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Feeling unloved!!!

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    Feeling unloved!!!

    Hey Everyone,

    This is day 10 for me bar 1 wee blip... If anything at the minute because my mind isnt scrambled i feel all alone and realise that i'm missing having more friends and dare i say it... a girlfriend.

    Was never fussed before cos i cud just get pissed but now i'm finding my life boring and empty.

    Anyone feel the same??

    Will x

    Feeling unloved!!!

    Hi Will...yep, I know the feeling, but sometimes we have to learn to be with ourselves for a while..especially if we've been drinking for any length of up the 'A' brings up some feelings like this once you quit drowning them with's part of the process. It might be a good time to remember what you used to get excited about doing (maybe minus the girl friend for a while or the friends) you have any hobbies? do you like to hike. Solitude can be a healing time for us if we're willing to sit with the initial discomfort...I love my solitude now and can't get enough of it.
    Of course, you can always come here...I think the MWO board is great for those feelings, I've got on many nights and just makes me feel less alone in all of this.
    ((hugs to you!))


      Feeling unloved!!!

      Mason, It's a little lonely sometimes; but it will all soon fall together. Have you tried to go to AF venues to meet girls?


        Feeling unloved!!!

        Hi Will,
        I'd like a girlfriend too, but my wife won't let me.

        Joking aside, there are plenty of places to go and things to do that don't revolve around drink. Get yourself out there and have some fun.

        Best wishes


          Feeling unloved!!!

          heya Will. i know just how you feel. i did not know what to do with myself. i spent hours here everyday. then gradually i spent less and less time here and more time doing other things. i even went so far as to rent all the seasons to a show i had never watched just to bide the time. whatever works in the beginning. crossword puzzles, solve the energy crisis, find a way to reuse brain waves. that should keep you busy for a while!
          love you!


            Feeling unloved!!!

            Good Sugestions guys,

            Where to start though.... if i go to some AF venues (i'm racking my brains) then i know im going to have to go by myself. All my old friends are drink, drink, drink pub, pub, pub. What steps have all you guys/gals made to get yourselves out of the bloody pub and put yourself in the middle of new surroundings and new faces, cos if i'm honest my mind draws a blank because i havent done anything else for years since turning 18. (I'm 22 now)



              Feeling unloved!!!

              I've found out that all of my old pub "friends" are just acquaintances. I spend way too much time alone. Hubby is a drinker, who tells me constantly how proud he is of me for not drinking (not counting the last week). He'll then make a comment like "I don't think I could do it". That comment alone going through my brain would send me right to rehab! Never, ever, would I let my brain tell me I can't do something!

              I got involved with a group of knitters - probably not going to work for you! Start with a hobby or something you enjoy. Lots of people try dating services without a lot of luck.

              There is life after pubs (isn't there???)


                Feeling unloved!!!

                Will, are you physically fit? Can you do something with your body? how about joining a gym or a bike club..


                  Feeling unloved!!!

                  gym slim! dude take some cooking classes. every woman needs a man that can make at least 4 good dishes! think of it as making yourself more desirable to the opposite sex. i cannot think of a finer way to improve yourself! also consider a pet. already have one? go to a place where pet people hang out. donate your time to a local shelter. hate pets? what about being a big brother? do they have that there? i bet they have something like it. dont like kids. get involved in some local gig. we have habitat for humanity here, you prob have something like that. what a nice place to meet people who are caring and freindly than at a house raising! ok someone elses turn im hungry.


                    Feeling unloved!!!

                    Great ideas mojo.
                    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                    James Gordon, M.D.


                      Feeling unloved!!!


                      Will, people always said Church is a good place to meet women. I've never gone, because I would feel like too much of a hypocrite, as I'm not religious. I've considerend it though. I wonder if they would catch on that I'm just there to look at the girls in their Sunday best. :ey:
                      where does this go?


                        Feeling unloved!!!

                        The driving range.... bashing buckets of balls one after the other.... work up a sweat and get to chat up the hottie at the next stall! Did you know that lots of hot women are taking up the sport, because it's a great way to meet men... and the clothes are wayyyy cute... and it's a whole new shopping experience... but I digress....

                        Then, when you can- walk onto a course- get hooked up with possibly 3 others for 4.5 hours of great conversation, scenery... just steer clear of the beverage cart!

                        Boring gets more tolerable as time passes...

                        "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


                          Feeling unloved!!!

                          Lots of good ideas here! It will come will come. And you are loved. Don't forget that.


                            Feeling unloved!!!

                            Thanks guys!!! Bloody good suggestions - I like the golf idea, btw morrison been meaning to catch up with u bud will be pm - ing u soon.... I'm slim but i wudnt sya ft and am actually looking to join a gym when i start my new job and can afford the outrageos member lol...

                            Thanks for your comments



                              Feeling unloved!!!

                              I f Bodies would have fix me I'd been fix along time ago. Learning to love my self now. What your stats? might like you LOL JUst kinding You'll be ok love your self 1st Tom

