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Army Thread Saturday 29th June

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    Army Thread Saturday 29th June


    Army Thread Saturday 29th June

    Morning RC and all to come not long awake and first coffee. Its dull outside and I think rain forecast for later. Have to the Post office and credit later as they close half day and finish my weekly shop. AA meeting but not sure which one i'll go to yet. Have a super Saturday still not quite awake lol.:cupajoe:


      Army Thread Saturday 29th June

      Oh thanks for the coffee Rc wheres me manners lol now i'll have one of those. Always wondered how they got some frothy images on top. Cool.


        Army Thread Saturday 29th June

        Goooooooood morning D'Arsey, Foxy, Molls and all to come

        Bliss - coffee in bed.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread Saturday 29th June

          Firefox;1525449 wrote: Oh thanks for the coffee Rc wheres me manners lol now i'll have one of those. Always wondered how they got some frothy images on top. Cool.
          Morning Foxy. Bit more awake now.

          Those images are made by the frothy milk interacting with the espresso. I;ve tried it but can't do it. It's to do with the weight and viscosity of both liquids, so that when you pour the milk - slowly - the weight of it (as i understand it, might be wrong) brings the espresso creme up through the milkand it's possible to manipulate it and creat pictures. I have friends who own an excellent coffee shop in Aberdeen and they are all very proficient at making latte art.

          Today is my folks 39th wedding anniversary. :goodjob: mater et pater


            Army Thread Saturday 29th June

            x-post :hallo: Molls and Tipps!


              Army Thread Saturday 29th June

              Morning RC and Firefox! The coffee looks ace. Away for the weekend tosee my brother and got an early morning (4am) visitor in my bed - 7 year old niece. I had been nervous about coming as my brother and sister-in-law were drinking partners but last night was fine. He had beer, she had wine and I was happy with diet ginger beer. Hope everyone has a happy day, I am going to a Harry Potter birthdsy party this afternoon, dressed as a witch, no costume required :H
              AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                Hi Molly and Tipps, you hadn't got here when I startres the post
                AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                  Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                  I did a similar major clear out last weekend Molly - only I attacked the lounge and living room.

                  If my old man had lived this year would have been my 39th anniversary last Feb, God knows where the time goes!

                  There is movement upstairs now -my nocturnal visitor has obviously woken her mum and dad, better go and find my broomstick if I am to be a witch today.
                  AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                    Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                    Morning Spidey. :hallo:

                    Uhm... procrastination is setting in. Gonna try and do half an hours work (not paid work, just my work)...


                      Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                      Good morning Runners, Foxyloxy, Mollymooo, Tipperoooo, Spidy, Runners

                      Lewks like a day of celebrations for a few of us.

                      It's Mr JC's birthday today.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                        :wavin: Spidey & JC

                        Happy birthday Sir P
                        Happy birthday to you
                        Hip, hip, hooray!
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                          mollyka;1525465 wrote: xpost!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SirPeepantsbogseat!!!!!!! give him big hugs and kisses from Ballyer!!!! Where you gonna bring him tonight??
                          Will do, me lovely. Just told him his new name and he literally LOLed.:H

                          I'm bringing him to his Ma and Pa's. Plans went up the spout after his Pa was proper poorly.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                            Lol Molls :H

                            Shall I wish you a happy new linen day instead?
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                              mollyka;1525469 wrote: Say Happy Burfday to me Tipps --- feelin lonely :-)
                              It's Ok Tipps, I'll do it, even if it's not her birthday for another month or so. Got to keep me landlady happy.

                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

