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Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

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    Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

    satz123;1524397 wrote: And wot about yer foot D'Arsey ????:H:H
    Still attached to me ear. Why? :H


      Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

      Guys.... some night when me brain's not sooo frazzled will yiz teach me how to multi-quote? Would make it so much easier to reply! I stress some night when maybe at least one of me cylinders is firing!

      D'Arsey- ye have me thinky- thinkin bout work....fear has a big part in holding me back anyways....that's all can muster for now! Do hope the foot aint too bad, but don't be goin runnin on it if it is sore. Ya hear?

      Quests- Second what D'Arsey says. Pop in here when ye get a mo to yerself, sometimes just even reading around I find such a great help. We do care bout ya here and would love to see more of ya:l

      Molls - just so happy for ya that ye both are so happy n content now... Ye are a great role-model methinks

      Satz- will ye be opening skiverville tomorrow? Might be about!!

      Gonna hafta head on to the leaba now folksies,

      just wanna say big thanks for being here:l:h

      Nighters xx


        Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

        Fuck - another thought!.... another thought came to me while i was on me walk at work (VERY bonnie walks i get to have at work... but that's for another day)... about Molls and Joe and how in the last couple of years (correct me if i'm at all wrong Molls or speaking out of turn) you're relationship has got stronger now the drink has gone - am i right... and i was thinking as i was walking how much the drink was maybe in some ways divisive... but now that it's (AL) gone, so have all the other things associated with heavy drinking - ways of acting, feeling, attitudes, focusses, ways of dealing with life generally etc - they've all changed, for the better. Or so it comes across when you speak about it.

        Justa thought...

        snoozlebum goes to snoozlebed now....


          Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

          sweetpea29;1524401 wrote: Guys.... some night when me brain's not sooo frazzled will yiz teach me how to multi-quote? Would make it so much easier to reply! I stress some night when maybe at least one of me cylinders is firing!

          D'Arsey- ye have me thinky- thinkin bout work....fear has a big part in holding me back anyways....that's all can muster for now! Do hope the foot aint too bad, but don't be goin runnin on it if it is sore. Ya hear?

          Quests- Second what D'Arsey says. Pop in here when ye get a mo to yerself, sometimes just even reading around I find such a great help. We do care bout ya here and would love to see more of ya:l

          Molls - just so happy for ya that ye both are so happy n content now... Ye are a great role-model methinks

          Satz- will ye be opening skiverville tomorrow? Might be about!!

          Gonna hafta head on to the leaba now folksies,

          just wanna say big thanks for being here:l:h

          Nighters xx
          Isn't she just loverly gal???:l
          Night night Piddlepants -
          I will open Skiverville and want to see Questy there too !!!!


            Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

            I went for a shower and an "early night"... aka I'm holed up in my childhood bedroom with my 'puter... ) Ahhhh.... peace.... luvverly.

            Questy... it sounds like you really do need a bit of a break luvvie. I know I'm a fine one to talk right now as I'm not working but I have worked extremely intensively in the past and I know what burn out feels like, and I'm hearing that in your posts tonight. Would it be possible to take even a long weekend and spend it on "you" time? Maybe go visit a friend for the weekend or something... just to get a break...


              Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

              RunningCourage;1524404 wrote: Fuck - another thought!.... another thought came to me while i was on me walk at work (VERY bonnie walks i get to have at work... but that's for another day)... about Molls and Joe and how in the last couple of years (correct me if i'm at all wrong Molls or speaking out of turn) you're relationship has got stronger now the drink has gone - am i right... and i was thinking as i was walking how much the drink was maybe in some ways divisive... but now that it's (AL) gone, so have all the other things associated with heavy drinking - ways of acting, feeling, attitudes, focusses, ways of dealing with life generally etc - they've all changed, for the better. Or so it comes across when you speak about it.

              Justa thought...

              snoozlebum goes to snoozlebed now....
              Funny that ..... was just thinking that tonight as I drove Mr S home with a few pints on him. Grumpy as fuck ...... I would have retaliated or maybe initiated if I was drinking too ..... not always HUGE rows just disagreeable sniping ..... !! Ya'know?


                Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                Zenstyle;1524406 wrote: I went for a shower and an "early night"... aka I'm holed up in my childhood bedroom with my 'puter... ) Ahhhh.... peace.... luvverly.

                Questy... it sounds like you really do need a bit of a break luvvie. I know I'm a fine one to talk right now as I'm not working but I have worked extremely intensively in the past and I know what burn out feels like, and I'm hearing that in your posts tonight. Would it be possible to take even a long weekend and spend it on "you" time? Maybe go visit a friend for the weekend or something... just to get a break...
                Awww zenners- thanks for the thought but I can't leave the nest - and tbh I haven't got friends that close

                Anyway must away too - the Wirral is calling
                Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                  Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                  RunningCourage;1524404 wrote: Fuck - another thought!.... another thought came to me while i was on me walk at work (VERY bonnie walks i get to have at work... but that's for another day)... about Molls and Joe and how in the last couple of years (correct me if i'm at all wrong Molls or speaking out of turn) you're relationship has got stronger now the drink has gone - am i right... and i was thinking as i was walking how much the drink was maybe in some ways divisive... but now that it's (AL) gone, so have all the other things associated with heavy drinking - ways of acting, feeling, attitudes, focusses, ways of dealing with life generally etc - they've all changed, for the better. Or so it comes across when you speak about it.

                  Justa thought...

                  snoozlebum goes to snoozlebed now....
                  Ach well, see now, I see it a bit different from Gentleman d'Arsey! :h I'm a bogtrotter of course... please bear in mind! I reckon two folk drinking too much equals big feckin fights. Been there, done it and got rid of the t-shirts as they were too painful to lewk at. I might be wrong, and I know our Mollers and Joe are mannerly people... but so am I... and when I was in a relationship where both of us were actively drinking... well... decision making wasn't at it's best and fallouts ensued.


                    Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                    Have you ever felt like you needed a friend ?

                    I do x
                    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                      Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                      satz123;1524408 wrote: Funny that ..... was just thinking that tonight as I drove Mr S home with a few pints on him. Grumpy as fuck ...... I would have retaliated or maybe initiated if I was drinking too ..... not always HUGE rows just disagreeable sniping ..... !! Ya'know?
                      Vell vell! Oi vay! JUST the point I vas making! :new:


                        Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                        mollyka;1524413 wrote: Yes Arsey, you may be right, I've been resistant to 'owning' all the changes, because I do know Joe has changed for the better a million times, and by 'owning' all the 'good' changes, then I'm 'owning' all the bad shit in the past--- and it wasn't all my 'bad' --- I know it wasn't ----- but yeah, of course there is so much more than just no more drunken behaviour ---- EVERYTHING changes, as you say ---- it's huge really!
                        Nighters xxxx

                        Absolutely agree Zens, and d'ya'know what Questy, when I was in Aiseiri for a month - when I came home and the world had kept turning, I truly realised that I wasn't indispensable ---- and neither are you in your job, it does sound like a bit of burn-out, maybe a trip to the doc. and tell him how you're feeling, a week of me time on a doctor's cert. sounds like a genuine possibility without any deceit?
                        I went the docs a while ago - got ads - and told to get on with it !

                        Great huh ?
                        Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                          Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                          Quest for the key;1524409 wrote: Awww zenners- thanks for the thought but I can't leave the nest - and tbh I haven't got friends that close

                          Anyway must away too - the Wirral is calling
                          How about ab afternoon at a spa then? Just to chillax and only think about thyself?

                          Don't let the bedbugs bite... will see you on the morrow if you call in... XXX


                            Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                            Zenstyle;1524417 wrote: How about ab afternoon at a spa then? Just to chillax and only think about thyself?

                            Don't let the bedbugs bite... will see you on the morrow if you call in... XXX
                            Night zenners x
                            Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                              Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                              Quest for the key;1524412 wrote: Have you ever felt like you needed a friend ?

                              I do x
                              I'll be your fwend... :h


                                Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                                mollyka;1524420 wrote: Deffo 'know' ---- narky shite shite sort of stuff...... unpleasant..... yep, you're right!!

                                yep, I don't think that's much different to what Arsey said tho.... it's 'attitude' as well...... yeah?

                                I really do achully!!!! I've never had one of those 'best friends' that people talk about, I've had good friends, and fun friends, but never one of those ---- 'there for me no matter what' sort of friend ---- mind you, I feel there's a few on this thread that are like that....... wow ---- hadn't thought of it like that........:l
                                Me neither !!

                                It's funny cos I did used to have friends - then I got married !!

                                Sad really
                                Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.

