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Army Thread Monday, 17th June

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    Army Thread Monday, 17th June

    X-post... Yoo Hooooo Mr T! :waving:


      Army Thread Monday, 17th June

      Hi Army,

      Zenners, you sound like you are having a wonderful visit back home. A lamb casserole in an oil burning stove sounds good.

      Hopefully my friends in Ireland don't have to deal with too much delay due to Obamas. Once when I was in Chicago, I came down the elevator at my hotel on my way to work. Ended up walking out the door into a rather intimidating contingent carrying weapons, all looking at me. I had to go through a rigorous security check just to leave the hotel.

      Apparently Obama was coming to the hotel for a fund raiser.

      Waves to all. Enjoy the fresh start to a new week.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Army Thread Monday, 17th June

        On a very gossipy note, the story about Nigella Lawson and husband choking her is very sad.
        AF April 9, 2016


          Army Thread Monday, 17th June

          evening all, or afternoon really, back from download, showered, clean an utterly exhausted. apparently the break in the barrier at slipknot made the news xD

          and to add to the wonders of the weekend - come home to a message informing me i got the full ?6000 scholarship for my illustration course
          I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

          To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



            Army Thread Monday, 17th June

            Hello army :hallo:

            I've had a productive afternoon in the garden tackling the weeds and will go back out again shortly to mow the lawn before the expected rain arrives. Just having a bite to eat first.

            InChains;1520598 wrote: evening all, or afternoon really, back from download, showered, clean an utterly exhausted. apparently the break in the barrier at slipknot made the news xD

            and to add to the wonders of the weekend - come home to a message informing me i got the full ?6000 scholarship for my illustration course
            Hiya inchy that is absolutely fantastic news about your scholarship...I'm really pleased for you cos I think you deserve it. :goodjob:

            Thought you might be back round about now...did you enjoy the festival?


              Army Thread Monday, 17th June

              afternoon reccie and inchy.

              WELL DONE on getting the scholarship inchy. THAT is good news

              Sounds like a productive day in the garden reccie - you looking forward to your trip away? And how is the tent? Did you inspect it - any holes?!?!

              Am just in relaxing - pretty banjaxed cos i only got 5 hours sleep last night so i'm generally a bit wappit :H


                Army Thread Monday, 17th June

                loved it reccy, best one so far without a doubt, tickets for next year go on sale next week and i'm planning on getting in early xD
                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                  Army Thread Monday, 17th June

                  :welcome: back Incheroo and :goodjob: on the scholarship :woot:

                  Impressive performance from you too Reccie! You make me feel like a couch potato.

                  :waving: to Runners too. I'll teleport you a plate of the lamb stew that is slowly coming together in the oven.
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread Monday, 17th June

                    :wavin: Molls

                    Receive any undue attention today?
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread Monday, 17th June

                      Off to have dinner - bacinabit
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread Monday, 17th June

                        Errrr..... Page 4? Really?

                        Lovely evenink here on The Rock. Sun is out, birds are tweeting and me warshing wot I have not had to hang out in a coon's age as I use a tumble dryer at home... is... dry and in off the line. Went for a nice walk on their local beach with my cousin that we visited today. Came home, we ate me lamb casserole and now just sitting here chillaxing. All in all, not a bad day.


                          Army Thread Monday, 17th June

                          mollyka;1520651 wrote: :H:H No --- but he did like my scones:H:H
                          Is that code for buxom bosoms or summat?


                            Army Thread Monday, 17th June

                            Good evening seems a bit like Facebook as I can do is post how lovely it is here!! One puma shop or boasting! Just had fab meal . Hard life or what ?


                              Army Thread Monday, 17th June



                                Army Thread Monday, 17th June

                                anon;1520681 wrote: Good evening seems a bit like Facebook as I can do is post how lovely it is here!! One puma shop or boasting! Just had fab meal . Hard life or what ?
                                anon;1520685 wrote:
                                :H:H Glad you're having a good time Whizzy - aye, we is all jealous :H

