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to the lovely people in chat last night

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    to the lovely people in chat last night

    I hope I didn't say any say insensitive to anyone I was chatting with last evening. I had just taken my nightly dose of xanax and was a little borderline sleepy. Mojo, Katiesmiles and CKD are all I can remember that were there.But note to self; no Xanax and chatting. Just feeling a little lonely last night husband was asleep and wanted a human connection.Daughter and I aren't speaking . You would not belive this story if I told You!!

    to the lovely people in chat last night

    Oh Mary - I wasn't there but I am sure you were fine! I understand the need for human connection. I am in this big house by myself all week with no one to talk to. I hope things get worked out with your daughter soon. Hang in there.


      to the lovely people in chat last night

      Simey I wasn't there when those folks were there- but gimme a break- you never say anything insensitive ever. Don't give it another thought.
      Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


        to the lovely people in chat last night

        Sb, son-in-law acting like an ass again? So sorry!!!


          to the lovely people in chat last night

          Hi Simey,
          I was one of the others you were in chat with and everything was cool.
          Just relax girl - that's what chat is for, I think.
          Hugs lori
          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


            to the lovely people in chat last night

            I think I am missin out on chat.
            Gabby :flower:


              to the lovely people in chat last night

              TOC, I think you've got it!!. He Told her that her relationship with me was unhealthly for her. Because I called him on something and told him Greg(my husband) would be speaking to him So He Removed all the phones from the house(told her not to call me) and left her with one cell phone which he monitors. I learned all this through my mom who she phones often. I am to the point that I no longer blame him she is an intelligent beautiful woman. She has 3 college degrees. Make's $70,000 a year. Not a lot but enough to support herself. She can go to the damn 7-11 buy a prepaid cell phone or call home collect. and I could have her moved out before the bastard even gets home. As I told my Mom she either fears him more than she loves her children. Or she loves him more than her children. Either way Not a good situation. Just gotta move on with my day and life. He used to say it was because I was a drunk he dosen't have that excuse anymore. I will survive; just miss my Grandson he dosen't understand.
              Enjoy your babies before they grow up

