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Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

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    Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

    Uhmmm... so what do i do with the wood and the brick? Put the brick in the machine and put the wood outside, nailed down. OK.... will go try that....


      Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

      (nighters pandaman :hallo


        Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

        Had a divil of a job getting back on here.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

          Just a quick fly by - totally knackered and pissed off but apart from that ok.

          I have 4 brand new kitties to look after - 6 days old now - cuuuuuuute !!!

          Not read back - hope yiz are all ok
          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


            Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

            Hewwo there Questy,

            Mr JC back from horsepital. Pa in Law in good spirits, still don't know what it is but he could be home on the morrow.

            Got a right ear full from our Jenz for not telling her.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

              Just tracked Cheryl down in the hospital and talked to her. Me Ma's, like, how do yer DO that?! lol

              Anyway... they won't tell her what kind of break it is till the surgeon gets there... and it will either be pinned or replaced. I'm thinking the former as she wasn't in screaming pain. Fingers crossed, very firmly.

              I'm in "the chair". I'm starting to like the Notebook and may want to keep it. It really is very nice.


                Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                Howyiz -late check-in
                In workhouse all day and out for 'tea'

                Yummy fish:h


                  Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                  There yer are Missus Satz!

                  I had "yummy fish" for lunch... the only difference is I LOVE fish! You, on the other hand, do NOT appear to do so! :H

                  How's yer bum?


                    Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                    There you are Satz.:l
                    I must away to the kit hen. Blooming starving again.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                      Zenstyle;1524327 wrote: There yer are Missus Satz!

                      I had "yummy fish" for lunch... the only difference is I LOVE fish! You, on the other hand, do NOT appear to do so! :H

                      How's yer bum?
                      What yer on 'bout Zennerbum??
                      I LURVE fish
                      I'm a feckin pinguin am I not ?:H

                      And me bum's grand - thank you very much for arse-ing


                        Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                        satz123;1524334 wrote: What yer on 'bout Zennerbum??
                        I LURVE fish
                        I'm a feckin pinguin am I not ?:H

                        And me bum's grand - thank you very much for arse-ing
                        I must have got it wrong... thought you weren't too keen on fish. My attention span is not what it could be sometimes...

                        Glad yer bum's doing good though! :new:


                          Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                          mollyka;1524339 wrote: mmm fish --- have a love/hate relationship with it --- I like/love it cos it's healthy - but I only like it in batter -- mmmm
                          You would have loved today's lunch then! The batter was roilly good. It was haddock but I'm all about hake at the moment so I had the mussels.


                            Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                            I've bored yiz all with hip replacements and fish!!! :H:H:H

                            Orf to check out if there's owt on telly... I'll see yous on the morrow... sleep tight... XXX


                              Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                              Evenin ladies and any gents :hallo:

                              Molls- meant to buy a feckin ticket for that lotto and forgot! Ah well...

                              Hiya Zens- you sound to still be havin a noice time at home Does the island get many tourists? Sounds like an ideal place to retreat to.

                              Dear Mr D'Arsey, thought ye didn't have a washin machine!! Does yer poor Mum know of this? Yer foot sounds sore- hope it don't impede yer runnin:l

                              :hiya: Satz- how are ya?

                              Back from a not so wee bite to eat and a not so wee moan with me pals!! Still have a heavy head but hopefully a night's sleep will help.


                                Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                                So sorry about your friend Zenners - didn't read back but assume Cheryl needs hip replaced ?

                                Mollers you are such a party aminal :H bed at 9.30 :egad:

