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Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July

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    Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July

    Gooooooooooood morning, folksies

    Hope your trip back home goes without incident, Zennie.

    To everyone else: have a lekker Tuesday!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July

    second in - bet nobody expected that. morning all, wishing everyone a nice day and best of luck with the trip Zen - hope you're feeling better this am. off to work with me in an hour, then wifes for 2+ days (like a little holiday) so might not be about - good week to everybody if i'm not

    I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

    To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



      Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July

      Marning Tipperoo and Incharoo :waving:

      Orf for a shooer and some breakaroo.

      Zen - have a good journey back. Just reading back on last nights thread - so hope this morning either yer maw has calmed doon a bit... or, with this visit, you are able to gleam a perspective on her and her accusations and attitide. I liked how you said at least she couldn't come back and accuse you of being an alkie. That is one strong card you got :l Safe journey m'dear.


        Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July

        Good morning Tipperooo, Incheroooo, Runners,

        Can you bring me a cup of coffee while yer on, Runners, there's a love.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July


            Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July

            Good morning all, I fancy a coffee too.
            Got robbed in the airport on the way home from holiday on sunday so spent all of yesterday on the phone trying to sort out insurance etc. No iphone now so all my contavt numbers gone also! :upset:
            On arrival home found my daughter and children had moved back for 8 weeks.


              Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July

              Morning folks.
              Thats a real bummer Mrs A, did you have 'find my iphone app' installed?
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July

                Good morning all,

                MrsA- sorry to hear ye got robbed. Crap end to your holiday. Welcome home though- good to see ya

                Molly and Zen - just wanna give yis both a hug :l

                Hiya MrT, Inchy, D'Arsey, Jacks, KTAB and all -- hope yis have a good day

                Late shift for me. Neck and shoulders giving me jip big style- need to get back to physio ASAP -starting to look like Quasimodo.


                  Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July

                  Ta for the cawffee, morning KTabbers, morning Sweety.
                  Ahhh Mrs A, fecking nightmare. Have one of these to be going on with.:l

                  Talk later, OK ,as I'm whizzing out the door too, it's me volunteer day.

                  See ya in abit.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July

                    anon;1527106 wrote: Good morning all, I fancy a coffee too.
                    Got robbed in the airport on the way home from holiday on sunday so spent all of yesterday on the phone trying to sort out insurance etc. No iphone now so all my contavt numbers gone also!
                    On arrival home found my daughter and children had moved back for 8 weeks.Ah FFS - :l:l take these Ms A
                    I think the the daughter & kids is somehow worse - but that's me
                    Never get mother of the year :H
                    mollyka;1527109 wrote:
                    Oh dear:l You poor love --- on all counts!! My heart goes out to you, bit of a bummer all that at the end of a lovely holiday!
                    Bit rushing right now - didn't see last nights thread? Is Zennie in bother? Will read back when I get to work.

                    Had a massive row with Joe last night --- faaaar too many things on our plate at the moment - I could sense it coming to a head..... but we're ok, we talked it through this morning - and suffice to say - there's gonna be changes made round here!!!
                    Have a lovely day everyone --- will re-contact base laters
                    Oh dear :l:l - but nosey cow I am - keep us updated on the 'changes' Molls - ??
                    FOXY LOXEY - where are ye ????


                      Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July

                      anon;1527106 wrote: Good morning all, I fancy a coffee too.
                      Got robbed in the airport on the way home from holiday on sunday so spent all of yesterday on the phone trying to sort out insurance etc. No iphone now so all my contavt numbers gone also!
                      On arrival home found my daughter and children had moved back for 8 weeks.
                      FFS - fecking robbers robbing our whizzy - let me have 'em, me n satz gonna take 'em down :boxer::boxer: Man that really pisses me off. Hope you is ok? :l And why has the daughter and sprogs moved back for 8 weeks?

                      All the same - REALLY good to 'see' you back here again mrsa :l

                      mollyka;1527109 wrote:

                      Had a massive row with Joe last night --- faaaar too many things on our plate at the moment - I could sense it coming to a head..... but we're ok, we talked it through this morning - and suffice to say - there's gonna be changes made round here!!!
                      Have a lovely day everyone --- will re-contact base laters
                      Was it the steam blowing from a boiled kettle, the row? I'm sure yis will sort it out. Is it cos of all the young 'uns coming in and out of late? Reckon you'll whip that place of yours and the peeps in it into shape as per Mollystyle.


                        Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July

                        Coffee for Whizzy


                          Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July

                          Waves to the Army,

                          All is quiet here in south USA. Still dark, actually. 3 a.m. ish round here.

                          Zenners, so sorry to hear such a lovely holiday ended so badly. I am sure you mum simply doesn't know how to deal with her feelings about you going back home. Sadness comes out as anger? Call me when you recuperate. I'd love to hear more about the visit. It did sound like some good times were had despite. :l

                          Sometimes I wish I could blame some bad childhood memories on my drinking. I had a wonderful life, loving and kind parents, good brothers, lots of fun memories. Not sure where I came from.

                          Awful about the theft at the airport, A. Really sorry about the eight weeks. Empty nesters get kind of used to their freedom and quiet, don't we? I love having the grandchildren spend the night every other weekend and at the end of it am quite ready for mom and dad to take them back.

                          Some undies mentioned summer coming before too long. Makes me realize how quickly time goes. In the midst of summer here and already having to think about getting ready for winter.

                          Hope all are well in Army land.

                          Off to get my next cup of java.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July

                            :waving: Arsey
                            & Cindi
                            Same here Cindi. Not sure where the 'ol alko comes from. A lot of it in my extended family - covered up of course - like a lot of 'stuff'.
                            Was in my mother's last Sunday and still hearing 'stuff'
                            - babies 'out of wedlock' sent off for adoption back in the 50's never to be seen again.
                            Cousins finding out their aunt was actually their mother :egad:
                            Jesus - it's scary ...... at least most things are usually out in the open these days .


                              Army Thread Tuesday 2nd July

                              Oh and the best one
                              My maternal grandmother was a raving alko
                              That's a new one !!!

                              Not that I blame genes - that was their shit - this is mine

