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Army Thread MOnday 1st July

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    Army Thread MOnday 1st July

    Hiya folksies!

    I didnae read back so I hope all's well. Been bedlam today. ( British Airways screwed up right royally with my ticket (I paid for changing it but turns out they didn't issue it and it has been heinous hassle since the morning getting it sorted). And visitors in and out, one with a camera wanting to snap a pic even when I said "no" several times... FFS I hadn't even been in the shower or combed my hair! And here's me on hold with elevator music for most of the day while it all goes on around me, and trying to make feckin kippers for lunch in between the drop-ins. I finally took my computer, the phone and all I needed to my bedroom... where I am now holed up while me aunt has tea with me mam downstairs. Small island life. They have no idea the frustrations involved in 1-800 numbers, not being able to talk to someone and not being able to sort things out.

    Anyway, to add insult to my injury, BA charged me twice and I couldn't access my bank details online due to several long boring reasons and finally a nice man from Pakistan or somewhere fixed that... bless him.

    *takes deep breath* Better.

    Can anyone smell that? It's me... I stink of kippers! I need a frikken shower STAT!


      Army Thread MOnday 1st July

      satz123;1526776 wrote: :hiya:
      Effin' heartburn - had it after my holidays - :l
      I think rice is hard to digest ?
      Thank goodness I binned the wasabi sauce :H
      Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


        Army Thread MOnday 1st July

        Questy & Zenners
        Away home now I'm afraid - catch yiz all later about 7 ish

        Me fella is taking me for 'tea' to make up for the debacle on Saturday or maybe he is just hungry :H

        36 years today - July 1st - I've put up with him - Jazus !!! :egad:


          Army Thread MOnday 1st July

          Afternoon all, I had a day off today and lived it up, cleaning the bloody cooker!

          I'm now shattered having found loads of other jobs that weren't that obvious before, its dog walk time before heading off to the fat farm (aka Slimming World) for me weekly session of humiliation.

          Hope you sort the bank Molls, they're all a bunch of wankers IMVHO
          AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


            Army Thread MOnday 1st July

            :hallo: Army

            :goodjob: on 36 years, Satzuma!

            Arrived home to an empty house. That can mean only one thing: they're out spending money. Leftover beef short ribs for dinner. Braised them in Asian spices last night. In other news: Mum seems to be having a great time. She's even been to the movies twice.

            You're flying back tomorrow, Zennie? Would you have stayed on longer if you could?
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread MOnday 1st July

              Hiya Spidey

              Do you dress up for housework like those ladies who had a tv show about housecleaning. Kim and Aggie or summat?
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army Thread MOnday 1st July

                Dear Doc Satzenbrau,

                Happy Anniversary. 36yrs is no mean feat.

                Mr S better know he is a VERY lucky man.

                Enjoy your food and evening.

                Having reached the Yukon, I am now heading back. Tell the brats.

                Warmest regards

                Mr. F F D'Arsey. MA FR OG et al...


                  Army Thread MOnday 1st July


                    Army Thread MOnday 1st July

                    RunningCourage;1526829 wrote:

                    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !


                    There goes me auld ticker...


                      Army Thread MOnday 1st July

                      Happy Anniversary Satzuma and Mr Satz!!!

                      Young love is a beautiful thing! :h


                        Army Thread MOnday 1st July

                        Adjust your fecking screen resolution, Zennie
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Army Thread MOnday 1st July

                          Well, I've been in a thoroughly horrible mood today and I had to start dissecting the whys and wherefores. I reckon it's a perfect storm really. Me Mam has been sniffeling all day as she's upset at me going and, I have to be honest, that tugs and my heart and makes me very uneasy all in one. (Don't forget I had a fraught childhood... so it doesn't seem right that she does this angst thing every time I'm leaving when I actually left home at 16 due to not being able to live here because of her, her shennanigans, drinking, valium, groping husband!!! Gah!)

                          So... I'm angry. Effing, fuckin, bastard, fit-to-be-tied ANGRY. I guess I should come up with a plan of action before I blow a gasket.


                            Army Thread MOnday 1st July

                            tiptronic_ct;1526832 wrote: Adjust your fecking screen resolution, Zennie
                            I need to adjust my life resolution Tipps!

                            I'm on this notebook... everything looks small... it may look big for the rest of you though, no idea... Soz if that's the case!


                              Army Thread MOnday 1st July

                              Zenstyle;1526833 wrote: Well, I've been in a thoroughly horrible mood today and I had to start dissecting the whys and wherefores. I reckon it's a perfect storm really. Me Mam has been sniffeling all day as she's upset at me going and, I have to be honest, that tugs and my heart and makes me very uneasy all in one. (Don't forget I had a fraught childhood... so it doesn't seem right that she does this angst thing every time I'm leaving when I actually left home at 16 due to not being able to live here because of her, her shennanigans, drinking, valium, groping husband!!! Gah!)

                              So... I'm angry. Effing, fuckin, bastard, fit-to-be-tied ANGRY. I guess I should come up with a plan of action before I blow a gasket.
                              Ah here Zens - first of, one of these :l.

                              Right, tbh I don't know if i'm of any use. Suppose cos you live so far from her, it makes harder for her/easier for her to be upset (if that makes sense?) ... BUT what you have to focus on, is that, on the whole - as i have read it - it has been a good visit. And this she needs to understand also. Perhaps just say summat along the lines of, "look ma, can you no' snivvle, cos i know it's sad that i have to leave, but it has been a brilliant visit and next time i promise i wont leave it so long at all... but i want to/need to go home...and no amount of waterworks is gonna prevent that. (not even BA) "

                              You dont have to add the bit about BA.

                              Like i say... dunno if that is any help at all at all...


                                Army Thread MOnday 1st July

                                You're right Arsey... it's up to me to be the adult and I need to take charge and smooth it out... same as I always have done really.

                                I think it was the wee kid in me got out for a while today. I have some mixed emotions about what happened when I was growing up here and I've always held it against her for not protecting me. But I'm an adult now and I better pull those socks up.

