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Army Thread Saturday 29th June

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    Army Thread Saturday 29th June

    FFS there's the rugby gone on.
    You won't believe this but Mr S did something to the telly and now the volume button won't work - so at high volume all the time.

    Anyone know about that ? Loose cable or summit ?


      Army Thread Saturday 29th June

      tiptronic_ct;1525502 wrote: :wavin: ReccieBear

      D'Arsey's toes are already injured, and the rest of us are thick-skinned, so just pick up where you left off.
      :hallo: tips

      JackieClaire;1525507 wrote:
      Typical summer day here. Cloudy 15C. :H
      Same here Jackie. They say it'll be warmer and sunnier in the afternoon.


        Army Thread Saturday 29th June

        Afternoon army in a bar with wifi and delicious iced chocolate. Hard to keep track so like reccie not much to say. Off to cephalonia this afternoon and then fly home tomorrow. Have spent 2 very lazy weeks read loads of books and run a total of 4 miles!!
        Love to you all xx


          Army Thread Saturday 29th June

          satz123;1525509 wrote: FFS there's the rugby gone on.
          You won't believe this but Mr S did something to the telly and now the volume button won't work - so at high volume all the time.

          Anyone know about that ? Loose cable or summit ?
          Get over here. I've got a free gaff for about 2 hours. Sir Pee's next door to watch the Rugby. Yeee Hawwwwwwwwwwww.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Saturday 29th June

            satz123;1525509 wrote: FFS there's the rugby gone on.
            You won't believe this but Mr S did something to the telly and now the volume button won't work - so at high volume all the time.

            Anyone know about that ? Loose cable or summit ?
            Usually there's a volume control both on the tv and on the remote satzy, so if one doesn't work, the other one may? Or there may be an option to reset the tv to factory default settings.


              Army Thread Saturday 29th June

              anon;1525511 wrote: Afternoon army in a bar with wifi and delicious iced chocolate. Hard to keep track so like reccie not much to say. Off to cephalonia this afternoon and then fly home tomorrow. Have spent 2 very lazy weeks read loads of books and run a total of 4 miles!!
              Love to you all xx
              Hiya whizzy! :hallo: Enjoy the rest of your holiday.


                Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                satz123;1525508 wrote: Haven't washed - or moved - pissing rain !
                Now THERE is a short story Tips :H:H:H


                  Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                  mollyka;1525522 wrote: Didn't get towel rail or hoover bags -- Home Store for U to See is looming
                  Have the extension lead now, so can move Big Ben which doubles as Joe's alarm clock over HIS side of the bed now ---- yay!!!!
                  Food for me tomatoes and pots got and an appointment for the only colour blind electrician for the opticians tomorrow --- relaxation NOW!!!!!!
                  I read somewhere yonks ago that all males are sumewhat colour blind Molls - so maybe it's not that bad ? They cansee primary colours only ?

                  Hence the total confusion when we talk about different shades of a colour : Peach : sky blue : burnt orange : apple green :H


                    Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                    Happy Birthday to Sir Pee!

                    Tell him I'm glad he got lots of noice pressies (or point the laptop at him!)

                    And congratulations to Mr and Mrs d'Arsey on their anniversary!

                    Re eggs... love 'em. I got given some yesterday... from a friend of a friend wot has 40+ hens. That's a lot of eggs in a week. (She sells some of them at one of the butchers.)

                    The sun's trying to make an appearance here... wishing it every success.

                    I'm supposed to be going out with a mate for dinner tonight but I'm half expecting her to call it off. It's the one who's husband died and this weekend is the anni of his death AND their marriage, both... so I'll not be surprised if there's a meltdown. I was hoping getting her out would help so we'll see. And tomorrow, instead of cooking Sunday dinner, I'm going to a "carvery" with the family.

                    All hell broke loose between my cousin and her baby daddy yesterday. More fighting over the wee boy and the dad's visitation rights. My cousin's twin sister and her father are WAY too involved in it and the upshot of the whole thing is that four adults are behaving badly and ignoring what they're doing to the wee boy. Social workers have become involved as the dad took it to court to get visitation rights, and after yesterday's debacle he's now talking about taking him to a child psychologist and back to court to petition that my cousin's father can't be there when he picks up and drops off the wee fellow. They better be bloody careful or none of them will end up with him and he'll be sent to a foster home, because the social workers don't give a shite about their drama, they only care about the wellbeing of the child. It makes me sad seeing my cousins and their dad manipulate the wee fellow to try to turn him against his father (his dad is American and comes here to TRY and see his son when he gets leave from Afghanistan).

                    Anyhoo... off to do a bit of housework, then I need to go grocery shopping after... GACK!


                      Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                      satz123;1525524 wrote: I read somewhere yonks ago that all males are sumewhat colour blind Molls - so maybe it's not that bad ? They cansee primary colours only ?

                      Hence the total confusion when we talk about different shades of a colour : Peach : sky blue : burnt orange : apple green :H
                      Indeed. My Dad had a wee problem with blues and greens.

                      Oh forgot to say congrats on his offer though, Molls. Bet that's done him the world of good.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                        Oh, I didn't refresh the page from when I sat down at the laptop before... didn't see yiz there! Yooo Hooooo Reccy, Mollers, Jacks, Tipps, Whizzy, Satzy! :waving:


                          Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                          Thought I'd better do a wave to Our Whizzy, hurry home, hun.

                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                            hewwo there Zennifer.
                            When he return from watching rugby I will point the lappy at him.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                              :waving: anyone I missed.
                              Gonna get this saggy arse in gear - and at least wash myself.
                              Going off later to buy Mr S his anniversary pressie - a pair of shoes :H - romantic eh?
                              We is 36 years married on Monday - 'member the photo last year


                                Army Thread Saturday 29th June

                                I also remember that was my first real stab at going AF - after we were out to dinner - the next day was 3rd July 2012 - I had to wait 'till after that night ...........
                                A year on - tonight I will be driving and no need for alcohol:yay:
                                very proud of my strides there !

