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happy easter! ,1 more poem and bye for now :)

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    happy easter! ,1 more poem and bye for now :)

    hi ,
    wont be posting for a while going away for a bit ..... by the sea need space to think etc.
    imnot a religous person per say but easter is about ressurection etc.
    i iclude my last poem as i dont want to block up the board im aware this a acloholic site and imprtant issues are rasied . but you know id thought id send it anyway
    i m not driinking either!
    best wishes all .. hi popeye, betty boop , tom etc
    will post again when i get back

    (be not afriad,only
    belive mark 5:56

    your late again
    as, the tanks roll and pass me by
    in this "our" hour and urgency for change
    nothing here remains
    only burning books in alphabets in fire
    where are you?
    see how this war destroys and divides our nation of two
    our cat hides in the rubble somewhere
    who chose to run away before we could leave him behind
    your late again
    i wait for you in dangerous times
    you sitting on the bridge
    drawing down the moon
    where our hearts once whirled
    violence is growing here
    i fear
    you will never arrive (j07)

    happy easter! ,1 more poem and bye for now

    All the best Jay,

    Please come back soon and let us know how you are ....

    Enjoy your break by the sea, you won't forget us because you will see lots of popeye and bb things in the gift shops....

    Take care love,


      happy easter! ,1 more poem and bye for now

      Hi Jay.
      Have a peaceful and happy Easter my friend.
      You have a true talent;
      a soulful way with words.
      I'll see you when you come back.



        happy easter! ,1 more poem and bye for now

        Have a nice Easter Jay!
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          happy easter! ,1 more poem and bye for now

          Thank you,
          have a happy Easter and let the sea breeze through your hair.
          Egging you on xoxox Lori
          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


            happy easter! ,1 more poem and bye for now

            Dear Jay,
            You do not go alone....our hearts go with you.
            Take care and God speed.
            :h Nancy
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              happy easter! ,1 more poem and bye for now

              Dear Jay,
              You are a beautiful soul! Where are you, I mean literally -- overseas, in the military, where are you to be so lonely???
              Love & Peace to You ...
              that's it in a nutshell about Easter -- just time to reflect on the reality of the resurrection & the joy of that possibility in our own lives


                happy easter! ,1 more poem and bye for now

                Hope will never let you down. Happy Easter!
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

