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Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

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    Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

    sweetpea29;1524346 wrote: Evenin ladies and any gents :hallo:

    Molls- meant to buy a feckin ticket for that lotto and forgot! Ah well...

    Hiya Zens- you sound to still be havin a noice time at home Does the island get many tourists? Sounds like an ideal place to retreat to.

    Dear Mr D'Arsey, thought ye didn't have a washin machine!! Does yer poor Mum know of this? Yer foot sounds sore- hope it don't impede yer runnin:l

    :hiya: Satz- how are ya?

    Back from a not so wee bite to eat and a not so wee moan with me pals!! Still have a heavy head but hopefully a night's sleep will help.
    :waving: Piddlepants
    Did you go to Tayto Park yet ?


      Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

      :wavin: Army.

      No chance to read back. Just home from dinner, which was really lekker.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

        sweetpea29;1524346 wrote:

        Dear Mr D'Arsey, thought ye didn't have a washin machine!! Does yer poor Mum know of this? Yer foot sounds sore- hope it don't impede yer runnin:l

        Back from a not so wee bite to eat and a not so wee moan with me pals!! Still have a heavy head but hopefully a night's sleep will help.

        Hope you get a great nights snoozle there peapants and the not so wee moan was satisfying! :l


          Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

          Awwww I know I'm not a regular any more but flipping heck -

          Thanks jacs for acknowledging me x
          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


            Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

            x-post Mr T :hallo:


              Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

              and questyroony! :hallo:


                Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                Quest for the key;1524354 wrote: Awwww I know I'm not a regular any more but flipping heck -

                Thanks jacs for acknowledging me x
                Ah here Quests- Iz been squizzin back v quickly and honestly didn't see ya:l

                Aint been about much myself. How are ya?


                  Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                  sweetpea29;1524358 wrote: Ah here Quests- Iz been squizzin back v quickly and honestly didn't see ya:l

                  Aint been about much myself. How are ya?
                  I'm ok thanks sweety - just worked to the bone :upset:

                  On the plus side me cat had babies 6 days ago so chuffed with that
                  Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                    Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                    Howdy arsey
                    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                      Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                      sweetpea29;1524358 wrote: Ah here Quests- Iz been squizzin back v quickly and honestly didn't see ya:l

                      Aint been about much myself. How are ya?
                      Same here Questerooney - missed yer :l


                        Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                        Quest for the key;1524359 wrote: I'm ok thanks sweety - just worked to the bone :upset:

                        On the plus side me cat had babies 6 days ago so chuffed with that
                        Are ye due any leave anytime soon?
                        Knowing Ive got time off coming up in July is all's keepin me kinda sane at mo!!

                        Are ye keepin the kittens?


                          Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                          satz123;1524350 wrote: :waving: Piddlepants
                          Did you go to Tayto Park yet ?
                          :H Feck me Iz missin posts all over the shop here!

                          Tayto park is gonna be next weekend, Sat. I think. Don't really care much for it tbh- more lookin forward to a catch-up wit all the gang I trained with and all their babies (who aint babies no more!)

                          How are ya doing Satz?


                            Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                            Yo - i missed that post too Peapants... so, how's the work front going folks? Like peapants asks questy, you got some time orf coming up? wots the longer term got in store for you? wotcha thinking?

                            and wots up Doc? (i just wanted to ask that :H)

                            achully... i seem to ask too many questions... do you think i do?


                              Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                              Cor blimey I'm like the invisible woman lol

                              Not posted for a bit - no privacy at work and homes mental with the fur babies

                              Missed yer all xxx
                              Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                                Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                                RunningCourage;1524352 wrote: :busted:

                                Hope you get a great nights snoozle there peapants and the not so wee moan was satisfying! :l
                                :H:H Wot you like eh?! Durty begger!

                                Yeah the moan was satisfying and had a good wee giggle too so life don't seem so bleak n depressing now. Ate far too much though n payin for it now!!

                                How is your foot in all seriousness?

