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Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

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    Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

    :welcome: back Reccie and :wavin: rest of Army. Late check-in from me. Had to get up and make my own coffee today - Mrs. T has taken a few days off while the cubs are on their winter break.

    Have a lekker Hump Day, all!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

      Morning Tipperooo, disgrace having to make your own coffee.

      Congrats on 35 years, Molls.
      I know what you mean about being happier now than ever. Me and Mr JC are best friends again as well as being husband and wife.

      I'll give Mr JC said hug, when I see him later on.

      Going up to the Drs for 11am. Boy are they in for a surprise.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

        Morning tips :hallo:

        mollyka;1524053 wrote: Did you find the complete 'cut-off' from alcohol helped? In the early days imo, any days gathered are precious and each day helped with the cravings and thoughts..... very happy it went well for you:l We really did miss you!

        35 yrs married today ----- happier today than at any stage of my marriage --- literally ---- go figure
        The main thing I've gained from my time away is the realisation that if I'm gonna escape the clutches of alcohol it's gonna take a complete change of lifestyle molls. I have an idea, but it needs thinking through...

        35 years of marriage is fantastic and it's absolutely brilliant that it's going so well for you now. :l

        JackieClaire;1524058 wrote:
        Going up to the Drs for 11am. Boy are they in for a surprise.
        Good luck with the medic students, Jackie. Have you prepared what what you're gonna say at all?


          Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

          mollyka;1524079 wrote: Well THAT sounds intriguing indeed Recster --- and I think you are ABSOLUTELY right!!!
          I was lucky in that the 'structure' of my life was in place - I'm only beginning to realise that - there were a lot of hurdles I didn't have to overcome - like filling the hours in the day - I had already gone back to work full-time by the time I decided I had to tackle this problem - so boredom and too much time on my hands was a biggie that was already taken care of. I had a group of people around me for support - Joe and the family - in situ - once they realised I was serious, it was like a built in little support community in my house. I did have to extend that of course, AA, Aftercare and here filled that gap - and AA WAS a huge hurdle to me - but it was the only huge hurdle so I didn't feel overwhelmed by it.

          I'm very impressed that you've reached that realisation so early - lots of people I would meet through AA - it often takes them a couple of years to get to that stage - but it's usually the much younger ones --- and yep (I'm talkin to you young ones on this thread too) --- that is tricky - there's a whole lifestyle of clubs and pubs and parties that need to be navigated in some fashion that I never had to deal with.
          Don't lose that momentum in your head Reccie --- you KNOW how easy it would be to go home and sorta think 'ah I've been away for a few days and now I'm home safe and sound and I'll just have one wee binge and then get back to it' --- hold the good feeling from the hols that you have, and even the physical strength you've built up from all the exercise will stand to you. Grab it all by the bollix Reccie, and whatever is stewing in your brain ---- keep it to the forefront ---

          You deserve this whole new life -- you really do, and it's all in your hands now:l
          Couldn't have said it better meself, Reccie. Grab it by the bollix and run with it.


            Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

            Good luck this morning Jc with the talk not that you need you are quite confidant and will well and tell it like it is. Not sure I would have the courage to do that at this stage of recovery. I find it hard to share at AA much less do a chair now that's scary but may be one day will i'm further in recovery. Congrats to you and Joe Molly on 35 years wed you get to celebrate. Well done also Reccie or not drinking on your trip and taking stock of your life. Take it ODAT and make a plan that doable for you. Its good to think it through. Well I'm to cut the grass out front while its sunny. :rays::wavin:


              Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

              Morning all
              February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

              When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                RunningCourage;1524132 wrote: Couldn't have said it better meself, Reccie. Grab it by the bollix and run with it.
                What he said and what Molls said, Reccybear.

                Yo there Waggers.

                Very, very quick post, cos I'm starving. It all went very well.
                2 lovely young people who will go onto to make great doctors as they have one quality that shone out a mile in my not so humble opinion. They listened and asked questions. Or is that 2 qualities, anyhoo they were just fab.

                Got their e-mail addresses so I can give them so more info.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                  Hey folks :wavin:

                  How are ye all? Hope well xx

                  Reccie- so good to see you back Your break sounds wonderful 'cept the sunburn of course! There are seals at the shore just below me Dad's house- love watchin them and when weather's good and I'd be in for a swim they would pop-up a few feet away- its amazing to be so close to them. Big well done to ya for staying off the booze- bloody brilliant:l

                  Molls- congratulations to yerself and Joe on 35 years marriage Its lovely to hear that you're so happy after all that time

                  Jacks- think it's fab that they asked you to speak to the med students. Hope MrJC's father is ok?

                  Hey Waggy, Foxy, D'Arsey, MrT and all :hiya:

                  Had a half-day in work today thank-Gawd. Past few weeks and in particular the past 3 days have been very draining emotionally for me. Literally could feel my heart breaking, dealing with a couple of terminal patients and their families. Constant pressure in head and feeling like would cry at drop of a hat.
                  Anyways, tis in past now. Meeting some friends soon for a wee bite and a gossip so must away n get presentable.

                  Hope you all are well xx


                    Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June


                    Gave meself a 3/4 day. Tinternet at work bollixed, so said i needed it and would work at home. Went to bookshop bought books. Went to running shop bought t-shirt. Came home and went online... to here :H

                    Molls and Joe - CONGRATULATIONS on 35 bloomin years! That IS magic.

                    JC - great to hear these two docs-to-be have the qualities we all hope for, the ability to listen (and the subsequent ability to ask intelligent questions based on the fact that they were listening!).

                    Peapantaloons, hope you get some rest and time to restock the emotion bank. Hmmm... sometimes i think so many of us generally are so unaware of what others put into and their work and what it takes out of them. :l

                    'Ello foxy and waggers and all the rest of youse lurpaking from your computer screens. Orf to read a book for a whiley


                      Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                      :hallo: folksies

                      Still at the office. I've been invited to dinner tonight by a company we're doing business with, so killing time till then. Lovely restaurant we're going to - been there once before, so looking forward to it. Just not so lekker to drive home relateively late at night - I'm going to try and be out of there by 9.30 at the latest.

                      Congratulations Molls & Mr. Molls (aka Joe) - 35 years :goodjob: Although mum did leave my father after 49 :H
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                        rant alert


                        Washing machine on. Washing machine extra violent on it's mode. Had to hold said fucking washing machine so it wouldn;t come further out it's hole and damage one of the drawer/cupbaord panels. Me holding onto washing machine as the violence of the fucker goes and pops out a faux drawer that lands on my foot LEAVING ME WITH A BLOODY CUT AND BRUISED FOOT WITH A HUMP ON IT.

                        I GOTTA RUN TOMORROW MORNING

                        I GOTTA RACE FRIDAY

                        FUCKING WASHING MACHINE. :stomper: :stomper: :stomper:

                        Rant over. Normal service resumed.


                          Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                          Though stomping my foot aint helping things... :H


                            Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                            something extremely depressing about being told if i want to visit my family next year i will be expected to pay rent because (and i quote) 'i doubt your brother will bother'.

                            so, i will be moving out, paying my own way and have to pay rent, essentially because my brother who lives at home full time won't pay his own way? thanks mum. really.
                            I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                            To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                              Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                              Great to see you back Reccy!!! You're sounding really good you know?! I'm glad you had a good holliers... would have loved to see you in the field with the bulls... hehehe :l

                              Jacks... sorry to hear about Pa in Law... how is he doing now? And well done that woman on talking to the students... you didn't even sound phased by it. :goodjob:

                              Congrats on 35 years Mollers and Joe! Another :goodjob:

                              Sorry work has been so tough lately Sweety... I can totally imagine it's really hard when people pass... :l

                              Arsey... nail a 2x2 to the floor in front of it against the legs... that will sort the fecker out. (Queen of rigs, me I am!) :H

                     Took me Mam and Auntie over to the island wot is attached to ours today... driving on these wee single track roads is quite exciting but gets wearisome after loads of it. I took them for a nice lunch and loads of scenic driving, and me Aunt and meself went for a long walk on a gorgeous beach (Mam stayed at the car in the sun). Got stuck behind a bus from Edinburgh on the way back... me temple must have been throbbing by the time I got a straight stretch to get round the fecker. Why he didn't pull over and let us and the convoy behind me pass I do not know... ignorant arsehole.

                              I'm enjoying the stick shift... my car at home is an automatic SUV and the hire car (which is now known as the "perfect all terrain vehicle" :H ) is a tiny wee manual so it's kinda fun on them roads. For me mind. Not for me passengers. *evil grin*

                              I'm sitting here contemplating whether to go visiting tonight. I probably will. I had a good night at my mate's last night. Her daughter is my godchild and it was great to see her too... )


                                Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                                InChains;1524247 wrote: something extremely depressing about being told if i want to visit my family next year i will be expected to pay rent because (and i quote) 'i doubt your brother will bother'.

                                so, i will be moving out, paying my own way and have to pay rent, essentially because my brother who lives at home full time won't pay his own way? thanks mum. really.
                                Eh? Och that doesn't sound right at all Inchy. ( I'm sorry that's the situation. :l Could it be that she didn't mean it the way it sounded... maybe it came over wrong?

