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Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

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    Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

    Zenstyle;1524419 wrote: I'll be your fwend... :h
    Awhh thanks xx ill be yours too xx
    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


      Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

      mollyka;1524426 wrote: I know as long as I was drinking -- it was blamed for everything --- if I had a kidney infection -- it's the drink, if I had a headache --- it's the drink, if I had an ingrown toenail --- it's the drink -------
      Must really go to bed now --- hopefully see you tomorrow Questy ---- it's good to get a bit off your chest honey:l
      Nighters xxx
      Night xx
      Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


        Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

        mollyka;1524420 wrote: Deffo 'know' ---- narky shite shite sort of stuff...... unpleasant..... yep, you're right!!

        yep, I don't think that's much different to what Arsey said tho.... it's 'attitude' as well...... yeah?

        I really do achully!!!! I've never had one of those 'best friends' that people talk about, I've had good friends, and fun friends, but never one of those ---- 'there for me no matter what' sort of friend ---- mind you, I feel there's a few on this thread that are like that....... wow ---- hadn't thought of it like that........:l
        - except if yer annoy us :H:H:H
        Questy - we are always here - and next meet-up when you have yourself sorted :l YOU are coming over or we'll have to go to you :H


          Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

          mollyka;1524413 wrote:
          Absolutely agree Zens, and d'ya'know what Questy, when I was in Aiseiri for a month - when I came home and the world had kept turning, I truly realised that I wasn't indispensable ---- and neither are you in your job, it does sound like a bit of burn-out, maybe a trip to the doc. and tell him how you're feeling, a week of me time on a doctor's cert. sounds like a genuine possibility without any deceit?
          I think one thing we both learnt Mollers is that the world, unbelievably, does not revolve around our misery! When one's actively drinking one can be a miserable git indeed... and it's easy to ignore what other people are going through... easy to get caught up in oneself. Rehab showed me how bad it can get and that I should consider myself lucky and sbut the fuck up with my whining. And I'm not saying that to become complacent about "how bad" I had got... just to underline the fact that we can be really selfish when we're using.

          But the best part... and what I started out explaining before I went off on a tangent... is that it's GREAT to not take yourself seriously. I'm happier now being able to see my flaws and laugh... and I don't try hard to please people anymore.


            Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

            Alas :bedtime:
            On the morrow in Skiverville y'all


              Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

              I am SO on the bus behind! I'm talking to people that have gone to bed! :H I've been farting around getting the power supply for this notebook sorted. Nowt easy in that regard in this house...

              You know... I meant to say this the other day and forgot... it's been really cool for me checking in on the thread from over here. I've felt like two different people for a long time... American me and Scottish me... and it's so great that I feel 'zactly like moi with everyone on the thread no matter where about I am. :h


                Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                All right... If Questy has gone to bed then I'm pretty sure I'm defo talking to myself now! Fecks sakes!


                  Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                  Right.... tucking yer all in! On the morrow mateys... sleep well. ) XXX



                    Army Thread, Wednesday 26 June

                    Just on me way up - cats in so off to bed xx

                    Wired you being on the same time frame zenners !!

                    Oh god the dogs coughing ! I hope she ain't eaten a kitty !

                    Night xxx
                    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.

