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Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

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    Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

    Cawfee on it's way...

    Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

    Apologies for the wait... darn cat been at the cawfee..


      Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

      Morning RC and all to come. Just made my 2nd coffee. Was awake at silly hour and no milk so got the first bus at 6am to local Tesco and ended up with more than milk. Cat food, biscuits and a few other items. I bought a new expresso/cappuchino maker in the sale in Power City on Monday. Makes lovely coffee but haven't the frother for cappuchino but will do soon. My caffetierre cracked over the weekend but still useable and I had a coffee machine few years ago that broke and never got replaced so I was delighted with my bargain after saving for one for ages. Its a deLonghi Italian make and they are one of the best. Its a smallish siver model. Oh got a box of Roobioos teabags while at Tesco which I'll later. Tipps swears by this native SA tea. :sun::cupajoe: Its sunny start here.


        Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

        Here we go...


          Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

          x-post Foxy :hallo: there's some more coffee for you - you'll be buzzing before long!


            Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

            Morning Molly ohh thanks RC i'll another coffee i'll be wired lol. Yeah i'll have a look for a separate frother next time as i love frothy milk on coffee. The only thing with the machines is the little parts to clean but i'm delighrted with mine. May fall back asleep myself if I get tired. Not going back out today but going to AA meeting this evening.


              Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

              mollyka;1524030 wrote: Wonder is Reccie home today?


                Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                Morning Reccie and welcome back. Yep dying to hear bout ur travels and pics if you have them. R u tired now ur home? RC made coffee help yourself.


                  Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                  Recluse;1524033 wrote: :sofa:
                  Special welcome home coffee, Reccie!! :yay: :woot: the wanderer returns!


                    Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                    mollyka;1524030 wrote: Did ya get to your running club Arsey?
                    Yup But had headache throughout... think i wis Hi-De-Hidrated...


                      Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                      mollyka;1524041 wrote: Where did Recster gooooooo!!!! Get out from ahind dat couch mr Bear - wanna hear all the news!!!

                      Headachey lately myself too, I'm blaming the warm heavy weather, an possibly not drinkin enough water myself --- u'd need a fierce amount of liquids with all that runnin round
                      Wonder is Doc feeling better today ---- PHYSICIAN - HEAL THYSELF:H
                      yeah - reccie - we want storytime from yourself!!

                      i agree molls, think the heavy weather adds to the head pressure. do drink a lot - pints and pints of water.... but maybe need more...


                        Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                        Good morning Runners, Foxyloxy, Mollymoooo and I can seeeeeeeeeeeeee you Reccybear.

                        Ta very much so for the cawffee, Runners.

                        Bit of a night last night. Poor auld Pa in Law taken to emergency with a few errrrrrrrrrmmmm bottom problems. Loosing a lot of blood. All tests were fine but they kept him in over night. Mr JC pretending not to be worried.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                          Morning arsey, foxy, mollers and all to come

                          mollyka;1524034 wrote: Welcome back our boy:l
                          Thanks molly I had a great time in Wales. The scenery was just wonderful. I walked for hours and hours every day, and by the end of each day it was all I could do to put the tent up and make something to eat before dropping off into a deep sleep for 10 hours or more. No alcohol involved whatsoever! The weather was variable, but there was a LOT of sunshine. My face became very sunburnt as a result and my eyes puffed up badly so's I couldn't really see out of one of them at all for a couple of days. There were a few notable moments during the week, including being chased across a field by four bulls(!) and watching a herd (is that the right word) of seals play in a remote inlet in the early morning light. I'd never seen a seal in the wild before. Anyway, I have some good memories from my little trip. I had to cut it short by a day, owing to a bad case of runny tummy, and my face is now peeling badly, but other than that all is well with me.

                          How's everyone else? I've had read back on the past couple of days, but have more reading to do. Sorry about the runny bum thing satzy....can defo empathise with you there. And great news on your natter with the med students Jackie! Great too that you're not being moved this year molly. Sorry about the headaches, molls and arsey, I'm fortunate not to get them very often, but I know they can be very unpleasant.

                          No pics, I'm afraid foxy. I decided the weight of a camera was a luxury I couldn't afford. There would have been some fab pics though, so maybe next time.


                            Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                            Now I defo want a photo of the yoghurt and oatmeal plastered all over your fissog.

                            Simple home remedies for sunburns. Natural home remedies for sunburns. Sunburn home remedies. CURES FOR SUNBURNS. HOW TO CURE SUNBURNS. SUNBURN TREATMENT. HOME REMEDIES FOR SUNBURNS. SUNBURN REMEDIES. SUNBURN CURES. TREATMENT FOR SUNBURNS. SUNBURN RE
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                              JackieClaire;1524044 wrote: Bit of a night last night. Poor auld Pa in Law taken to emergency with a few errrrrrrrrrmmmm bottom problems. Loosing a lot of blood. All tests were fine but they kept him in over night. Mr JC pretending not to be worried.
                              Morning Jackie Sorry to hear about your pa in law....I hope he'll be ok.

                              Had to laugh at your panda the explorer pic the other day, BTW!

                              JackieClaire;1524047 wrote:
                              Now I defo want a photo of the yoghurt and oatmeal plastered all over your fissog.

                              Simple home remedies for sunburns. Natural home remedies for sunburns. Sunburn home remedies. CURES FOR SUNBURNS. HOW TO CURE SUNBURNS. SUNBURN TREATMENT. HOME REMEDIES FOR SUNBURNS. SUNBURN REMEDIES. SUNBURN CURES. TREATMENT FOR SUNBURNS. SUNBURN RE
                              Gawd, the strawberries and cucumber option there looks pretty decent, but maybe I'm thinking about them as food and not as a cure for sunburn? Anyway, my mum has insisted on going to the chemist to see if she can find a suitable product.

                              Fraid my posting may be slightly erratic today while I try to get myself organised again. Wishing everyone a happy hump day.

