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Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

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    Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

    Well - (trying to keep up) - I'm trying to get a week in July and 2 weeks in August - but I stress trying - and to be perfectly honest I've not had a week off since Xmas !!!

    We'll see I suppose !!!
    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


      Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

      I must say though with the stress and travelling - the guzzling (all be it less frequent) is still a problem !!

      Just saying .....
      Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


        Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

        Quest for the key;1524374 wrote: Well - (trying to keep up) - I'm trying to get a week in July and 2 weeks in August - but I stress trying - and to be perfectly honest I've not had a week off since Xmas !!!

        We'll see I suppose !!!
        Quests- ya need time off/ a break. Away from it all for a while. Each of us do methinks. Hope you can get it:l


          Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

          mollyka;1524375 wrote: ooooohhh - definitely not on the mark here tonight, thought it was MY trip to tayto park that was bein asked bout:H

          Sounds like you need a break alright --- how are you doing with the grog?
          X. Post - not great :-(
          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


            Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

            Molls - are you goin to tayto too?

            How are you btw? Any big plans for the 35 anni?


              Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

              arsey's late night thoughts about work...

              i fink we need to want to go to work in the morning (well, most mornings) - to go into the world and DO. The need to feel we are genuinely doing something positive. whether that is the prime minister, a policeman, a nurse, a postie, a binman, a quantity surveyor, an actor, a baker a teacher or whatever it is. Why get up for something that makes you feel shoite?

              now, of course, as time goes on what once might have been a good job, we may have outgrown and parallel to this we have added responsibilities such as mortgages, children, partner etc which makes way more difficult to just up and change...IF that is what we would like to do.

              and... if it is possible to change... even just to give it some serious consideration... then we should. it may take a few years to change.... but nothing will happen if nothing happens (i hate truisms.. prolly cos their true sometimes :H)...

              every day is never going to be sunny delight.... but we need to look inside ourselves to find what it is that gets our mojo working in the morning - after my or JC's cawfee - that will help pay the bills. Everyday oughta be a good day. Not just the weekends.

              Does that make sense? Or is that blindingly obvious?


                Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                sweetpea29;1524371 wrote: :H:H Wot you like eh?! Durty begger!

                Yeah the moan was satisfying and had a good wee giggle too so life don't seem so bleak n depressing now. Ate far too much though n payin for it now!!

                How is your foot in all seriousness?
                I put ice on it for 45mins, and its now got a bandage round it. Orf to me leaba shortly... hopefully it wont affect the morning run... fingers crossed...

                Quest for the key;1524374 wrote: Well - (trying to keep up) - I'm trying to get a week in July and 2 weeks in August - but I stress trying - and to be perfectly honest I've not had a week off since Xmas !!!

                We'll see I suppose !!!
                Bloody hell - YOU NEED A BREAK.

                Just saying...

                Quest for the key;1524376 wrote:
                I must say though with the stress and travelling - the guzzling (all be it less frequent) is still a problem !!

                Just saying .....
                AND if you had a wee bit more time for YOU... then a wee extra 5 mins each day to pop in and say hello to yer army brats, then MAYBE it might help to muzzle the guzzle?

                I think you're in the workaholic bunch of drinkers, that and a family of young uns and mini army of kittens ... and the drink definitely sounds like the reward ... suppose what i'm saying is that it might help popping in - it's an easy support in what is an otherwise very busy questyworld - and this might make it easier to temper the tipples. :l


                  Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                  mollyka;1524366 wrote: Is work still shite Questy? And achully --- same question to Benjy??
                  Arra Molls - got back in quite well to be honest. Good to get back to normality


                    Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                    Thanks molls and arsey - arsey yer nailed it on the head !!

                    My problem is I'm the main breadwinner -and as much as I would love to jack - and I would !! - I can't

                    Trapped - with my life running away like a train
                    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                      Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                      satz123;1524385 wrote: Arra Molls - got back in quite well to be honest. Good to get back to normality
                      First of all - hiya satzy

                      And yes - I do need a break arsey you are very wise for a man who's not wed and had no kids (bad English I know !!)

                      Reality is - I can't have a break - so I plod on
                      Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                        Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                        mollyka;1524389 wrote: Ah that's great! I find I need my bit of routine, love the freedom of hols etc. but usually secretly glad to get back in harness, it's also easier to keep my mind/brain in check...... don't even know I'm doing that most of the time.......until I'm not doing it
                        Frightening : but that makes sense to me :H
                        As does Mr D'Arsey's post further up !

                        Lotsa lotsa sense

                        Questy :l:l


                          Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                          mollyka;1524386 wrote: It makes LOADS of sense, and I find that the 'blindingly obvious' often needs to be said. I do know that if I was still working in the bank, I would be miserable --- BUT, I'd be earning a lot of money, would I put up with the misery for the money --- I'd probably have to.....
                          My Dad always said that security was the enemy of adventure, I think that is so true ---- Catch22 really
                          Yer dad's quote is brilliant - gotta mind that one!

                          Quest for the key;1524388 wrote:
                          Thanks molls and arsey - arsey yer nailed it on the head !!

                          My problem is I'm the main breadwinner -and as much as I would love to jack - and I would !! - I can't

                          Trapped - with my life running away like a train
                          Aha. That is difficult. But as I said - it all starts with a consideration. Nothing has to be as it is. And many of us - myself included - remain in status quo in part because we fear change... or we let some dang voice in the head over rule our true thoughts. Of course it's easy for me to write this in a post... but i still believe this.


                            Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                            RunningCourage;1524383 wrote: I put ice on it for 45mins, and its now got a bandage round it.
                            And wot about yer foot D'Arsey ????:H:H


                              Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                              mollyka;1524391 wrote: That's very hard, and if there's no way round it, I s'pose you're going to have to make it as pleasant as possible? I've found with new found confidence that I'm much happier cos I 'make' things happier in work, I'll tease a pompous colleague for instance about his/her pomposity --- I would NEVER have done that in the past, and most of the time we end up having a good laugh, made loads of friends that way recently......(well I THINK I've made loads of friends that way:H:H)

                              When Joe was the only earner in the house and we had 4 young kids, he was an awful grumpy bugger ---- I think he was grumpy anyway, but I think the pressure on him was immense as well, as the kids got older and I went back to work, all that lifted ---- does himself go out to work at all or is it just that you earn more than he does? Tell me to mind my own business if you want
                              He's been back in work for a couple of months - but if there's ever a childcare issue - I take them with me !!! Mega complicated !! You wouldn't think I was a senior in my role would you ? It's like all of a sudden his job takes precedence !! Well hello !

                              Sorry - just ranting xx
                              Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                                Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                                Fuck. Sorry guys. Think i've just gone and lost all me pink and grey matter.... used up July's quotient tonight :H

                                Roight, gotta head to leaba - questy, one day at a time - WITH EVERYTHING. Just believe things can be other than they are and they will begin to change. Patience.

                                (says me who is the most impulsive brat about)

                                Nighters all youse brats!


