feel I can handle this at home. It's away that scares me. I posted a thread asking for help preparing for social events, hopefully there will be some discussion on there and pointers.

              I am going to pick up some L-Glutamine tomorrow and see if it makes a difference.
              Newbies Nest
              My accountability thread


                Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

                Hey 3June...

                Just gonna say it- I gained 7 lbs since stopping AL. Wine was my dinner most nights...I never craved sweets, I was always the one who could take or leave the dessert. Now? Put a slice of cake in front of me and you better watch out! lol! I have a sweet tooth that is out of this world. It's just now leveling out after 3+ months without AL (I've lost 3 of the 7 initially gained). I still find myself grazing the kitchen all day- I was never a "snacker" before. Or I was but snacked on wine, ha... now I try to snack on cheese, nuts, veggies, peppermints help too.

                I tell you this to say, like everyone else had said, it's normal. Just please eat..if that keeps you from drinking. Worry about regulating your food intake once you have your cravings for AL relatively under control (for me that means being able to go a day or 2 without AL crossing my mind at all, but it's different for everyone).
                AF since 3/12/13.

                Completed over a year AF and fell off the wagon.
                Back to it, new day 1= 7/1/14

                I'm on my way.


                  Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

                  ImOnMyWay wow you mean there will actually come a day when I can go a day or 2 without AL crossing my mind? OMG I live for that day. I hear you about eating but I am having trouble fitting into my clothes. I just have to bump up my exercise level I guess to counter all the eating!! Seriously though, thanks. I know I need to do whatever it takes to get this under control then I will prolly join Weight Watchers and hopefully get the eating under control too!
                  Newbies Nest
                  My accountability thread


                    Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

                    Boredom? Combined with less suppression of appetite?


                      Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

                      Londoner I've learned that our bodies got so much sugar from alcohol and now that it's gone our bodies are craving it. I ate a lot of sweet stuff the first week or two but now it is tapering off. I will deal with watching my diet once I feel I have the not drinking under control. Everyone advises to stay full in the beginning as being hungry seems to be a trigger for cravings. I have learned so much here and so will you!
                      Newbies Nest
                      My accountability thread


                        Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

                        hi June you are doing great, never give up quitting.
                        AF since 10/26/2009

                        It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                          Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

                          Day 24 and I am still over eating. It's like it was before with AL I wake up thinking today I will eat better and I end up cramming ice cream at midnight. Ugh.
                          Newbies Nest
                          My accountability thread


                            Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

                            Hi, 3June

                            That urge to eat when giving up AL, especially sugary, carby foods is pretty normal -- those foods do for the brain what AL used to do.

                            Here are 3 links of varying levels of science you might find interesting on the subject:

                            Wine & Sugar Addiction | LIVESTRONG.COM
                            Food and Addiction: A Comprehensive Handbook - Google Books
                            Sweet preference, sugar addiction and the familial history of alcohol dependence: shared neural pathways and genes. - Free Online Library

                            This quote kind of sums it up:

                            Once triggered, the downward spiral to dependency swiftly follows, accelerating like an avalanche that is difficult to stop. Whether initiated by wine, sugar, nicotine, or any other addictive drug or behavior, the compulsion of addiction is all the same... the undeniable desire for dopamine.

                            I've found it much easier to get or keep all of that out of my life and let my brain get its jollies elsewhere :H !


                              Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

                              Argh NS I'm sure it's true, I have given up one addiction for another. Oh well I will soldier on. Pissing me off though because I am getting sick of saying NO. Don't worry I am just venting. I know what to do. Thanks for the links, it's time I read up on this.
                              Newbies Nest
                              My accountability thread


                                Why do I want to eat and eat and eat

                                Sugar is just as addicting as alcohol or nicotine and for some, it can be equally as hard to overcome. The feeling of sweetness in the mouth has many people coming back for more, several times a day. If this sounds familiar to you, there are certain things you can do to curb the cravings and overcome your addiction. As with cessation of any other habit, it takes mental strength and discipline.
                                Step 1
                                Reduce your stress levels. Being under tension and anxiety can trigger urges to reach for something sweet for comfort. Partake in some form of relaxation techniques to better handle stress, such as yoga, meditation or tai chi.
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                                Step 2
                                Clear your cabinets, drawers and refrigerator of all the sweet foods. If they are not there, you will not be tempted to reach for them when a craving surfaces.
                                Step 3
                                Substitute sweet foods with healthier options. Choose fruits instead of pastries, doughnuts, candy bars and cookies. You can still get the same sweet taste, but with more nutrients, fewer calories and higher amounts of fiber, which can keep your blood sugar levels stabilized.
                                Step 4
                                Go for a walk after a meal instead of eating a sweet dessert. When you eat something sweet, your mood elevates due to the release of serotonin. According to the CBS "Early Show's" Dr. Mallika Marshall, taking a short walk can have the same positive effect.
                                Step 5
                                Eat multiple meals throughout the day. This can prevent you from becoming hungry and binging on a sweet treat. Compose these meals out of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and lean meats. A chicken breast sandwich prepared on a whole wheat bun with lettuce and tomato is a meal example.
                                Step 6
                                Brush your teeth immediately following meals to put a good taste in your mouth. This can make the sweets taste bad and stop you from indulging. Gargle with an antiseptic mouthwash as well to play it extra safe.

                                Read more: How To Overcome Sugar Cravings | LIVESTRONG.COM
                                Newbies Nest
                                My accountability thread

