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Girls, what would you do

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    Girls, what would you do

    For out 15th anniversary My husband gave me a 8 carat canary diamond ring. It is very beautiful but it is stinkin' HUGE. I feel very obvious when i wear it. I almost feel like people are thinking oh what a show off or that thing can't be real. Here is the problem he asks me constantly why am I not wearing it. I tell him it seems a little big for everyday; he seems hurt. I am also afraid of damaging it in some way. Would you wear it or come up with some clever excuse.I really don't know what to tell him. He was so proud of himself when he gave it to me.
    Everyone should have such problems

    Girls, what would you do

    Why not give it to charity and tell hubby that you lost it?


      Girls, what would you do

      Give it to me.:H


        Girls, what would you do

        popeye, I would lov too! I am sure he has that sucker insured.


          Girls, what would you do

          Would you consider taking the stone & making a pendant necklace out of it instead.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Girls, what would you do

            Wear it - don't worry about what people think. If they think, God, she must think she's something, you should send them thought waves back that say "damn straight".

            Would your hubby go shopping with my hubby?? He has no imagination whatsoever! Be glad you've got a "gift giver". Personally, unless you really don't like it, I would wear it proudly.

            Or, sell it and buy yourself a small country or something!


              Girls, what would you do

              WW, You are so funny 1st time I wore it I had my hair colored my stylist had everygirl in the salon over for a look. Then I felt I had to tip more than the normal 20%. sea it would make a beautiful pendant, neck is not the best feature. Not a Melinda Dolittle; it just looks 45. The reason this came up is were going to dinner tonight and he said Why don't you ever wear the yellow ring I gave you. Barb, I will send him shopping with your husband this one gives to a fault and good taste usually. He wanted a splash because of year 15. Last year was a channnel band with14 diamonds. Little more conserative


                Girls, what would you do

                simey simey. what a jam you are in. this is one of those moments where you need to take one for the team. wear the ring, make him proud, and bite the bullet. then later on when the newness wears off turn it into a neckace or something. come on the mans pride is on the line here! and you cannot hurt a diamond, but you should have the ring checked every 6 mos to make sure the setting is stable. ( my moms a diamond freak so i know these things).


                  Girls, what would you do

                  Allie's Diamond Charity:
                  (I will PM you the address)
                  What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                    Girls, what would you do

                    I'll take it!

                    Hey, don't be afraid to let your light shine! It's between you and him...remember that..if somebody says something about it..just say, 'oh, this ole thing' and give em a wink.


                      Girls, what would you do

                      Wear the ring.


                        Girls, what would you do

                        Simey your husband obviously loves you very much!
                        My husband loves jewelry and gave me a trillionth cut 4 carat diamond ring about 15 years ago. He was so proud of it and couldn't wait to give it to me for Christmas. I loved that ring.
                        Well, over a year ago he got me another diamond for when I turned 40. It is just beautiful too and get comments all the time from strangers. Most people ask me if I'm afraid I'll lose it.
                        My comment is no because 2 Valentine's Day's ago the jeweler lost my trillionth cut diamond ring. I was getting it resized because it was too big and sometimes it would fall off my finger.
                        Can you believe the jeweler lost it? My husband was crushed and so was I. They replaced it but it isn't the same as the original.

                        Put your hubby in your shoes. If you got him something exciting like a new sportscar and he didn't want to drive it because it was too flashy wouldn't you be hurt that he didn't drive it?

                        Men are very sensitive and they really want to please us. Who cares what other people think!
                        Whenever somebody makes a big deal out of my rings I just say that my husband must really love me. I never find that people are snobby to me when they look. Most people ask me if my husband has a brother. lol

                        Just enjoy your ring and give your husband a lot of hugs and reminders of how much you appreciate him.


                          Girls, what would you do

                          Oh my goodness I sound Like Dr. Laura!
                          Well, I did read her book "Proper Care And Feeding Of Husbands."
                          Dr. Laura would say you should wear the ring too!


                            Girls, what would you do

                            Let me tell you something wear that damn ring and be proud of it and the man that loved you so much he wanted to give it to you. You don't owe anyone, anything...other than your hubby and you owe him the chance to see the woman he loves wear a gift that he bought out of love and pride for his wife. I agree with dilayne....this ol' thing...and btw....if that was for 15 years, I am anxious to see what you get for 20.


                              Girls, what would you do

                              I agree, wear it. Stroke the man's ego. You can always turn it to have the diamond face your palm if you do not want to flash it. Would not work in all situations but if a brief encounter, it might.

